I Contracted Myself

【993】Clear up overnight

Humans are very powerful.

But the power of humans is the power of the collective. A single individual can be easily killed by many creatures in nature.

Ogres have always regarded humans as food, but they also understand the horror of humans. Once their identities are exposed, even the strongest ogre will find it difficult to resist thousands of troops.

The so-called demon hunter is actually a line of defense in the eyes of ogres.

When necessary, ogres can sacrifice a single ogre to let the demon hunter complete the task, so that most humans can feel at ease and paralyze the top leaders of humans, making them mistakenly believe that everything is under their control.

The ogre looked down at Wuming and others, and said to himself: "You are the smartest demon hunters I have ever seen, but smart people often don't live long. If you take the corpses of those idiots to report, you will leave the town tomorrow. It's good for you, us, and everyone else, but you are too smart, smart... damn it!"

In an instant, the tentacles on its forehead trembled, and a lightning bolt shot from its tentacles at Wuming and the other three.

A golden light flashed in Wuming's eyes. The lightning turned sharply when it approached, just like a ping-pong ball hitting the wall, and bounced back to the ogre.

Although the ogre can shoot lightning, it obviously cannot defend against lightning.

Although this is strange, it is the fact.

When the lightning fell on it, it trembled all over and let out a painful cry.

If the combat power of the ogre killed by Wuming before was 1, the strength of this ogre was 10. Ordinary creatures would be turned into charred corpses in an instant after being hit by its lightning.

Although it itself is not immune to lightning attacks, it is just painful. After the severe pain, it was smoking all over its body and kneeling on the ground gasping for air.

"Can you tell me what your boss is capable of?" Wuming asked faintly at this time.

He did not expect the ogre to answer. He wanted to see the picture in the ogre's heart. The moment a question is asked, most creatures will think instinctively, but whether to answer or not will be judged after thinking.

But this time, only a terrifying figure flashed through the ogre's mind, and then the picture stopped abruptly.

"Is that so."

Wuming understood. Jayne's strength was too strong, and this ogre could not understand it. He only knew that the other party was strong. When one creature is so strong that another creature cannot understand it, it means that the gap between the two sides is greater than the dimension, and the two sides are no longer in the same dimension.

He looked at the ogre and asked, "Anything else you want to say?"


The ogre raised his head and opened his mouth. The next moment, a laser shot into its mouth and swept upwards, and its head was instantly split in two.

"The plan has changed. Tonight, we will clear all the scattered ogres in the town, otherwise we will all die tomorrow." Wuming shot the ogre with his laser eyes, and then said to Zhao Neng and Liu Yuebai.

The strength of the ogres is very different. The upper ogres will definitely crush the lower ogres. The higher they are, the more exaggerated their strength will be.

If ordinary humans want to kill Jayne, they can only mobilize a legion, and it must be a legion equipped with armored cavalry and artillery. Wuming's strength has not recovered to that level yet, so he must improve it to that level tonight. Otherwise, Jayne will find out that his men have not returned all night tomorrow and realize their danger and come to kill them. Wuming and his men will not be able to stop Jayne.

Wuming explained as he walked. When they came to the vicinity of Marco Manor, Tang Wentian brought Marco to meet up.

"There is another one." Wuming saw the two people coming and said to them.

Tang Wentian frowned and said, "There is still an ogre in Sheriff Mark's house. How is it possible? If there is, why didn't it take action just now?"

"Since one has been exposed, why should the unexposed ones take action?" Wuming asked back.

The ogre itself has the habit of pushing out scapegoats to die. They lurk around Mark, and their goal is to obtain all kinds of information about Mark.

It is worth mentioning that all humans in this world who hold important positions will be arranged for physical examinations every year to ensure that they are still human.

Because of this, the ogres can only attack people around officials, but rarely attack officials themselves.

The higher the status of humans, the more difficult it is for ogres to replace them. This is also one of the reasons why ogres have been hiding. After all, once the human war machine is started, the ogres of three or four cats and kittens will definitely die under the iron hoof of humans.

Wuming led everyone back to Mark's manor. He walked in front of a servant. The servant suddenly became a little uneasy. With Wuming's silent gaze, she became more and more uneasy, and gradually her skin melted like liquid. "Oh my God, Helen, you...!" Mark's wife covered her mouth and said in disbelief.

Mark didn't expect that there would be two ogres in his home. When he thought that he had lived under the eyes of the ogres for so long, he shuddered in his heart.

If the other party wanted to kill him, he would probably have become food by now.

"Damn it!"

The ogre didn't expect the demon hunter to suddenly kill him back.

If he had known earlier, he would have cooperated with his companion who had just been exposed to kill Tang Wentian first.

Wuming did not give it a chance to attack. He shot out a laser before it could break free from the human skin. In a blink of an eye, the ogre's head was split in two and its body fell heavily to the ground.

"Okay, let's go to the mayor's house first and eliminate most of the ogres tonight." Wuming turned and said to everyone.

Mark said, "Sir, what can I do?"

"Call all police officers and prepare to evacuate residents. I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle tomorrow." Wuming said to Mark.

Mark nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go now."

"Wait, Tang Wentian, you accompany Mark, be careful that there are ogres among the police." Wuming said at this time.

Tang Wentian nodded and said, "Okay."

After Mark and Tang Wentian left, Wuming, Zhao Neng and Liu Yuebai also moved quickly to the mayor's house.

After killing ogres continuously, Wuming's strength has recovered a little. While going to the mayor's house, he also picked and chose a few abilities that can be used as auxiliary.

The mayor's house is actually one of the most luxurious manors in the town.

Wuming and the other two came to the wall of the manor, Zhao Neng looked at Wuming and asked: "Master Wuming, do you want to contact the mayor?"

"No, I'll take a look first." Wuming replied.

He looked into the manor and found that there were six ogres in the whole manor, and the strength of one of the ogres was quite abnormal.

It turned out that there were 100 ogres above 10!

Wuming looked at the ogre resting in the mayor's room and thought to himself.

He then blew out a puff of pink mist and said: "You watch here, if anyone approaches, notify me, I will go in and come out soon."

After that, he climbed over the wall and entered the manor.

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