I Contracted Myself

【988】Killing horses

This time, he was teleported back directly.

Wuming stood on the golden road and blinked. He felt that the Shenzang Trial was a little less interesting. In the past, when the time was up, a golden gate appeared, and everyone was truly safe only after passing through the golden gate.

If there was that time, he could completely deal with the red-clothed boy and come out again.

Forget it.

The next step was the exciting moment of receiving the award.

Wuming followed the flow of people and came to a huge golden square the next moment.

This golden square was also a little different from the previous one. Not only was it bigger, but there was also a statue more than ten meters high in the middle. The statue had its hands open, and water kept flowing from its hands, falling into the pool under the statue.

"Next time, I will kill you."

While Wuming was admiring the statue, Monet came to Wuming's side and said with a smile.

Obviously, he almost got another head. In Monet's opinion, Wuming was lucky to survive.

Wuming glanced at Monet and advised: "If you have a problem with your throat, just say less. It's not easy to live until now, why rush to die?"

"I will cut you into pieces, and then slowly kill you." Monet narrowed his eyes and said with a sinister smile.

Wuming sighed. He hadn't encountered such a psychopath for a long time.

He asked curiously: "What did I do? Killed your mother or your wife? Is it necessary to be so hostile?"

"Humph, I hope you can always be as stubborn as you are now." Monet smiled murderously, then turned and walked towards Zhang Jiufeng.

At this time, rewards fell from the sky, and scratch cards quickly covered the ground. The surviving trialists picked and picked, looking for possible grand prizes.

Wuming raised his hand and caught a scratch card. He scratched the scratch card casually and smiled.

Special Prize: Evolution Badge

This time the reward turned out to be a magical prop.

Moreover, compared to those magical props outside whose specific effects are unknown, this time, the moment he got the magical props, he understood the true properties of the magical props.


Evolution Badge

Durability: 10/10

Magical Attribute: [Evolution] Passive: Wear the badge to activate and gain the power of evolution.

Note: The evolution of all things has countless branches. What will you choose?


Wuming took a badge into his body and instantly felt a very, very, very special power emerging from his body.

He looked at the black line on his body and bounced a ball of green light into the black line. The black line immediately showed various evolutionary branches.

However, he did not choose any branch. After all, the reverse scale had not been fully refined. Evolving these black lines now would be equivalent to aiding the enemy, which would increase the difficulty of his refining.

"Not a bad prop."

Wuming took back the green light, then closed his eyes and rested, waiting for the arrival of the second level trial.

The other trial participants also had their own gains. Those who got good things were smiling, while those who got ordinary things looked unhappy. For a moment, everyone's joys and sorrows were clearly divided and different.

About ten minutes later, a golden door slowly rose, and on the door frame was written: Second Level.

‎​​‎‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‏‏Wuming stood up and followed the crowd into the door.

In the dark room, Wuming suddenly stood up and found that all the black lines on his body had disappeared, and the style of his clothes had also changed greatly.

He looked out the window. The sky outside was dark, and the dark clouds were like a huge dark castle, as if they could come down at any time.

At this time, a light curtain appeared in front of him, and it was written on the light curtain: "Second level, your identity is a demon hunter. You have been commissioned to come to this town. Please find the ogre before all the residents are killed. Every time you kill an ogre, you can unlock one ten-thousandth of your own strength, and you can choose one of your own abilities to unlock."

Demon hunter, ogre...

Wuming immediately grabbed the sword on the bedside, put on his shoes and walked out of the room.

When he walked out of the room, the doors of several other rooms also opened, and several trial participants walked out. One of the young men saw Wuming and exclaimed: "President???"

"Wuming, why is he in the trial? Is he an ogre?" On the other side, a bald man immediately showed a vigilant look.

He looked at all the trialists and memorized everyone's appearance. He was sure that Wuming was definitely not among the trialists... unless...

Wuming smiled and said, "It seems that we are lucky. This is a cooperative level. We'd better cooperate well and strive to pass it together. Next, everyone introduce themselves."

When everyone was surprised, he took over the command and everyone was silent for a while.

The young man who first discovered Wuming broke the silence and said stiffly: "President, my name is Zhao Neng, and I practice Yingxue Divine Sword."

Wuming smiled and nodded, then looked at the others.

At this time, the only woman among the five people said, "President, my name is Liu Yuebai, a member of the Snake God Clan, good at using poison. If I can find medicine in this level, I can develop various poisons to help everyone kill the ogre better."

"My name is Tang Wentian, a disciple of Shenzou, good at long-distance raids." Seeing that two of the five people had already introduced themselves, the bald man also spoke.

Finally, Wuming looked at the excited red boy, who smiled and said, "Want to be the boss? Take my sword first!"

At this level, everyone's strength and ability are sealed, leaving only physical fitness.

Monet can only draw his sword to attack Wuming, but the moment he draws his sword, Wuming kicks the end of his hilt, and the sword immediately returns to the scabbard. Zhao Neng and Liu Yuebai both draw their swords and point them at Monet.

"Okay, okay, I lose. My name is Monet, and I'm good at... everything." Monet had to raise his hands to surrender, and said lightly.

Zhao Neng frowned and said, "President, this man looks like a disaster, why not kill him."

"Well, that's right. Now everyone has lost their abilities. If there is a black sheep in the team, it is far more terrifying than the enemy." Tang Wentian agreed.

Monet sneered in his heart. Wuming has always been a good guy outside. How could he kill innocent people at this time, especially since he has surrendered. Wuming is even less likely to take action. After all, he has no name, and there are countless spectators outside watching.

A gentleman can be deceived by his own way.

He is a nameless little character who can do whatever he wants, but Wuming, as a big man, can't be so free.

But he is very curious about how Wuming will reject these people.

"Then kill them."

Wuming suddenly spoke at this time, and then drew his sword and slashed at Monet. Monet was shocked and quickly retreated, but others also swung their swords to slash.


This plot is wrong.

Monet wanted to draw his sword to fight back, but Wuming's sword slashed again, and he could only continue to dodge. The problem is that others are also approaching, gradually blocking his evasive route.

"Wuming, hypocrite, I have surrendered, and you are treacherous if you kill me!" Monet used words to interfere with Wuming while looking for a chance to survive.

Wuming narrowed his eyes, and the sword he slashed was even faster!

This moral kidnapping really looks like a black sheep, and must be killed first.

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