I Contracted Myself

【982】Zhang Jiufeng

Shenzang Space, Seventh System Area, a certain city's teleportation square.

A flash of light passed by, and a plain-looking man appeared in the center of the square. He opened his eyes and looked around, then squatted down to observe the ground.

"Brother, is this your first time here?" A cultivator couldn't help laughing when he saw his serious look.

The man nodded and said, "Well, it turns out that there is a world outside the world, and there are such magical places in countless worlds. It really opened my eyes."

"Hahaha, come to Shenzang Space, there will be places that will open your eyes in the future." The passerby laughed.

The man did not comment, he got up and walked towards the main road. On the way, many people invited him to join a certain force or a certain secret organization.

However, the man did not respond to those people, but went directly to the resource tower.

‏​​‎​‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎After coming out of the resource tower, he sold some of the unused resources, bought the oracle stone, and began to sit on the stone steps of a park, browsing various popular posts.

In just three hours, the man understood the concept of the universe and knew that countless worlds were under the rule of the Council of the Universe.

And the president of the Council of the Universe, Wuming, was the undisputed number one.

"Number one in the world."

The man looked at Wuming's photo, and his eyes gradually brightened.

In his original world, he had been the number one in the world for too long. Even if he wanted to challenge, he didn't know who to find. Most opponents could be killed in one punch, and those who were a little more troublesome only needed a few punches. There was no challenge at all.

Now, he finally found his goal again.

However, if he wanted to challenge the number one in the world, he, an unknown person, might not be qualified. So what he needed to do now was to build up his reputation!


Tianhua Martial Arts Hall.

The owner Qin Tianyin was playing the piano, and suddenly a disciple ran in and whispered: "Oh no, owner, someone came to challenge the hall, and he was broadcasting live with the oracle stone."

"Live broadcast? What's the room number?" Qin Tianyin frowned.

The disciple immediately opened his oracle stone and quickly found a live broadcast room with low popularity. After reporting the number, he quietly waited for Qin Tianyin's decision.

Qin Tianyin opened the live broadcast page of the oracle stone, entered the number and immediately a live broadcast room appeared. The title of the live broadcast room was: The world's number one starts with a challenge.

"The world's number one? So that's it, let's see how much weight you have, and how you want to be the world's number one." Qin Tianyin stood up and said.

Although he is not a fan of Wuming, he also agrees with Wuming's status as the world's number one. This guy who speaks arrogantly obviously needs help to sober up.

Martial arts hall, main hall.

Qin Tianyin walked out and saw the challenger. He said: "Tianhua Liu Qin Tianyin, I wonder if you are..."

"No school, Zhang Jiufeng!" The man said slowly.

Qin Tianyin smiled and said: "Since you want to challenge this martial arts hall, this martial arts hall will naturally not refuse, but please pay the challenge fee and the loss of work fee. In addition, you are broadcasting live, so you have to pay a video recording fee."


Zhang Jiufeng didn't expect that he had to pay a fee to challenge the hall in the Shenzang space.

He quickly checked the laws of the Council of All Heavens and found that it was true. After all, kicking the door for no reason was equivalent to provoking, which was illegal.

Qin Tianyin was willing to accept the challenge, and it was normal to charge.

After understanding the situation, Zhang Jiufeng paid the fee honestly, and then the two parties signed a waiver contract, and finally the two of them stepped onto the stage.

"Please teach me!" Qin Tianyin smiled.

Zhang Jiufeng looked at the referee, who was Qin Tianyin's eldest disciple. The disciple looked at Qin Tianyin, and Qin Tianyin nodded. He said, "The competition begins!"

Heavenly God Sound!

Qin Tianyin immediately used his family's unique skills, and every part of his body made a strange sound. When the enemy heard the sound, he would fall into an illusion and let him do whatever he wanted.

"You don't know how high the sky is." Qin Tianyin saw that Zhang Jiufeng did not move, and immediately raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

He kept making all kinds of strange movements, emitting all kinds of lascivious sounds, and approached Zhang Jiufeng step by step. When he was about to kill, Zhang Jiufeng opened his eyes and looked at him with a strange look.

"Could it be?"

Qin Tianyin's face changed slightly, and just as he was about to distance himself, Zhang Jiufeng slapped him.


With a loud bang, Qin Tianyin suddenly spun like a top.

Ten minutes later.

Zhang Jiufeng walked out of the martial arts hall with satisfaction, and smiled at the oracle stone: "Master Qin Tianyin's moves are quite interesting, and the sound is very nice."

Unfortunately, there were too few viewers, and no one interacted with him, so he had to challenge the second martial arts hall.

In the next week, he challenged martial arts halls one after another, and gradually made a little name in the live broadcast industry, mainly because he always won and did not lose to any hall owner.

Practitioners are more envious of the strong.

Once the fame is spread, it is easy to form a snowball trend. As long as you are not defeated for a day, the snowball will only roll bigger and bigger until the day of defeat.

"Dear audience, I am going to challenge the Wolf Hall next. Do you think I can win?" Zhang Jiufeng opened the live broadcast room and waited for more people to come, then said with a smile.

An audience member immediately commented: "The Wolf Hall is indeed one of the best martial arts halls in the Seventh System Area, but if it comes to the Great Wasteland City, I am afraid it will not even be ranked in the top 100. The big brother should have no problem at all."

Then a viewer named ‘Haomen Yingzheng’ sang the opposite tune: “I think the anchor is going to lose. The owner of the Wolf Hall, Lei Wudi, is very strong. Aries Palace once tied with him, which shows his strength.”

“Aries Palace is indeed very strong, but he doesn’t seem to be the secretary general anymore. Is it because Wuming hasn’t appeared for too long, and there is a power struggle in the upper echelons?” Someone started to distort the topic.

Zhang Jiufeng walked into the Wolf Hall while reading the audience’s comments. The Wolf Hall had noticed him when he was winning streaks, and even had disciples who were watching the live broadcast room, so they were not surprised by his arrival.

“Haha, you are my younger brother Zhang Jiufeng. I have heard of your name for a long time.” Lei Wudi walked out of the inner room and said with a smile.

Zhang Jiufeng smiled and said, "Since Master Lei knows me, he should understand what I am here for."

"Okay, okay, old rules, you can challenge me, but you have to pay. Our Wolf Hall is one of the best martial arts halls in the Seventh Region, with countless disciples. The glory of the Wolf Hall is their glory. We can't accept the challenge for no reason and make everyone lose face, right?" Lei Wudi said with a smile.

Zhang Jiufeng heard that the other party wanted to blackmail him.

He asked, "How much money does Master Lei think is appropriate?"

"Take a look, this is the result calculated by my secretary." Lei Wudi took out a contract and handed it to Zhang Jiufeng with a fake smile.

Zhang Jiufeng saw the various amounts listed on it, and the veins on his forehead bulged slightly. This Lei Wudi wanted to swallow all his income during this period.

He even wanted him to owe a large debt.

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