I Contracted Myself


Anderson fell, and the red boy gave chase.

Suddenly, Zhang Jiufeng and the red boy entered into a confrontation.

One of them stood on the ground, and the other cat squatted on the branch, staring at each other.

"He is my opponent!"

"He is my prey!"

The two narrowed their eyes, and the next moment the red boy took action excitedly.

The red boy's body can liquefy, and his attack angle is extremely tricky. His left hand may be attacking the heart, but his right hand is incredible at attacking the target Pi Yanzi.

Ordinary practitioners, if they are inexperienced in fighting, will easily be fooled by the red boy's imaginative attack.

But Zhang Jiufeng has also experienced hundreds of battles, and he uses his mental power to perfection. His attacks always have unexpected things. For example, it looks like a punch attack, but in fact it is really ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏ ‏‎‎The killing move is hidden in a wisp of fist wind. With the blessing of God's mind, the fist wind can also become the sickle of death.

The two exchanged thousands of moves in an instant, and they were basically improvised moves, all relying on their rich combat experience.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on the face of the red boy. Just as Zhang Jiufeng defended the red boy's unexpectedly split fist, the fist suddenly split into two halves again. One of the fingers instantly penetrated Zhang Jiufeng's elbow, which happened to be where the defense was relatively weak. at.

Zhang Jiufeng had rich fighting experience and immediately realized that he had been seen through by the other party.

Can't beat it.

Gotta retreat!

Because the basic attributes of both sides are the same, it will be very dangerous if the combat consciousness cannot keep up with the opponent.

Zhang Jiufeng knew from the beginning that the red boy was not weak. If he were not afraid that Anderson would be killed and his mission would fail, he would not take the risk to kill Anderson.

A difference of one move may be nothing in the eyes of other practitioners, but Zhang Jiufeng knows very well that this difference is a very long difference, even the distance between life and death.

He unexpectedly kicked the red boy, but his mental strength suddenly gathered behind him. The next moment, his invisible wings vibrated violently, and in an instant, he lost his footing and stepped on the air.

"See it through!"

The red boy smiled, and suddenly his arm turned into a sickle and cut off Zhang Jiufeng's leg.

He saw Zhang Jiufeng's intention and cut off Zhang Jiufeng's legs, because Zhang Jiufeng was thinking of escaping at the time and was focusing on his back, so his legs were actually just a feint attack.

At the cost of a leg, Zhang Jiufeng soared into the sky and fled the battlefield at extremely fast speeds. The red boy watched Zhang Jiufeng escape, smiled and threw Zhang Jiufeng's leg on the ground, and then quickly pursued him.

"He actually came after me."

Zhang Jiufeng saw the red boy chasing quickly from the corner of his eye and thought to himself.

Chasing others, or being chased by others, was an experience that Zhang Jiufeng had experienced a long time ago.

This red boy has extremely rich combat experience, and his weaknesses are not obvious. Unless he is of a higher level than him and directly overwhelms others with strength, it will be really difficult to deal with him.

Zhang Jiufeng thought for a while and decided to divert the trouble to the east, and when the time came, he would naturally clear the level.

He quickly looked around and suddenly noticed the sound of fighting in the distance, so he decisively changed his direction and flew towards the location where the fighting took place.

"Changed direction? Want to cause trouble to Shui Dongyin?"

Seeing Zhang Jiufeng in the sky suddenly change direction, the red boy guessed to himself.

But it doesn’t matter.

He will kill all the contestants. Whether Zhang Jiufeng escapes or is found and killed by him, it will be a matter of time.

At this time, some viewers in the Shenzang Space also discovered the chase. Many people began to wonder about the identity of the red boy, so they posted questions one after another.

Zhang Jiufeng is somewhat famous in Shenzang Space. After all, he had gained some fans by playing in the gym before. Now that Zhang Jiufeng had one of his legs cut off and was running away, you can imagine how many people were shocked.

With a large number of viewers spreading the word, more and more people gradually began to pay attention to this chase battle.

A person named ‘I will never die’ said: “That boy looks familiar.”

The audience member named Kabuqi retorted: "That's not a young man, his voice is like an old monster, probably an old Yinbi pretending to be young."

At this time, an audience member named "The Sun Never Sets" sighed: "I didn't expect...he is still alive. He is my master's master's master's master's generation. His name is Monet. At that time, The title seems to be Primordial Blood.”

A viewer with the online name "Purple Butterfly" asked curiously: "Dare you ask your master's master's master's master's master to live long?"

Kabuqi replied: "It's difficult to calculate, and it has already fallen. I don't know very well."

Some netizens were dissatisfied and asked: "Since he has died long ago, how do you recognize him?"

Kabuqi casually replied: "Because there is a video." Suddenly, many people were speechless.

Don’t think that ancient times must be lagging behind modern times. In fact, in many ancient times, technology was far more advanced than today.

"Now we have a good show. There is a hidden old monster, and the other is the president. I don't know who will give birth to him when they fight."

"No need to guess, it must be the president."

After a brief silence, the barrage became rich again.

Many people watched Zhang Jiufeng running around like a drama, causing trouble everywhere.

In the next few days, Zhang Jiufeng kept running. Fortunately, there were many trialists who could use them as shields, which really allowed him to avoid many Monet attacks.

However, as the number of trialists gradually decreases, the remaining ones are some cautious or special practitioners who want to divert trouble to the east‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎ The harder it gets.

"There are still a few hours to watch it end. I hope there will be surprises elsewhere."

Zhang Jiufeng landed on the top of a mountain peak, took a look at his broken leg, and thought to himself.

His broken leg is really not a big problem. Once he leaves this level, he can grow his leg back in minutes. However, he is still in the trial, so there is no need for him to waste his experience on repairing his leg.

After resting for three hours, a flash of red suddenly approached quickly. Zhang Jiufeng saw the red figure chasing him. He frowned and looked around, and then noticed a black figure moving on the right.

His eyes immediately brightened slightly, and he quickly flew towards the black figure.

Wuming followed the hunting compass and moved toward the mountain peak where Zhang Jiufeng was. Suddenly he saw Zhang Jiufeng flying quickly, and he thought with some surprise: "Is it because the target has not been found yet, and the 'hungry food' started in the last few minutes?"

After all, this level is a bit retro, and if you can't complete the task, you will be wiped out.

If someone has been unable to find their target, then in the last few minutes it is really possible to go crazy and kill in order to make the blind cat encounter a dead mouse.

But the next second Wuming realized that he had thought wrong, because the opponent flew over his head in an instant, and then a young man in red followed closely and attacked directly from mid-air.

So enthusiastic.

Wuming turned sideways slightly, and the boy's attack suddenly failed. He hit the ground with a loud bang and made a big hole in the ground.

At this time, the time has come.

In the blink of an eye, all the surviving trialists appeared on the Golden Road.

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