I Contracted Myself

【979】Surviving a near-death experience

However, at the critical moment, an arm suddenly stretched out from the other side of the portal, instantly grabbed Wuming's neck, and pulled Wuming towards the portal.

At this time, Wuming's arms, legs, and one-third of his abdomen were covered with black lines. Doors kept opening, and blood flowed out like a fountain, along with energy, soul, ability, etc.

In fact, at this moment, Wuming himself had no way to move or escape.

All his abilities were as fragile as paper in front of the dragon scales of the Dark Gate Dragon Antin.

And once one-third of the body is covered by black lines, the person is like paralyzed, and basically has no power to resist.

This is the true power of the Small Return to One Realm.

With that little practice of Alman Seti, he is not even worthy of carrying shoes in front of this power.

‏​​‎​‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Moreover, Wuming is now like being fixed in place, and the arm that grabbed his neck only pulls a little bit. If it continues like this, the other party will be in danger.

Wuming wanted the other party to let go, but then another arm stretched out, grabbed his hair and pulled it back, and then another arm stretched out, grabbed his ears and pulled it back.

There was even a dog's tail wrapped around his forehead, covering his eyes, and pulling hard.

With the efforts of several arms, his body approached the portal little by little at a very fast and very slow speed.

Suddenly, his body accelerated suddenly and was sucked into the portal. Countless black lines were also pulled into the portal, but more black lines continued to spread throughout the space, and finally entangled with the portal created by Alman Seti.

The portal created by Alman Seti can turn dead objects into spells. A large number of black lines are entangled with it, and the result is that the entire door quickly appears densely packed with spells. The spells increase too quickly, and from the surface it looks like the entire door has turned black.

At the other end of the door, Wuming fell to the ground, his body was like being sliced, except for his head, neck and chest, the rest of the body was cut open, and under the pull of the crowd, the black line cut his body into pieces, which looked extremely terrifying.


Wuming took a breath, looking at the sweaty crowd, and couldn't help but smile.

The sudden acceleration just now was too important. Fortunately, the portal itself has a huge suction force. Once you get close to a certain range, you will be sucked in by the portal.

It was that suction force that saved his life.

Of course, everyone's help is also very important.

"Too dangerous."

Aries wiped his sweat, looked at the miserable Wuming, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Others were also very tired. They all took the risk to save Wuming. After all, a leader like Wuming is most in line with the interests of scholars. If an ambitious person comes, who can still do research with peace of mind.

When Anweier and Ansachi heard that Wuming was in danger, they took action without hesitation.

"Master Wuming, are you okay?" Yang Kaitai asked worriedly when he saw Wuming was in a bit of a pity.

Just now, he and Da Huang were actually studying the portal in the rabbit hole. It was Wuming's shout of "Run" when he escaped that made him realize the danger, and he hurriedly returned to Dahuang City with Dahuang.

Wuming's shout of "Run" was indeed not only a reminder to Aries to run, but also a reminder to Dahuang and Yang Kaitai.

"I'm fine, I'm fine!"

Wuming sat up from the ground, and all the doors on his body closed immediately, and the injuries on the physical level disappeared quickly.

After returning to Dahuang City, he was invincible, and the small return to one realm was nothing.

He looked at his legs and hands, and there were still black lines connecting them. These black lines extended all the way to the portal. He had an idea in his mind, stretched out his hand to grab the black line, and began to pull hard as soon as the idea came to his mind.

At the other end, countless lines were pulled and moved, and one door after another collapsed.

Wuming was like a fisherman who was collecting fishing nets. He sat on the ground and slowly pulled the black line. Dahuang had rested enough and came forward curiously. Just when he wanted to touch the black line, Wuming knocked his head with his left hand.

"Don't touch it if you don't want to die." Wuming said unhappily.

He was fine because this was the Great Wasteland City. As long as there was no transcendent attack, he was invincible here. Although the power of these black lines was still acting on him, he defended all of them.

Dahuang didn't have this ability. Once he touched the black line, a door would open on his body in a minute.

A few minutes later, Wuming pulled hard, and a scale was pulled from the other end of the portal. Wuming quickly grabbed the scale with his hand.

This is the essence of An Tian's body when he was a dark door dragon, the collection of all miracles, the reverse scale!

With this scale, Wuming can even pretend to be a dark door dragon, because the power of the dark door dragon is all in this scale. Just refining it is equivalent to mastering the power of the dark door dragon.

The most important thing is that this scale is not an ordinary dark door dragon reverse scale, but An Tian's reverse scale.

Wuming got up from the ground and pulled the black line again. The entire portal was compressed into a black ball and fell into Wuming's hand. Yang Kaitai, An Wei'er, and Ansachi looked at him eagerly.

"Don't worry, I have figured out how to make this kind of door. I will give it to you to study when I make a more suitable door." Wuming said to the three.

The three of them smiled happily, and then they all fought for the right to study first.

Wuming smiled and said, "Okay, don't argue. I will make three doors directly. You can all study them at the same time. I have something else to do. I will contact you when the doors are made."

"Then you must hurry up, sir." Yang Kaitai said excitedly.

An Weier pushed Yang Kaitai and said unhappily, "Why don't you leave? Master Wuming said that he has something else to do."

"Go, go, sir, remember to hurry up!" Yang Kaitai said happily as he walked.

After the three left, Wuming told Aries: "I need to stay in seclusion for a while. Please take care of the affairs of the Council of All Heavens."

"Well, you should take good care of your injuries." Aries nodded.

Wuming rolled his eyes and said, "Which eye of yours saw that I was injured?"

"Yes, yes, you are not injured, I am injured, and I have to see a doctor." Aries said helplessly.

Aries gave Wuming a middle finger, then turned and left. He was indeed injured, but not by the reverse scale, but by Alman Seti. Not only did his body need treatment, but even his armor had to be repaired. This time he really lost a lot.

"Let's go back!" Wuming said to Lin Renmei and Da Huang.

The two and the dog returned to Wenxin Villa. Wuming told Lin Renmei what happened in the secret realm, and then began to retreat.

Although he just said that he was not injured, he was indeed injured.

Everything else is fine, the only trouble is the soul.

After the door of his body was opened, part of his soul was also torn off, so now the most important thing for him is to repair the damage to his soul, and at the same time... refine the reverse scale.

Once he completely controls this reverse scale, he will be equivalent to having a part of the power of the small return to one realm!

At that time, he will be truly invincible below level 279!

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