I Contracted Myself

【986】Original Blood Monet

No. 34 is named Anderson. Although his name sounds like a Western human, he actually has an Eastern face. His surname is An and his given name is Anderson. He practices the inner strength of a certain high-level martial arts world and is good at the family-inherited An-style Tai Chi.

At this time, he was wearing a modern high-tech chameleon-like camouflage uniform and was lying behind a moss-covered stone, staring at a target not far away.

His target was No. 66.

After No. 66 exposed his position, he arrived nearby at the fastest speed and ambushed and observed.

No. 66 is a middle-aged subhuman who looks over 50 years old. The reason why he is a subhuman is that he has animal ears on his head and there are protruding spikes on his spine.

This person is called Zodar, and his profession is a fate weaver. He can shoot out threads of fate, weave fate again and again, and finally hunt the target.

His target is contestant No. 46 not far away.

The contestant No. 46 was a boy in red clothes, with an androgynous appearance. His hair was red, his eyes were red, and his lips were like flames, whether they were painted with lipstick or not.

Zodar hid behind a tree and shot a line of fate at the boy.

In an instant, he saw himself suddenly attacking the boy, and then the boy showed a happy smile and instantly broke his neck at an incredible angle.


The line of fate in Zodar's hand was instantly broken, and he withdrew from the future picture and couldn't help but take a breath.

Just now, No. 46 moved too fast. He was obviously the one who attacked by surprise, but he was killed in an instant.

"Come again!"

Zodar didn't believe it.

Now the enemy is in the open, and he is hiding in the dark. He can fail a thousand times or ten thousand times, but as long as the opponent fails once, he will be sure to take the opponent's life.

He shot out another line of fate. This time he didn't rush to attack, but made a feint to the east and attacked in the west, and shot at the moment the boy turned around.

The boy was not surprised by his attack. He easily avoided a binding line, then tilted his feet off the ground, turned his whole body in a strange posture, and instantly a hand was placed on his neck.


The line of fate in Zodar's hand broke again.

He twisted his neck and felt a phantom pain in his neck. Why did this boy like to twist other people's necks so much?

There are many creatures in the world who are not afraid of having their necks twisted. Doesn't the other party know?


At least he was still afraid. After all, everyone's physical foundation is the same at this level, and his vitality is not enough to support his neck from being twisted.

Next, he used the line of fate again and again, but the result was that he was killed by the boy again and again, and was killed from various angles.

The opponent was too strong.

He didn't even understand the boy's ability, and he was killed again and again.

"How is it possible? Doesn't he have any flaws?"

Zodal's face was a little distorted. Using the line of fate would constantly consume his mental power. After using it many times in a row, he was now a little tired.

"Good opportunity!"

Anderson had been observing Zodar's condition. When Zodar closed his eyes to rest, he suddenly jumped out of the stone and approached Zodar at a very fast speed.


When Zodar noticed Anderson, the distance between the two sides was less than three meters. He was immediately shocked and wanted to use words to stabilize Anderson first.

However, how could Anderson listen to his quibbling? He rushed into Zodar's arms in an instant, and then, with the blessing of internal strength, he attacked Zodar frantically. In an instant, Zodar's pupils contracted and his eye sockets expanded, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

Anderson avoided the blood spurted out of Zodar, and punched sideways again. Zodar's ribs were all broken, and the broken bones were inserted into his internal organs.

It's over.

After a lot of attack, Zodar fell to the ground like a broken sack. Anderson exhaled slightly and relaxed.

"Good opportunity!"

Zhang Jiufeng was hiding in the dark. Seeing Anderson relax, he wanted to attack immediately.

But before he could move, he saw a hint of red behind Anderson. He immediately restrained his breath and lurked.

At this time, Anderson also noticed a vague hint of red behind him from the reflection of the surrounding leaves. His expression suddenly tightened and he turned around and kicked.

The red boy jumped up instantly and landed on Anderson's feet. Anderson immediately twisted his body and turned on the spot in the way of Tai Chi's four ounces to move a thousand pounds. He kicked the red boy hard with his other foot.

"Interesting moves." The red boy jumped back easily, landed on a branch of a tree, and laughed.

But his opening gave people a very serious sense of disharmony, because his voice was old and hoarse, which was completely inconsistent with the boy's appearance.

"Senior, are you going to hunt... me?" Anderson asked solemnly.

The red boy smiled and said, "It's not you, but you are very interesting. I don't mind reducing one opponent in this stage first."

"Must we fight?" Anderson frowned.

The red boy's mouth corners gradually turned up, even to the roots of his ears, his eyes exuded a crazy look, and the next moment he did not return to Anderson's question, and the whole person rushed towards Anderson at a very fast speed.

"Humph, do you really think that I, Anderson, am made of mud!"

Anderson's eyes flashed with ferocity in an instant. He could ambush his opponent and kill him in one breath, and naturally he could also kill the old monster pretending to be young in front of him.

Everyone has the same basic attributes, and what matters is ability and moves. He doesn't believe that others can be much stronger than him.

Anderson feinted a punch at the red boy's face, but in fact the killer move was hidden in the other hand. Once the boy dodged, he would launch a continuous attack.

At this time, the red boy's hands instantly turned into red liquid, and then solidified into swords.

Not good!

Anderson reacted quickly and immediately used his inner strength to protect his heart. Under the push of the red liquid, the long sword instantly stabbed his heart, which was just blocked by the inner strength.

But the next second, a knife stabbed his head from below. He turned his head to the side, and his cheek was instantly cut, and blood kept flowing from his cheek.

"You are so weak!"

The red boy's voice suddenly became a girl's. After mocking, he suddenly changed his moves, turned around and kicked Anderson in the abdomen. Anderson spit out a mouthful of blood and the whole person immediately flew backwards.

Good opportunity!

Zhang Jiufeng saw Anderson flying backwards towards him, and immediately jumped out of the bunker. The traceless divine power quickly gathered in his fist, forming a sharp fist blade.

Not good!

Anderson's face changed drastically. Because he had to be wary of the red boy chasing him, he distributed his internal power throughout his body at the moment of flying backwards, especially the defense in front was even higher than the defense behind.

He didn't expect Zhang Jiufeng's variable.

Too fast.

There was no time to adjust the defense.

Anderson could only relax his body instantly, imagining himself as a light willow catkin, ready to use Tai Chi to reduce Zhang Jiufeng's damage to him as much as possible.

But he underestimated Zhang Jiufeng's attack.

The divine power contains a very strong will, which comes from the great enlightenment brought by Zhang Jiufeng's breaking through the shackles again and again.

One punch!

Anderson's heart exploded instantly, and at the same time his eyes opened suddenly, as if he saw Zhang Jiufeng's figure blending into the world, unattainable.

Losing to such an opponent...

Anderson was speechless at this moment. Even if the opponent didn't sneak attack, he was no match for him.

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