I Contracted Myself

【981】Little fun

After understanding the reason for Wuming's change, Cheng Xuejie told about the changes in Dahuang City over the years.

After Cheng Xuejie finished speaking, Maria took Wuming's hand and said proudly: "Master Wuming, look at me, have you changed at all?"

"I've grown taller, but I still have flat breasts!" Wuming took a look and gave the answer.

Maria was so angry that she stepped on Wuming's foot hard and said angrily: "I mean temperament, temperament!"

There are no ugly women in the cultivation world, and temperament is the key. She felt that she had been a teacher for so many years, and her temperament must have changed a lot now.

"Husky among wolves?" Wuming thought about it and gave an answer.

Maria was so angry that she vomited blood. She waited for Wuming viciously. Wuming blinked and smiled reluctantly: "Oh, I understand, Maria's temperament now..."

I can't say it.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‏‎Maria is still the same Maria!

"Temperament!!!" Maria said in a low voice with her whole face in front of Wuming.

Wuming looked at Cheng Xuejie and sent a signal for help. He really didn't know what big changes Maria had. He couldn't see it.

"Well, Maria has been a teacher in the school for almost a hundred years. Don't you think Maria is full of books now? She looks like... puff!" Cheng Xuejie wanted to help Wuming out, but she couldn't help laughing.

Maria was immediately angry and anxious and said, "Senior sister!!!"

"Good opportunity!"

Wuming saw that the hatred was successfully transferred, and immediately turned around and wanted to run, but was grabbed by Maria's arm.


In the afternoon, a class in the Enlightenment School.

Maria walked into the classroom with Wuming and smiled proudly: "Dear students, ding ding ding, look who I brought?"

"Wow, a savage!" A little boy sitting in the front row of the classroom saw Wuming with black lines all over his body and immediately exclaimed loudly.

There was also a little girl who asked: "Big Sister Maria, is this your boyfriend? As expected, Big Sister has too bad taste. I don't agree with this marriage."

"Quiet, everyone, watch!" Maria smiled and pushed away the black line covering Wuming's face.

A serious little boy sighed: "As expected, Maria, this idiot, did something illegal in order not to lose face."

"Call the police quickly, someone is pretending to be Mr. Wuming, and his taste is too bad." The blond boy at the table next to him shouted unacceptably. Then, the whole classroom was in chaos. Maria kept shouting for quiet, but it was completely useless.

"Mr. Wuming, please say a few words." Maria said helplessly.

Wuming looked at the children in the classroom and coughed a few times. Suddenly, everyone quieted down. When they reacted, they all looked at Wuming in disbelief.

They didn't believe that Wuming would appear at all, so they subconsciously thought that Wuming was a fake, and their attention was not on Wuming, but Wuming's cough just now had a strange power, which made them quiet down and focus their attention on Wuming.

"Could it be... this is really Mr. Wuming?"

"No way, I can actually meet my father's idol!"


The next moment, all the children in the classroom became excited, and even the brave ones ran to Wuming and wanted to stretch out their hands to try the feel.

What else could Wuming do, he had to squat down and shake hands with the other party.

But the handshake was like a switch, and then all the students rushed to Wuming, and Wuming was suddenly drowned in the little brats.



Wuming returned to Wenxin Bieyuan, sat on the swing, and muttered to himself: "I hate children, I hate children, I hate children, I hate children..."

"Mr. Wuming, you are out!!!" Da Huang came back from outside and was immediately happy to see Wuming.

Wuming nodded and said: "I am out, but it seems that I haven't come out yet. No... I regret coming out."

"What's wrong?" Da Huang asked curiously.

Wuming shook his head and said, "It's okay, just a little shock."


Da Huang nodded and went back to the house.

Then Cheng Xuejie also came back to close the shop. Seeing Wuming's face, she smiled and said, "Is school going well?"

"Ah, it's hard to say." Wuming sighed.

He came out to relax and find something interesting to play with, not to be played with by others.

It can only be said that one misstep will lead to eternal regret. Even if Maria begs him on her knees in the future, he will not go to school again.

"Haha, those little ghosts are just in the stage of being sensible, but not knowing much. They are indeed troublemakers." Cheng Xuejie couldn't help laughing after hearing Wuming's words.

She walked to the door and asked, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

"Double lamp milk tower, slippery dragon fish, Buddha jumping over the wall, sweet and sour meat slices of all beasts..." Wuming thought about it and reported a lot of dishes, all of which were dishes he had craved during his retreat.

Before retreating again, he had to eat everything he wanted to eat in one go.

"Okay, you're the boss today." Cheng Xuejie nodded after hearing a series of dish names.

Wuming smiled and said, "Thank you, I'll look forward to dinner."

After that, he took out the oracle stone and prepared to finish watching the TV series he had been watching before. Then he found that seclusion was not completely without benefits. At least "Miracle Meteor" had come to an end, and he could watch it all in one go.

"I didn't expect that Miracle Meteorites would be filmed for three seasons in one go. It seems that I won't be bored these days." Wuming clicked on the eighteenth episode and started to watch it.

Chasing a drama, if you can finish it in one go, it feels really good.

Wuming, apart from eating, lay on the recliner in the yard to watch the series. After watching three seasons in one go, he lay on the chair with a satisfied expression.

At this moment, he felt that he could become a Buddha and let go of all his obsessions.

"I didn't expect that Chen Xingyun would open a martial arts school in Dahuang City in the end, but there are so many martial arts schools in Dahuang City, who could be the prototype?" Wuming said to himself.

He curiously clicked on the search and entered the five words "Chen Xingyun's prototype". The next moment, dense posts came out, and some of them were particularly popular.

There is a post that lists almost all the martial arts schools in Dahuang City, and then pulls out each school owner for a review. Although it is not confirmed who is the prototype of Chen Xingyun in the end, the poster of this post has become popular and has now moved to the circle of Internet celebrities.

Wuming read the content of the post and always felt that there was something wrong.

He read other posts and then came to his senses and realized that the protagonist in "Miracle Meteor" opened a martial arts school, but in the real world, it may not be a martial arts school. It may also be a teacher or another profession.

It is just to protect the other party, so the ending of the other party opening a martial arts school was fictionalized.

"Forget it, just watch it for fun, why bother about the hen."

Wuming read a lot of posts, and finally lost interest in the discussion, so he left a sentence, closed the post and continued to look for good TV series.

After hundreds of years of seclusion, there are a lot of popular TV series, but he didn't watch them in the first place. Now he has to start catching up.

This is a small pleasure for him to relieve a hundred years of loneliness. Watching these TV series is like making up for a hundred years of time in an instant.

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