I Contracted Myself

【980】Hundred years

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four seasons rotate.

Cheng Xuejie's favorite season is summer, with the scorching sunshine and cool wind. She can lie lazily on the sofa and sleep all afternoon with the noisy chirping of cicadas.

After adulthood, time goes faster and faster.

In my memory, the 666th anniversary seems like yesterday, but when I look back carefully, I find that hundreds of years have passed since the 666th anniversary, and in the blink of an eye, we have arrived on the eve of the 999th anniversary.

It is said that all the worlds are already quarreling over the time of the next anniversary celebration.

Some people hope that the next anniversary will be 1111 years after the establishment of the Council of Heaven, but others think that 1000 years is also a good day.

Of course, the former will directly refute it. Is it too frequent to celebrate the 1000th anniversary just after the 999th anniversary?

If Cheng Xuejie was still young, she might participate in this kind of discussion, or even quarrel with others, and would never give up until she wins the argument, but she is already over a thousand years old.

Although her appearance has not changed and she is trying her best to maintain her inner youth, the years have quietly affected her. She has gradually looked away from many things and let go of many attachments.

Of course, in front of her friends, she is still the same person, and only when she is with her friends will she feel that she is still young, because her friends are still young.

Because she is usually a little free, she cooperates with Dahuang to open many stores.

She works as the manager of a stationery store on the street not far from Wenxin Courtyard. A little further away from this store is an enlightenment school. Lively children often come to her store to buy stationery and snacks. She also works with some Children become good friends, watch them grow up, watch them get married, watch some of them succeed, some be frustrated, and some fall.

I was happy for them, worried for them, sad for them, and finally let go gradually.

Cheng Xuejie looks at the children entering the store and always wonders...what will their future lives be like? Will they be grand and prosperous, or will they disappear into the crowd?

"Okay, two resource coins in total."

Cheng Xuejie said to the two cute pig-nosed children. After collecting the money, she packed the snacks and warned: "Don't eat too much sweet things, otherwise your teeth will not look good."

"We're not afraid, just a little bit!" The kid with a pig nose took the bag and immediately said with a naughty smile.

Cheng Xuejie watched the two people leave, smiled and sat down again. At this time, the door opened again, Maria's head poked in from the outside, and said: "Senior, I'm here!!!"

"Come here, you're not a child anymore." Cheng Xuejie said angrily.

Zhang Shouzhong, Lin Renmei, and Lucy Phil have been very busy recently and have not seen each other for several years. Instead, because Maria became a teacher at the Enlightenment School, they often meet.

Maria graduated in the year 788 of the New Calendar and stayed in the Wenxin Courtyard for a while. Later, she really had nothing to do, so she found a job and started working nine to five, enjoying it.

However, this guy had a loose temper and showed no authority in front of the students. Cheng Xuejie heard her students call him a stupid teacher more than once in private.

"Senior sister, do you know Master Wuming... when will he come out?" Maria approached Cheng Xuejie at this time, squirming and feeling very embarrassed. asked.

Cheng Xuejie frowned and said, "Why do you ask this?"

It has not been seen for hundreds of years since Wuming retreated to refine Nilin. Most people thought that he wandered somewhere, and only a few people knew the truth.

Cheng Xuejie lives in Wenxin Villa every day, so she naturally knows that Wuming has not left seclusion.

"Um...hey hey, in order to boost morale last week, I said some big words without thinking. Unexpectedly, all those little guys passed the test...hey hey hey..." Maria was very embarrassed. smiled.

Cheng Xuejie's forehead was suddenly covered with black lines, and she immediately realized what Maria was bragging about.

It's just that if they all pass, take them to see Wuming, or invite Wuming to school.

"No one knows when Wuming will be released from seclusion. I advise you to honestly apologize to the students." Cheng Xuejie said honestly.

Maria immediately fell to the ground and shouted miserably: "It's over, it's over, everyone will definitely call me a boastful teacher in the future, and I will lose all face."

"You don't think you have always had face, do you?" Cheng Xuejie couldn't help but complain.

From the fact that Maria's students called Maria "teacher stupid", we know that Maria has never had any face.

"Of course, the children all like me very much. When other teachers are in class, they all have no smiles on their faces. Only when I am in class do they dare to show their most sincere smiles. This is proof that they love and trust me!" Ma Leah immediately said seriously.

Cheng Xuejie looked at her bright eyes and couldn't bear to expose her sweet dream, so she could only nod her head and said: "Yeah, so that's it. It's true that it's unknown when Wuming will come out of seclusion, so you'd better give up."

"Ah ah ah, it's over, it's over, I shouldn't have been so hot that day." Maria immediately started rolling on the ground.

Cheng Xuejie looked at Maria and sighed helplessly. People's growth often begins when they leave the ivory tower. Maria has indeed grown a lot, but now looking at Maria rolling around on the floor, it seems that she has not grown at all. How many.

Grow, but not quite?

At this time, the door was pushed open again, and a sneaky figure slipped in. Cheng Xuejie squinted her eyes and felt that the figure was somewhat familiar, but there were too many black lines on the body, so it was difficult to identify.

"Master Wuming, when can you come out?" Maria was still crying on the ground.

The figure squatted beside Maria and watched Maria rolling around. After a moment, Maria noticed the gaze of the figure, and immediately coughed and stood up, pretending to be a teacher, and asked: "What are you looking at?"

"No, I just think it's amazing. Maria has grown so big." The figure said slyly.

Cheng Xuejie felt familiar when she heard the voice, and immediately reached out to grab the black lines on the other person's head and pulled it up, and then said in surprise: "Wuming, how did you become like this?"

"Master Wuming????" Maria said in shock.

Wuming smiled the same way as Maria and said, "Hey, there was an accident when refining the dragon scales, that's it."

He could only use the power of the Great Wilderness Special Zone to suppress the reverse scales, but he couldn't use this power to refine the reverse scales, otherwise once he left the Great Wilderness Special Zone, the reverse scales would still be out of control.

Therefore, he used the power of his own origin to refine the reverse scales, not the power of the Great Wilderness Special Zone.

But he didn't expect the reverse scales to be so difficult to refine. He had been refining for hundreds of years and it was still wild and untamed, but he really couldn't stay at home, so he came out to get some fresh air.

Since he didn't completely refine the power of the dragon scales, this power has been acting on the surroundings, so that he looks like a monster covered with black lines.

The worst thing is that he has refined part of the power of the dragon scales, and now he can't use the power of the Great Wilderness Special Zone to forcibly suppress this change, otherwise the refining will fail.

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