I Contracted Myself

【983】Trial Returns

The viewers in the live broadcast room were filled with indignation, and some even spoke directly, saying that as long as they win, they will pay for the fight.

Zhang Jiufeng squeezed the contract into a ball with slight force. He did not believe what the audience said. He snorted and turned around to leave. However, after leaving the wolf house, he narrowed his eyes slightly and punched the ground.

After Zhang Jiufeng became powerful, a disciple ran out and looked at the ground, and was immediately shocked.

"It's not good, Master, Zhang Jiufeng left a message in front of our hall." The disciple hurried back to the Wolf Hall. After a while, Lei Wudi came out of the hall and saw the words on the ground, with a murderous intent flashing in his eyes.


What a courage!

He immediately kicked the ground with his feet, trying to erase the words left by Zhang Jiufeng, but after several consecutive kicks, the two words ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎ still remained in place. As if mocking his incompetence.

"Zhang Jiufeng, you actually insulted me like this!!!"

Lei Wudi's face turned green and red, and a poisonous plan was brewing in his heart.

On the other side, Zhang Jiufeng returned to his temporary residence and said: "I'm sorry, it seems that I can't challenge today. I will study it further and fight again tomorrow!"

"Wait a minute, anchor, I'd like to ask you what system you practice. I just saw that Lei Wudi found many people to erase the two words you left, but they all seemed to have failed." asked a viewer named 'I love my nose'.

"How can you ask such a question casually? The anchor should ignore him."

"Yeah, just ignore him."

"Actually, I'm also curious about the anchor's practice system. It seems a little different from the general public's system."

"Isn't it martial arts? I see the anchor defeating his opponent with fists every time."

"It's definitely not martial arts, but I can't tell what it is."

For a while, the audience was talking a lot, and many people realized belatedly that some of Zhang Jiufeng's battle details were indeed different from their common systems.

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with telling you. According to the classification of Shenzang Space, the technique I practice should be regarded as an inner-seeking method. It's called "Praying Heart Flow-Shen Wo Gate-Free Mind Technique". All practitioners can obtain a name. The biggest characteristic of this power is that if you want to become stronger, you must bear shackles. The more shackles you have, the more uncomfortable you are. Only when your mind transcends shackles can you use this power perfectly and freely." Zhang Jiufeng saw that the audience was divided. Differentiation, so he said with a smile.

This technique is actually very abnormal.

After cultivating the power of the mind, if you want to become stronger, your strength will become weaker, and the power of the mind will become a shackle that hinders your practice. Only by breaking the shackles can you reach a new level.

Each power has a corresponding test. If you want to become faster, you will become slower. If you want to gain strength, your strength will be reduced. If you want to live longer, you will get sick. If you want to be smart, you will become stupid.

Only by continuous breakthroughs and continuous breakthroughs can we become stronger and stronger.

Zhang Jiufeng is not the only practitioner of "Praying Heart Flow-Shen Wo Sect-Free Mind Skill", but most of the practitioners are dead. Only he keeps climbing and keeps silent‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​ ‏‏‎‎Practice.

Even though he still has shackles on his body, his strength is far beyond that of ordinary practitioners.

If all the shackles on his body are broken, he is confident that he can defeat Wuming. This is why he decided to challenge Wuming. He will use a powerful opponent to break through the shackles in his heart!

The controller of the seven-series area is called Monkey Watcher. No one knows his real name. It is only known that he likes to watch shows and is very greedy. Every time he takes action, he will definitely gain something.

At this time, Lei Wudi brought Hou Zhou to see the monkey watcher.

As the controller of the seven-system area, Monkey Watcher is like a god in the seven-system area. Although the All-Heaven Council is now powerful, he does not dare to touch the All-Heaven Council's bad luck, but he can still secretly seek personal gain occasionally.

When Lei Wudi presented the generous gift, the monkey observer couldn't help but laugh and said: "What does Master Lei want to do? I must explain in advance that I will not do anything illegal. The inspectors of the Council of Heavens are watching. "

"Don't worry, sir. We are all good citizens. How can we do illegal and criminal things? It's just that I hope that you can give me a short-term blessing, such as a substantial increase in strength in the seven-system area." Lei Wudi said with a smile. .

Zhang Jiufeng openly insulted him and the Wolf House. If he didn't regain his face, the reputation of the Wolf House would be completely ruined in the future.

But he had studied the videos of Zhang Jiufeng playing in the gym before, and he was really unsure. Moreover, Zhang Jiufeng practiced the inner-seeking method, and there were almost no weaknesses that could be targeted. If he wanted to win Zhang Jiufeng surely, he would have to cheat. The monkey watcher naturally saw Lei Wudi's plan. He touched his mustache and couldn't help but reveal a philistine smile. At this time, the only person Lei Wudi could turn to was him. If he didn't give Lei Wudi a hard blow, he would Not the monkey watcher, but the monkey!

But just when he was about to speak, the sky outside the window turned golden.

The monkey watchers and Lei Wudi were both stunned and looked outside.

The Shenzang Trial is open again?

Both of them stood up, feeling a little hopeful but also a little scared.

Since the appearance of the Lost Door, the frequency of Shenzang Trials has dropped a lot, as if they are waiting for some practitioners to come out of the Lost Door, so the opening time has become random and unpredictable.

It used to be once a year, but now it's a mess, sometimes once every two years, sometimes once every two years, sometimes once every ten years, sometimes once every month.

No one knows the rules, so everyone can only try their best to prepare themselves, so as not to be at a loss when they are suddenly selected.

The next moment, the monkey watcher and Lei Wudi only felt a flash in front of their eyes, and then they appeared on the golden paved road, with hundreds of the same people beside them.

"Hahahahaha, I was finally chosen. Wuming could become famous in one battle back then, and I will also become famous this time!"

"Why did you choose me? I'm obviously not ready yet. Mom, woo woo woo, I'm so scared."

"I said I shouldn't come to Shenzang Space to shop today!!!"

For a while, the people around were in chaos, talking about their own things. Some people were complaining, some were happy, and some had already started checking their equipment.

Lei Wudi's eyes were locked on Zhang Jiufeng not far away, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes. Zhang Jiufeng was particularly sensitive. He immediately looked back when he noticed the malice. The two looked at each other, and Zhang Jiufeng narrowed his eyes, and then showed an ambiguous smile.

"Why are there still wild people sneaking in?" The monkey watcher looked at a guy covered with black hair at this time, and couldn't help muttering.

The mysterious man with black hair looked at the monkey watcher, and then looked at the others calmly. The monkey watcher immediately sneered in his heart. It seemed that the other party recognized his identity.


The monkey watcher thought to himself.

However, once you enter the Shenzang Trial, life and death will depend on luck. Whether you are an enemy or a friend depends on what the next test is.

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