I Contracted Myself


Bad luck.

Bad luck!

It was clear that he was enjoying watching the TV series, but suddenly he appeared in the space of Shenzang Trial. Wuming had a hundred thousand things in his heart that he wanted to vomit.

Fortunately, he has not completely refined An Tian's reverse scale, so he now has black lines on his body to hide his true face. Otherwise, if these practitioners find out that he is also in the Shenzang Trial, they will probably unite to fight against him in a minute.

It's good now. No one recognized him. As long as he's not too unlucky, it shouldn't be a big problem to pass the customs.

After all, he can be considered a veteran player of the Shenzo Trial.

For about a minute, a golden gate gradually formed in front. Just like the situation back then, the door only said the first level. As for what the test was, I'm afraid you won't know until you go in.

The trialists present, except Zhang Jiufeng who was a little confused, all knew the process of the Shenzang trial, so the crowd moved toward the gate.

Although Zhang Jiufeng knows a lot about the Shen Zang space, the time of the Shen Zang trial is uncertain. The last time it was opened was fifteen years ago. Therefore, the popularity of the post has long since disappeared. He has not seen the content about the Shen Zang trial. , now I can only extract some useful information for myself from the words of people around me.


There are rewards for clearing the level, but is it dangerous?

Zhang Jiufeng felt a little nervous and followed the crowd into the golden gate.

When he passed through the gate, he appeared in a forest for an instant, and at the same time a light curtain appeared in front of him, which read: "For the first level, please find Trialist No. 34 within a week and kill him to pass. After timeout, the target location will be displayed every hour. "

Then he saw the number 25 written on the back of his right hand.

"I need to kill Trialist No. 34, and the number 25 appears on the back of my hand, which means there is also a Trialist who is hunting me. It's interesting!" Zhang Jiufeng instantly understood the rules of the first level of the game, and his face couldn't help but Smile.

He quickly climbed up the tree, and in the process of climbing the tree, he was keenly aware that his strength was suppressed, leaving only one-tenth of his strength.

On the other side, Wuming appeared on the mountainside of a mountain. He sat on a big rock and looked towards the light curtain.

The light screen read: "For the first level, please find Trialist No. 24 within a week. Kill him to pass the level. If the timeout expires, the target location will be displayed every hour."

"What age are you still playing erasure? How disgusting are you?" Wuming couldn't help complaining after reading the rules. Then he looked at the back of his right hand. Under the cover of countless black lines, the number 33 was looming.

He then tried his various abilities, and soon found that his abilities were suppressed a bit too much, but he could still use them.

"This level should be played in a fair mode. Everyone's basic attributes are the same. Only in this way will my strength be suppressed." Wuming touched his chin and then looked into the distance.

Judging from the surrounding terrain, they were probably in a tropical rain forest. Every trialist was a hunter, and at the same time, every trialist was also a prey.

While looking for prey, you must also protect yourself from being hunted.

Not too difficult.

Although the basic attributes are the same, the skills each person masters are different.

With his skills, even if his attributes are doubled, he can easily kill most of the trialists present.

Wuming‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎With a thought, a flower of fantasy bloomed, and the hunting compass immediately pointed to the east. A black line on his body instantly penetrated the ground, and then a door appeared on the ground. , he stood up and walked into the door, and the door quickly closed in a blink of an eye.

Although he has not completely refined the reverse scale, he can already use some of the abilities of the Dark Gate Dragon.

The Secret Door Dragon has many abilities. It can open the door to secret realms, it can open doors in all things, it can open doors in living things, it can open doors in concepts...

Wuming feels that the ability of the Dark Gate Dragon is a bit like the Gate Fruit in "One Piece". Of course, the Dark Gate Dragon's power is much greater, and the effect is very exaggerated. It is a super enhanced version of the Gate Fruit.

At this time, Wuming was walking underground, but he was actually shrinking into an inch, covering thousands of meters with one step, approaching the prey he needed to hunt at extremely fast speeds.

In the woods in the distance, Jie Yiqi stood on the top of a tree, thinking about what to do next.

His prey is Trialist No. 12. The problem is that he doesn't know who the opponent is, and he doesn't know where it is. Now he can only wait for the location to be displayed in an hour.

When the opponent's position is revealed, he will sneak over and observe. If he is stronger than the opponent, then he will kill the opponent by force. If he is weaker than the opponent, then he will wait for the opponent to hunt his prey before taking action, and join forces with the opponent's prey to kill him. !

"I don't know, who is the tester who is hunting me?" Jie Aoqi glanced at the number 24 on the back of his hand, and then covered the number with his sleeve, feeling a little worried.

But there is nothing I can do no matter how worried I am, now I can only take it one step at a time.

Suddenly, a hand stretched out from behind Jie Aoqi. This hand grabbed Jie Aoqi's neck and pulled him back. Jie Aoqi instantly fell into a strange space, and dense black threads instantly restrained him.

Jie Aoqi shouted low, and his black hair turned into silver one after another. Each hair was like a chain saw, attacking the surrounding black lines at extremely fast speeds.

But the next second, countless black threads turned into sharp needles and pierced into acupuncture points all over his body, and a voice sounded: "If you don't want to die, be honest and let me do an experiment."

"Look at your left hand, is there a word? Tell me what it is. Don't lie, or you will be the one who dies."

Jie Laqi immediately looked at his left hand upon hearing the voice. Sure enough, there was a big golden word on it. He frowned slightly and said, "White word!"

The voice immediately asked faintly, "I smell a lie. Do you really want to die?"


Jie Laqi didn't want to die, but he didn't dare to believe the other party.

"‏​​‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎You have fallen into my hands. It's easy for me to kill you. Think it over carefully." The voice came again.

Jie Laqi was a little tormented. He didn't know whether he should trust the other party. This was related to his life and death. Even if he was calm, he couldn't help but hesitate.

He looked at the word on his left hand. It was a word "fa".

What would be the consequences if he told it out?

Will he die?

What if this was the other party's method of killing?

Although he was controlled, what if the opponent could only control him, but the killing power was not high? Once he told the opponent this word, it would become the opponent's real killer move?

"I will count to three. If you don't tell the truth, then die." The voice sounded again.




Jie Laqi's hair suddenly tightened and he shouted, "It's Fa, it's the word Fa!"

"Very good, you made the right choice!" Wuming stood behind Jie Laqi with a smile on his face.

He wrote the word Fa, flicked his finger lightly, and the word Fa instantly entered Jie Laqi's body, and the black lines on Jie Laqi's body scattered.

"It's you!" Jie Laqi immediately turned around and saw Wuming and said in disbelief.

He noticed Wuming, a wild man covered with black hair, on the Golden Road, but he didn't expect this wild man to be so strong.

However, Wuming ignored Jie Laqi and gently opened his hand. In an instant, Jie Laqi in front of him turned into a word and fell into his hand. The task screen in the corner of his eye immediately showed that the task was completed.

It turned out that you can take shortcuts!

Wuming couldn't help but smile and turned to leave the different space.

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