I Contracted Myself

【994】Rapid progress

The pink mist that Wuming blew out just now had a hypnotic effect. At this time, all the creatures in the manor fell into a deep sleep. Wuming came to the servant's room first.

One of the sub-abilities of the mutant eye can easily see through disguise. The camouflage level of ogres is not high. Wuming can easily distinguish humans and ogres with his mutant eye.

He entered the servant's room, his laser eyes scanning the servant's head, then turned and headed to the next room.

Easily, five ogres were killed, and part of his strength was unlocked.

He came to the mayor's room, pushed the door and walked into the room. Before he could shoot the ogre, the ogre suddenly opened his eyes, grabbed the mayor with extremely agile skills, and blocked the mayor from him. before.

Then, its skin quickly shattered, revealing its burly body covered in black hair.

“‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Tsk tsk…”

Wuming looked at the ogre who revealed his true form, and gave the mayor a sympathetic look.

If the mayor knew that the wife he slept with was actually a black gorilla, I don't know how he would feel.


At this time, the black-haired gorilla stared at Wuming with hatred and gritted his teeth.

Wuming squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "The so-called love of a couple for a night and a hundred nights, isn't it good that you use your husband as a shield?"

"Let me go, or I'll kill him!" The black-haired gorilla said coldly, ignoring the nameless teasing.

The moment Wuming pushed open the door to the room, it was immediately awakened. When it saw Wuming, it felt like someone had a knife on its neck.

It knows very well that it is not Wuming's opponent, so it has only one idea, which is to threaten Wuming with the mayor as a hostage. As for the next step, it depends on whether Wuming will take action because of the mayor.

But Wuming's attitude made him unsure.

Wuming's attitude was too relaxed, as if he didn't care about the mayor's life. Now it could only test Wuming with a more intense tone.

"You kill him, I'll watch." Wuming smiled at this time.

The black-haired gorilla had a fierce look in his eyes, and tried to pinch the mayor with a little force. It would be best to wake the mayor up from the pain, but he found that the feeling of the pinch was wrong.

It shifted its gaze from Wuming to its own hand, and a stunned expression appeared on its face the next second. It was holding a pillow. Where is the mayor?

not good!

There was no time to think about why the mayor turned into a pillow.

The next second, the black-haired gorilla realized the danger. His most important hostage was gone!

It ejected almost instinctively, but in the end it was a step too slow. One of its arms was cut off by the laser in an instant, and blood spurted out from the cut.

Damn it!

The black-haired gorilla jumped into the corner, blasted the rock wall with one punch, and quickly escaped from the room.

"Why do you just want to run away?"

Wuming's voice rang in its ears. When it came to its senses, it found that it was still in the room. It looked at Wuming standing in front of it in horror, unable to understand what had just happened.

"One hundred, I probably know what it is!"

Before the black-haired gorilla could think clearly, the nameless voice sounded again.

A laser cut open the black fur instantly‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏The gorilla’s head, Wu Shi held the mayor in his hands, turned around and was about to leave, but the next moment he showed a look of surprise and turned around to look To the black furred gorilla.

The black-haired gorilla's head split into two halves, with countless blood threads pulling each other, and the head slowly came together.

Then its body underwent new changes. The appearance of the black-haired gorilla seemed to be a hard shell, which cracked open, revealing a silver monster with an extremely smooth surface.

"Is this your unique ability, or is it an ability shared by all ogres over 100?" Wuming threw the mayor into the corridor, closed the door, and asked.

The ogre gasped for air and looked up at Wuming in fear.

It knew very well that Wuming would not let him go, and now it had to fight tooth and nail if it wanted to survive.

"Want to fight hard?"

Wuming's voice sounded faintly, and the ogre was startled. It instinctively punched the double bed, then grabbed a piece of solid wood bed edge and threw it at Wuming. He used his legs to back away, and then quickly hit the wall. Dropped into the front yard.

It turned around and ran. After a few ups and downs, it reached the wall of the manor. At this time, a laser was shot from a distance. It sensed the danger and instinctively turned to dodge. It twisted its body to avoid the laser attack.

"You've become more agile!"

The nameless voice sounded again, and the ogre froze in mid-air, his forehead covered with sweat.

The next second, it found that the surrounding space was distorted like waves. It screamed in pain and returned to the mayor's bedroom in the blink of an eye. It knelt on the double bed and did not move at all.

Was everything that just happened an illusion? The ogre was shocked and confused, but it was becoming more and more desperate. It could no longer tell which side was reality, nor could it tell whether what happened was true or false.

At this time, a laser beam instantly hit its forehead, and its consciousness quickly fell into darkness.

Wuming stood by the bed and looked at the ogre quietly. After waiting for about ten minutes, he said to himself: "It looks like he is completely dead."

Although this ogre is stronger than ordinary ogres and has two lives, his mental power is not particularly strong. He just uses the illusion eye in his mutated eyes, and this ogre is completely helpless.

Next, he woke up the mayor and asked him to see what his wife was like. Then he made a request, hoping that the mayor could assist Mark and organize the residents to be ready to evacuate at any time.

This ogre with a combat power of about 100 can easily smash rocks, so the ogre leader can easily demolish the house.

If the illusion does not work on the ogre leader, then the battle between him and the ogre leader will probably be a house-destroying battle, and it will be difficult to ensure that the entire town is intact.

If the crowd is not evacuated, many residents may die in the aftermath of his battle with the ogre.

Of course, this is just the worst plan.

Maybe he can solve the battle with a magic eye at that time.

After explaining the matter, Wuming left the manor. On the way, he unsealed his telekinesis and took Zhao Neng and Liu Yuebai to kill the lone ogres in the town.

Basically, ogres lurk in the homes of rich people.

Ordinary civilians simply cannot afford slaves, and ogres are not interested in playing the role of civilians and suffering, so there are basically no ogres in civilian homes.

"This level, as long as the resources are concentrated on a strong person, it is actually not very difficult."

"The only problem is that we don't know how strong the strongest individual among the ogres is. There seems to be a stronger ogre above Jayne. If the task of killing Jayne is not completed..."

While thinking, Wuming used his telekinesis to quietly kill the ogre in a house.

Fortunately, he solved Monet at the beginning and united the remaining trialists. Because there was no competitor, his strength was unlocked very quickly, and many useful abilities were also unlocked one by one. Now he can easily kill ordinary ogres.

In the town, the only one he needs to be vigilant about now is Jayne, the ogre leader.

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