I Contracted Myself

【991】Kill the Ogre

After watching Mark leave, Zhao Neng, Tang Wentian, and Liu Yuebai stepped forward.

Zhao Neng asked: "Master Wuming, can Mark trust you?"

"I can't believe it. This way...Tang Wentian, go follow Mark and don't let him find out." Wuming replied, and then said to Tang Wentian.

Tang Wentian nodded and couldn't help but ask: "Mr. President, do you suspect that Mark is also an ogre?"

"No, Mark is human, but there may be ogres in his family, go ahead." Wuming replied. He had just talked with Mark. When he mentioned that those slaves might be ogres, Mark seemed worried. There is obviously something wrong with this.

Now that Mark is back home, he will most likely test his family. If the snake is alerted, Mark will most likely be replaced by the ogre. Unknown‏‎‎‎‏‏‎‎ The fact that the ogres are numerous will be immediately revealed.

This has to be guarded against.

To be honest, the ability of this ogre is very similar to that of Tianchang Fox. When Wuming noticed that the ogre had the ability to disguise himself as others, he immediately thought of many things.

It can be said that he is quite experienced in dealing with this type of monster.

Tang Wentian followed Mark and left. Wuming looked at Zhao Neng and Liu Yuebai and said, "Let's go and make some preparations."

It's definitely not going to be too peaceful tonight.

If there is an ogre in Mark's house, the probability of there being an ogre in the mayor's house will be very high.

To round things off, the recruitment of demon hunters may have been done under the eyes of the ogres, but the other party did not know how much Wuming and the others knew, nor did they know the strength of Wuming and the others.

The ogre thought that he was in the dark and Wuming and others were in the open, so he would most likely come to test him tonight.

Their strategy is most likely to kill Wuming and others if they are weak. If Wuming and others are extremely strong, then introduce a few scapegoats and send Wuming and others away.

Of course, it is also possible to test their strength and kill them all regardless of strength, or to push away the scapegoat regardless of strength.

As night fell, the entire town was suddenly shrouded in darkness.

Mark returned home and changed his clothes under the service of a servant. Then he came to the dining room, where his three wives were already waiting, as well as his three sons and four daughters.

"Okay, let's eat!" Mark said in a deep voice.

The servant served dinner and he ate in silence. Suddenly he said: "Jenny, where is the slave I bought a year ago buried?"

"Master, you mean Jack?" Jenny asked.

Mark said nothing and continued to eat with his head down. After finishing a piece of ribs, he suddenly threw the knife in his hand at Jenny.

Most of the servants in his family were well-informed locals. He only bought a slave from out of town a year ago. He originally wanted him to manage the mill, but he died within two days of buying it.

Jenny told him this matter, and Jenny was responsible for handling the whole process. Mark had never even seen Jack's body. After all, the death of a slave was just a small matter.

But now‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎This little thing has become a big deal.

Mark shuddered at the thought of sleeping with an ogre night after night.

He knew very well that if there was anyone in the family who was most likely to be an ogre, it was his second wife Jenny.

Jenny was caught off guard by the sudden knife and did not dodge. The knife hit her on the spot. Her body shook, her eyes widened, and she showed an expression of disbelief.


The other two ladies immediately screamed in terror.

At this time, Jenny's skin twisted. A monster with crocodile-like skin tore open Jenny's human skin and pulled out the knife from the scales. A stream of blood flowed from its forehead.

Mark stood up, slowly pulled out the Western sword, and looked at Jenny in disbelief. He couldn't imagine that Jenny, who was only 1.5 meters tall, had a burly monster over 2 meters tall hidden inside her petite body. How did it shrink inside?

"How did you find out?"

"Those witchers who came yesterday?"

"Forget it, you will know everything after eating it."

The ogre tore Jenny's clothes to pieces, twisted his neck, and looked at Mark with a cruel smile.

The other two ladies were so frightened that they collapsed in place, and one even peed in fear.

It passed the two ladies and went straight to Mark. Because Mark was also very tall, the height difference between the two was actually not very big, but the ogre was much stronger than Mark in terms of physique. Compared with the ogre, Mark was like a skinny bamboo pole. .

Mark did not speak, but concentrated on preparations. When the ogre entered his attack range, he thrust out a sword at lightning speed.

This sword is quite good in this era, and ordinary people can kill them instantly with just one sword.

But when faced with this sword, the ogre simply raised his hand, grabbed the sword in an instant and broke it. The Western sword was too thin and posed no threat to the ogre unless it stabbed in the eye.

Outside the manor, Tang Wentian squatted on a tree and saw the situation inside the house through the window.

"Master Wuming really had a clever plan. Mark really took action against the ogre."

He immediately pulled out the knife, used his legs to jump onto the wall of the manor, then jumped down and quickly rushed to the window of the house.

‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎In fact, Wuming’s purpose of asking him to come over is very obvious. If he can beat him, he will fight. If he can’t, he will run away. Among the four, he runs the fastest and can fight and run, so he is the most suitable for this task.

When the ogre broke Mark's rapier, Tang Wentian rushed in from the window and slashed at the ogre's neck.

The ogre felt the danger and dodged the fatal blow, but Tang Wentian slashed again with a continuous knife. The ogre could only retreat and dodge for a while. When he retreated to the side of Mark's first wife, he immediately grabbed Mrs. Mark's neck and swung it towards Tang Wentian.

"I knew you would do this!" Tang Wentian smiled.

In an instant, he lowered his head to avoid Mrs. Mark's body, and slashed from bottom to top with a dragging knife. The ogre swung Mrs. Mark's arm and was cut off on the spot.

Then Tang Wentian slid behind the ogre, and his body spun violently. The sharp blade cut the ogre's waist and cut it in two.

The battle was over.

For a practitioner like Tang Wentian, the ogre poses a certain threat, but it is not difficult to kill if prepared. He needs so many knives because he is not used to his current body and is not used to fighting without extraordinary energy.

But even so, ordinary monsters can be killed with just a few knives.

On the other side, Wuming and the other two went back to their rooms to rest. At this time, Wuming heard rustling sounds coming from outside the window. He put his sword beside the bed, pretended to be asleep, and quietly waited for the hunter to come.

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