I Contracted Myself


Wuming had tried this trick in the Lost Gate before. Since the Lost Gate can be used, the Shenzang Trial can also be used.

Sure enough, Jie Laqi was directly regarded as dead after being turned into words, and Wuming easily passed the first level without killing anyone.

However, he cannot leave now, because he is not only a hunter, but also a prey. However, it may be difficult for the hunter to hunt him.

In the outside world, although there are fewer people paying attention to the Shenzang Trial, there are special recorders who will record the video of each Shenzang Trial, so that practitioners can watch it when they are free.

"No. 33 is too fast." One of the recorders looked at Wuming coming out of the different space and couldn't help saying.

The recorder next to him said calmly: "This is normal. Don't you think the flower that No. 33 created out of thin air just now is a little familiar?"

"Flower?" The recorder was stunned.

Then he went back to the scene where Wuming released the hunting compass, and then clicked on the flower of fantasy. In an instant, a sub-interface popped up, and dense pictures of Wuming's battle appeared immediately.

"Hiss!!!!" He immediately took a breath of cold air and said in disbelief: "No way, No. 33 is actually Lord Wuming!!!"

His partner laughed and said: "How can this be false? Lord Wuming's flower of fantasy, have you seen anyone else use it?"

"Really not, but why is Lord Wuming covered with black hair?" The recorder said with mixed feelings.

In fact, many people in the outside world noticed that the flower of fantasy looked familiar, and then they found out that it was Wuming's flower of fantasy, so someone posted on the Internet that Lord Wuming was selected by the Shenzang Trial again.

Compared to previous years, the popularity of the Shenzang Trial has been getting lower and lower. This time, because Wuming participated, it suddenly became lively again, and many practitioners chose to watch the live broadcast of the Shenzang Trial.

"Master Wuming, I love you... Hey, why is Master Wuming covered in black hair?"

"More hair weakens fire, I think I have found Master Wuming's weakness."

"Could it be a disguise? After all, Master Wuming is too famous. If he is recognized by other trialists, they will unite to deal with Master Wuming first."

"But this disguise is too rough."

"Master Wuming is still strong. He can deal with his opponent in an instant. It's neat and tidy."

"I didn't expect that the president of the Council of All Heavens is also a murderer, who attacked innocent people for no reason. That trialist is also a civilian under the rule of the Council of All Heavens. As the maker of order, he doesn't abide by the order he made but kills innocent people indiscriminately. Is this really good?"

"The one above is a child, right? This is how the Shenzang Trial works."

"Actually, what he said makes sense. Is this considered breaking the law, Mr. Wuming?"

"Are you questioning the rules set by the Transcendent Boss? You'd better keep your mouth and hands under control, otherwise no one will pity you when you die."

"Hahahaha, young people nowadays don't even know what the Shenzang Trial is? I wish I would meet such idiots when I enter the Shenzang Trial in the future."



"‎​​‎‎‎‏​‎‏‎‏‏You guys look at screen 26, the unlucky guy has appeared."

The audience watched the screen and sent bullet comments. Seeing the latest bullet comments floating by, many people "switch channels" to watch screen 26.

On the screen, a muscular man holding a one-handed axe is moving quickly in the direction of Wuming.

An hour has passed. After the first position display, the strong man knows the location of his prey. Now all he needs to do is find the other party in the shortest time and not give the prey a chance to move.

"Poor guy, he doesn't know what he's going to face yet."

"Hahahaha, hunting guild master, it's so interesting, do you think he can succeed?"

"You're talking nonsense, I guess he will be slapped to death by the guild master."

"Not really, not really, the basic physical attributes of the trialists in this level are exactly the same, that is to say, when not using extra abilities, everyone has the same strength, speed, and vitality, Wuming can't really kill this stupid big guy with one palm."

At this time, the strong man was very close to the target position just displayed.

He hid behind a tree, poked his head out and looked around furtively, then frowned slightly, muttering to himself: "Am I a step late?"

"Ahem, it's a bit late, fifteen minutes, if I wanted to leave, I would have run a long way." Wuming's voice came from behind the strong man.

The strong man's dark hair tightened, and the next moment he turned around and swung an axe, but it was empty.

"I advise you to give up." Wuming stood on a branch not far away and said to the strong man.

The strong man frowned and said, "Give up? Haha, there is no word "give up" in my Chen Tianjin's dictionary. Since I have been selected by the Shenzang Trial, I will either make a fortune or die here. Come on!"

"Really?" Wuming said in surprise.

Behind him, densely packed fantasy flowers bloomed. Although the power has decreased, the number has not decreased.

Chen Tianjin looked at the black-haired monster in front of him. The back suddenly turned golden, and then densely packed flowers bloomed. His eyes bulged out all of a sudden, and the axe in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

"Hey hehe... fake." Chen Tianjin scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly.

He wasn't actually afraid of those flowers, but he recognized them. Once he realized who the owner of the flowers was, he knew he had no chance of winning.

So what if the basic attributes were the same? Even if the basic attributes were doubled, he still couldn't beat them.

Wuming shot out a golden light and said, "Tell me what the words are on it."

"A golden word." Chen Tianjin answered honestly.

Wuming then shot out a second golden light, and then turned Chen Tianjin into words and put them away.

"The next target is to find the guy who hunted Chen Tianjin." Wuming thought for a while, then looked at the hunting compass, and then moved to the north.

He planned to reduce the number of opponents in this level as much as possible.

The fewer opponents, the easier the next level will be. Moreover, he collected these people and released them when he left the Shenzang Trial. It was also a great merit.

After all, the mortality rate of the Shenzang Trial was still quite high. If you can save one, you can save one.

On the other side, Zhang Jiufeng finally found his prey, Trialist No. 34.

Trialist No. 34 was hiding behind a rock, his eyes locked on a trialist in front of him, that trialist might be his prey.

Zhang Jiufeng did not rush to attack, but waited silently.

Since the opponent has found the target, he will wait for the target to consume the opponent first, and he can save a lot of energy when he attacks.

Even if he passes this level, there are still many levels to come. He is now saving as much energy as possible, so as not to be unable to do anything when encountering an accident.

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