I Contracted Myself

【978】The dragon has reverse scales


While Wuming was thinking, Alman Setti summoned a huge arm, which still held the trident and stabbed from a high place.

It is not meaningless to melt all the abilities into one.

This is like the whole strength in physical skills, which can mobilize the strength of the whole body, and a punch integrates the strength of the whole body.

Alman Setti obviously did not melt it to the home, otherwise Aries Palace would have no chance of surviving after being hit by his Wan Zhu Xing Luo. In other words, Alman Setti's current strength may be one-tenth of the Xiao Guiyi realm, or one-hundredth of the Xiao Guiyi realm.

The main reason is that Wuming has never seen a strong man in the Xiao Guiyi realm, so it is difficult to judge what level Alman Setti is now.

At this time, the trident attacked, and Wuming's thousands of thoughts and countless thoughts were instantly gathered into one thought.

In a single thought, Wuming avoided the attack of the trident.

‎​​‎‎‎‏​‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏He brushed past the trident, and then flew forward along the huge arm like a willow catkin. Alman Seti noticed Wuming approaching and immediately shouted: "Ten thousand curses..."

Before he finished speaking, Wuming kicked him on the chin. He groaned and blood spurted out of his mouth, with several teeth.

"It seems that your body has not been melted!" Wuming said lightly.

Alman Seti's eyes suddenly widened. How did Wuming know that he practiced the Small Return to One True Method?

"Ten thousand curses..."

He didn't have time to think about it. Realizing that Wuming was close, he opened his mouth immediately.

But before he could finish shouting the name of the ability, Wuming turned around and kicked him in the cheek again. Then Wuming didn't stop, but kicked him madly and continuously. Under the continuous tapping of his toes, Alman Seti's body was hit and sunken, and almost all his bones were kicked.

So weak.

Once he was approached, he was really weak.

Wuming realized that Alman Seti was afraid of being approached, so he actually didn't take Alman Seti seriously. To be honest, it was a bit rare for a level 279 strongman with such obvious weaknesses.

Pulling up the seedlings to grow fast, relying on external forces to cultivate to level 279, after all, there was a huge gap between him and the battle-hardened level 279 strongman.

Of course, Alman Seti was not weak. The fact that Aries couldn't even get close to him was enough to explain the problem. It was just that he had the bad luck to meet Wuming, who happened to be stronger than him.


The starry sky suddenly dissipated, and the three returned to the room.

Alman Seti fell heavily to the ground, trying to activate his ability but couldn't open his mouth. Wuming looked at him and found another interesting detail.

Before the Xiaoguiyi Zhenfa was completely smelted, it seemed that the ability and the practitioner were separated.

Alman Sett must use spells to activate his abilities, and he can't use his abilities in a moment. Although this disadvantage is only temporary, it is indeed fatal before it is completely smelted.

"So fast?" Aries, who was sitting not far behind Wuming, saw Alman Sett fall to the ground and said in disbelief.

He couldn't accept it.

Alman Sett almost killed him in one second, and Wuming killed Alman Sett in one second.

Doesn't this mean that the gap between him and Wuming is already huge?

Wuming thought, and the golden wire tied Alman Sett up in an instant. He looked at Aries at leisure and smiled: "It's not that I'm fast, but that you walk too slowly. Back then, I was just tied with you."


Aries had nothing to say.

‎​​‎‎‏‎‎‎‎‏‎‏‏But as a competitive Aries, he was really unwilling in his heart, and his desire for strength became even stronger.

Wuming lifted Alman Seti with telekinesis and said with a smile, "Okay, let's go back."

"Alas, this time we are so embarrassed." Aries sighed helplessly.

The two of them walked back with Alman Seti, walking down the stairs one floor at a time.

When they got down to the first floor, they couldn't help but look at the dark door dragon statue in the lake. From Alman Seti, they could see how terrible and powerful Dark Sky was in its heyday.

If it weren't for the remaining soul, Dark Sky would definitely be the most terrible existence that Wuming and his friends had encountered so far.

As Dark Sky's most important base, Wuming always felt that it wouldn't be that simple.

The two walked forward along the corridor, their eyes subconsciously staring at the statue. Suddenly, Alman Seti, who was lifted by telekinesis, opened his eyes suddenly, and looked at the dark door dragon statue in the lake with red eyes.

Wuming noticed Alman Seti's unusual movement at the first time, and his telekinesis instantly covered Alman Seti's whole body, forcing Alman Seti to close his eyes again.

But it was too late.

The eyes of the statue in the lake suddenly lit up red, and dense bloodshot spread from the eyes to the whole body.

It spread its wings and flew into the air, locking onto Wuming and Aries from above.

"I knew it wouldn't be so smooth." Aries complained.

Wuming shouted, "Run!"

The moment the eyes of the secret door dragon statue lit up red, he felt the sense of danger for the first time in a long time. It was like a knife on his neck, and a slight scratch would kill him.

He moved at a very fast speed, followed by Aries, and Alman Seti was deliberately put at the end by Wuming to cover the back.

The dragon statue of the secret door floating in the air watched them running wildly in the corridor, suddenly opened its mouth, and a dragon scale spit out from it, and the dragon scale immediately fell slowly towards the corridor.

Wuming's eyes immediately caught a glimpse of the flying dragon scale, his pupils contracted violently, and the hairs all over his body exploded. In his eyes, the dragon scale was like a nuclear bomb, and once it fell, everything would be destroyed.

"Quick, quick, quick, quick!"

Wuming simply threw Alman Seti to the ground, grabbed Aries's shoulder with one hand, and instantly turned into white light and disappeared rapidly.


The dragon scale fell to the ground.

It did not bounce again, but stuck to the ground and emitted black light, and then with it as the center, countless black lines began to spread.

Dong Dong Dong!

Once the lines formed a door frame, the ground immediately turned into a portal, and countless portals opened frantically in a moment.

The line continued to spread, and then fell on Alman Seti's body. Alman Seti roared in pain, and densely packed doors appeared on his body in an instant. Blood, internal organs, and messy meat, intestines, and brains all spurted out of the door frame.

That piece of dragon scale is actually the reverse scale of Dark Sky.

This is the strongest back-up left by Dark Door Dragon Dark Sky. Once someone wants to embezzle his treasure, he will turn the other party and the treasure into an endless secret door, leaving the other party dead without a burial place.

As a miraculous existence, the reverse scale of Dark Door Dragon is extremely terrifying, and Dark Sky, as a strong man in the Small Return to One Realm, has incredible power. Even a stronger existence than him can hardly resist the power of the reverse scale, not to mention that Wuming and the others are not as good as Dark Sky in his prime.

The black line is still spreading, and the speed is very fast.

Wuming returned to the room he first came in and quickly moved towards the direction of the rabbit hole.

In fact, this can no longer be called movement, it is more like a flash in space, but the speed of the black line is faster than his flash. When he entered the rabbit hole, the black line had already caught up.

In an instant, countless rabbits exploded and died, and then doors appeared on the surface of Wuming's clothes.


Wuming swung violently, and Aries flew to the portal in front.

"It only takes one second!"

Wuming turned around and raised one hand, and the Seven Dreams of Floating Life suddenly erupted, and messy matter gushed out, and rules turned into shackles to temporarily block the black line.

But it was less than one second.

The black line instantly broke through the Seven Dreams of Floating Life and spread to Wuming's right hand, and his entire arm immediately appeared densely packed with doors.

It's over!

Wuming saw the black line continue to spread, and his heart sank suddenly, but it was still too slow.

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