I Contracted Myself


"Ahem, let's go out and explore the situation now."

After a moment, Wuming stood up first to break the silence, looked at the three of them and said.

It was a cloudy day outside, and it seemed like it would rain heavily at any time. The air seemed very oppressive, and even the wind was a little heavy.

The four people walked out of the house. Wuming looked up at the sky and frowned: "First find a high place to look at the terrain, and then go to the official to see if we can get more information. Since we are playing the role of hired hunters, Demon, then they must have found clues about the ogre, this is the information we need to know."

Considering that the ogre's strength was unknown, the four of them did not act separately.

They first went to the town bell tower and observed the topography of the entire town from a high place. This bell tower was not the kind of clock tower with a time clock, but a copper bell hanging. At the very top, a rope hangs down from a high place.

The bell tower is built in the center of the town square, and town government officials will ring it when they need to gather the town residents.

Looking at the town from the clock tower, there is a tattered city wall outside the town, and a few militiamen are taking a nap at the sentry post. Maybe because it is about to rain, there are very few pedestrians in the town, and the whole town seems to be asleep. Same, only the sound of wind is left quiet.

"Okay, let's go. Let's go to the town government building first." Wuming kept the layout of the town in mind and then said to the three of them.

Although the town was small, it was well-equipped. Through the different buildings, Wuming could easily guess which government building it was. When they arrived at the building, they were quickly met by the mayor. After some pleasantries and wrangling, the mayor called his right-hand assistant, Sheriff Mark, who took the four people to the victim's home. .

Through conversation, Wuming and others learned that the matter was actually not complicated. There was just a family in the town who had not been out for several days. The neighbors found it strange and came to visit, only to find that the house was full of blood, and the family disappeared out of thin air.

The neighbors were so frightened that they hurriedly called the police. Sheriff Mark led the police to investigate and believed that it was the work of an ogre, so he invited a witcher, hoping that the witcher could deal with the ogre lurking in the town.

Mark is a tall, calm and talkative middle-aged man. He is wearing a gray police uniform, with a Western sword and a bundle of ropes hanging around his waist. He walks very fast.

Arriving at the victim's house, Mark said to Wuming and others: "This is the family. The husband's name is Peter and his wife's name is Mary. They have two sons and a daughter, but they are all missing."

He took out the key and opened the door. He did not enter the house, but opened the door and motioned for Wuming and others to go forward.

Wuming held the hilt of the sword in one hand and slowly walked into the house. There were very few furniture in this house, and it could be seen that the family was not wealthy. There were obvious blood stains on the walls in several places. From these blood stains, the nameless person could quickly simulate the position of the victim and the attack.

"Ogres have the ability to disguise themselves as others?" Wuming looked around and made a judgment in his mind.

There was no sign that the door had been forcibly opened. Peter should have opened it himself. The ogre came in from outside the house‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎ After closing the door, the next moment he grabbed Peter with his claws On the back of his head, blood spattered on the wall on the left, and a lot of it fell on the ground.

Mary and the three children in the house were so frightened that they got up and tried to run to the back room, but the speed was too slow. Mary was grabbed by the neck first, and the ogre used the black tiger to rip out Mary's heart, stabbing her heart from behind, and blood dripped. Landed at the pass.

Wuming glanced at the bloodstains at the pass, and then continued to walk forward. Sure enough, there were several more bloodstains in front of him. The traces of these bloodstains were much smaller, and they were probably those three children.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, tightened his grip on the sword slightly, and said, "The ogre is not particularly strong. It will not be difficult for the four of us to besiege him together."

"Master Wuming, what have you discovered?" Zhao Neng asked curiously.

Wuming stopped at the door of the back room and said: "The ogre is about 1.9 meters tall. Theoretically, he is a male. He has the ability to disguise himself. He should be pretending to be someone familiar to Peter's family. Zhao Neng, go ask Mark. Peter's family Is there anyone like this among my acquaintances? There shouldn’t be many guys of this height and build in this small town.”

After a while, Zhao Neng came back and said excitedly: "Yes."

Then he told Wuming that Peter's wife Mary's brother Marcotte was about 1.9 meters tall and was currently serving as the personal guard of Jayne, a wealthy businessman in the town.

"That's right, Marcotte should be the ogre who killed Peter's family." Wuming said.

Tang Wentian asked: "Then shall we kill it now?"

"Don't alarm the snake yet. What if Marcotte has an accomplice? Or even...then the wealthy businessman Jayne is the leader of the ogres? The four of us went there rashly, isn't it just a gift?" Liu Yuebai said.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, we really have to consider this aspect."

"We can ask Sergeant Mark to go to Marcotte and say that the belongings left by Peter's family have been sorted out. He is the only relative of Peter's family and the inheritance should belong to him. Can we deceive him in this way?" Zhao Neng said.

Tang Wentian smiled and agreed: "This is a good idea."

"Let's talk to Chief Mark first." Wuming thought for a while and said noncommittally.

This matter has a certain degree of danger. If Mark is not sure, and the secret is exposed when he deceives Mark, not only will the snake be alerted, but Mark himself will also be exposed. will be in danger.

The four of them left Peter's house. Mark was standing outside the house not far away smoking. Wuming walked over to tell him his inference and proposed a trap plan.

"Are you sure that Markot is an ogre?" Mark said with a frown while holding his pipe.

Wuming asked, "Are there any problems?"

"Markot's employer, Master Jayne, is a slave trader. He leaves the town every month and personally transports slaves back. If Master Jayne is an ogre..." Mark said worriedly.

Wuming narrowed his eyes and said, "Captain Mark, what you mean is... the slaves sold by Master Jayne are likely to be ogres. Those customers who bought slaves may have already become ogres?"


Mark did not answer directly, but just smoked silently.

However, Wuming actually already had the answer in his heart. Jayne was 99% likely to be an ogre, but as a slave trader, Jayne had many thugs under him, and these thugs were probably also ogres.

There were too many enemies.

"Let's do this. It's getting late today. I'll gather the police tomorrow and make a long-term plan." After a moment of silence, Mark took off his pipe and looked at Wuming and said.

Wuming thought for a while and nodded: "Okay, but don't alert the enemy, otherwise we will all die!"

"Don't worry, I will keep it a secret."

Sheriff Mark smiled confidently and turned to leave.

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