I Contracted Myself

【992】Unblocking capability

Outside the window, a long tongue reached into the house. After a moment, the tongue retracted outside the window. A not-so-strong but scaly hand grabbed the edge of the window, and the thin body in the dark reached into the room under the arm's traction.

This ogre was completely different from the ogre killed by Tang Wentian. If the ogre killed by Tang Wentian was like a crocodile, then this ogre was like a slippery lizard.

It entered the room from the window and immediately pulled out the dagger from its waist and held it in its hand. It was not wearing any clothes, but there was a belt hanging around its waist. The belt and the leather scabbard of the dagger were sewn together, just like the holster of a cowboy hanging on his belt, loose and baggy.


The ogre silently observed Wuming, and his long and flat vertical pupils narrowed slightly.

Suddenly, it silently leaped, and the dagger stabbed Wuming's throat fiercely, while Wuming, who was lying on the bed, just turned around and easily avoided the attack of the dagger.

The sharp dagger pierced into the wooden board with a "beep".

Wuming was like performing a sleeping Arhat fist at this time, and kicked the ogre on the chin with a perfect kick. The ogre's body inevitably retreated while feeling pain. Wuming sat up from the bed and pulled out the long sword with one hand.

"How is it possible!"

"He was obviously asleep!"

At this moment, the ogre was extremely horrified and turned around and wanted to run.

As a hunter, it knew its prey very well. If humans pretended to sleep, they could not hide their heartbeats or breathing from it.

It was certain that Wuming had definitely fallen asleep just now.

It was precisely because it believed in its own judgment that it stabbed out an unreserved knife, but this knife missed, and instantly put it in danger.

It rushed to the window, thinking only of running.

But Wuming predicted its prediction, pulled out the dagger stuck in the bed board and threw it, and the dagger happened to hit the ogre's left leg, and the ogre fell to the ground immediately.

When it turned around, Wuming had already walked over with a long sword in his hand, the tip of the sword pointing at its vitals.

"Wait, you can't kill me..."

The ogre spoke in fear, but before he could finish his words, Wuming stabbed him in the throat with a sword.

At the moment of killing the ogre, Wuming felt that his physical fitness was improving rapidly, and at the same time, he had a feeling that he could unlock an ability.

He had already thought of the first ability to be unlocked. At this moment, his mind moved, and his eyes suddenly became much deeper, and there was a faint red light flickering in his pupils.

Mutated Eye.

Among Wuming's many abilities, the mutant eye may not be ranked in the top 50, but it has a huge advantage that many abilities do not have, that is, Bo!

Most of Wuming's abilities can actually be replicated by the mutant eye, but the strength is much different.

But now Wuming doesn't need to care about the strength at all, because because of his physical fitness, he can't use too strong abilities. On the contrary, many of the sub-abilities born from the mutant eye can be used now, and the consumption is not particularly large.

In fact, many of his abilities consume a lot of energy. This is an advantage when there is unlimited light element energy. The greater the consumption, the greater the power of the ability, but now it has become a disadvantage.

Without the support of unlimited light element energy, even if Wuming chooses those abilities, he can only suppress the power of those abilities to reduce consumption, but in this way, the abilities become single-effect and insufficient in power, far less useful than mutant eyes.

So, the more abilities, the better, because there will always be a time to use them. Maybe they will not be used once in thousands or tens of thousands of years, but when they are used, they can save lives or even reverse the situation.

"Let me see how many little cuties are outside." Wuming smiled and looked outside the wall after choosing his ability.

Among the many abilities of the mutant eye, there are mutant abilities such as perspective and scanning, but Wuming is now using the wall-penetrating eye with less consumption. This ability can only penetrate walls. It can be said to be quite useless in the past, but now it is very useful.

He soon found three ogres hiding outside, but he did not go out to deal with them. Instead, he pushed open the door and walked to the door of Zhao Neng's room. Sure enough, there was a sound of fighting in the room.

When they came back, they had discussed that each of them would kill an ogre first, and then concentrate resources to allow Wuming to unlock his ability faster.

This is to allow everyone to unlock an ability as soon as possible and have the most basic life-saving ability.

A few minutes later, Zhao Neng and Liu Yuebai opened the door and came out. Zhao Neng had a wound on his arm, while Liu Yuebai was unscathed.

"There are still three ogres outside. Let's go out from the back door and surround them. Don't let them run away." Wuming said to the two.

Zhao Neng and Liu Yuebai both nodded, and then walked to the back door with Wuming.

On the other side, the three ogres did not remove their disguises. They hid in the bushes not far from the house, looking around to observe the situation inside the house.

"Too quiet."

"I'm afraid something has happened to the drow, let's go back first."

One of the ogres dressed as an old farmer frowned, then said to the two ogres behind him.

"If we go back, what will happen to the drow?"

"They are dead, those demon hunters are unprecedentedly powerful, we can only rule the adults now and wait for the adults to make the decision."

"What if the adults can't beat them?"

"Are you sick?"

The old farmer frowned, turned around and cursed, but then he found that it was not his companions behind him, but Wuming and others.

"Monster Hunter!" The old farmer instinctively stepped back, but then reacted and squinted his eyes in anger.

The next moment, its skin was covered with cracks. Zhao Neng immediately drew his sword and wanted to kill the ogre before it came out of the human skin.

But Wuming raised his hand to stop Zhao Neng.

"Wait a minute."

Wuming said to Zhao Neng.

At this time, he was already checking the picture in the ogre's heart.

This is one of the mutant abilities of the mutant eye, called the Heart Painting Eye, which can present the inner thoughts to the host in the form of a picture.

Wuming saw Jayne. In the heart of this ogre, Jayne was very powerful.

If the combat power of an ordinary ogre is 1, then the elite among the ogres is 10, and Jayne's combat power is 1000, which is a completely insurmountable gap.

The most terrifying thing is... Jayne seems to have someone above him, and Jayne is just a minion.

"The difference in strength among the ogres is so huge, it's interesting." Wuming said with a smile as he looked at the constantly emerging images.

At this time, the ogre had torn the old farmer's skin apart and appeared in front of the three people in its true form. It was three meters tall, with solid muscles all over its body, and two strange tentacles on its forehead, with electricity flowing from time to time.

"I admit that you three demon hunters are a bit capable, but that's it." The ogre clenched his fist and said with a grin.

If it was trapped in the human skin disguise, it really didn't dare to guarantee that it could win, but now that the restraints were broken, it felt like it had put down a burden, and its strength could not only be perfectly exerted, but it seemed even stronger.

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