I Contracted Myself

【995】Strike first to gain the upper hand

The next day, early in the morning.

In the manor occupied by the Jayne Chamber of Commerce, several guards were dozing off.

It rained at about three o'clock last night. Now the air was moist and cool, making people drowsy. Even the ogre would want to get into the warm bed and have a good sleep at this time.

At this time, a slender young man wearing a rough leather windbreaker walked slowly in the mud, with a kind of unreal beauty in the haze.

Ajel wiped his eyes and couldn't help but said: "Stop, this is the Jayne Chamber of Commerce, what are you..."

But before he finished speaking, the young man in front suddenly disappeared like a mirage, and then the figure passed by it and Marcotte. It felt a sharp pain in its chest, and at the same time, it saw Marcotte's body split in two from the corner of its eye.

Enemy attack.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‎‏Ajel wanted to issue a warning belatedly, but the next moment his consciousness fell into darkness.

In the manor, most of the ogres were dormant, and only a few patrolling ogres were wandering around the manor, and they would sound the alarm once they found an intruder.

A silent hunt was quietly staged.

In the corridor of the manor, an ogre was eating unknown flesh and blood while walking slowly and aimlessly. It was very relaxed and did not seem to be on patrol.

Indeed, the word wandering is the most appropriate to describe it.

Wuming stood next to a pillar in the corridor, watching the ogre walk by, his eyes glowing slightly, and a silent field was instantly unfolded.

The ogre who was walking forward immediately stopped, his body remained motionless, one hand was still in his mouth, and blood slowly flowed from the corner of his mouth to his chin and then dripped to the ground.

No sound!

The ogre glanced left and right, then turned around suddenly, and a laser shot at it, and a black cutting line suddenly appeared on its body.

"Monster Hunter!"

The ogre shouted wildly in his heart, but his body fell heavily, and his body was split in two at once.

Next, this scene continued to play out around the manor. In just fifteen minutes, Wuming cleared most of the ogres in the manor.

There were only two ogres left in the manor, one was Jayne, and the other was Kumas, the butler of the Chamber of Commerce.

Wuming came to Kumas's room, and before he pushed the door open, it was smashed by a strong arm. Kumas stood by the door and saw that his sneak attack did not hit the target, and his brows could not help but frown slightly. It is born with the ability to sense crisis. It will sense any strange creature that enters within a range of fifty meters with it as the center.

The more dangerous the entrant, the stronger this sense is.

After Wuming entered the range of fifty meters, it was awakened by a strong sense of crisis, which led to the sneak attack.

"One hundred has two lives, you are five hundred, right? It seems that you also have more special abilities." At this time, Wuming's voice sounded in the dark corridor.

Kumas grabbed his face and tore it, revealing a triangular face similar to a mantis, with a pair of inverted triangle eyes on this triangular face, so it looks very strange.

It said gloomily: "Monster Hunter? It seems that Boss Jayne made a mistake this time."

"Mistaken? How do you say that?" Wuming asked with interest.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‎‏‎Kumas tore open his chest and said calmly: "Powerful demon hunters are quite famous, such as the demon hunter White Wolf, the demon hunter Falcon, and the demon hunter Earth Dragon who has recently gained fame, but you guys are not famous at all, so Boss Jayne thought you were not worth worrying about, and just sent a few junior soldiers to test you, but he didn't expect to alert the enemy."

"So there is such a setting." Wuming said, touching his chin.

Kumas tore off the skin of his legs and squinted: "Are you really demon hunters? You don't even know such a thing."

"No way, I just entered the industry." Wuming said with a smile.

Kumas bent down and stared at Wuming vigilantly, carefully tearing off the human skin on his feet, and then laughed: "I see, that's a pity."

"What a pity?" Wuming laughed.

Kumas suddenly turned into a black shadow, and the voice came out: "It's a pity that you don't have a next time!"


Extreme speed!

At this time, Kumas moved and bounced quickly in the corridor, like a black wind constantly shifting positions and rotating around Wuming.

Suddenly, a black gas slashed towards Wuming fiercely. Wuming leaned back slightly, and the black gas brushed across his chest and fell on the wall of the corridor. Suddenly, there was a cut mark on the thick wall.

Then countless black gas slashed at Wuming frantically. Wuming seemed to be a prophet, and he easily avoided the slashes of black gas like a tumbler.

"So this is the difference between five hundred and one hundred. I'm a little disappointed." Wuming said lightly.

Kumas' pupils shrank instantly, and it retreated almost instinctively. With its speed, it reached the end of the corridor. If there was no wall blocking it, it could retreat at least hundreds of meters.

But no matter how fast it is, can it be faster than light?

A laser instantly hit its head, and its body suddenly fell crookedly.

Wuming then slowly walked in front of Kumas and looked at its corpse quietly. After waiting for about a minute and a half, Wuming said: "It turns out that not every ogre can have a second life. It seems to have nothing to do with combat power."

The black-haired gorilla is obviously not as strong as Kumas, but it has a second form. This may be the special ability of the black-haired gorilla.

Wuming waited for a while and used laser to cut Kumas's body to make sure it was not pretending to be dead.

After all, the black-haired gorilla can be resurrected once. He was a little worried. What if a stronger ogre like Kumas can control the time of his resurrection?

What if Kumas deliberately did not resurrect because he was guarding the body?

The best way is to let Kumas die cleanly.

Ten minutes later, Wuming looked at Kumas, who had turned into a pile of black mosaics, and then he showed a satisfied smile. The next step was the final goal.

Jayne's room was on the top floor.

When Wuming and Kumas fought just now, they had actually opened a soundproof field. All sounds were within the field and would not spread out, so Jayne was probably still sleeping now.

Of course, Kumas could sense his attack. Jayne was stronger and might not be unable to detect this.

Wuming walked slowly on the stairs. At this time, his mind moved and a flag appeared in his hand.

Shake people where you need to shake them!

This ability level has always been low, but there are many creatures signed on it.

Although his current strength is not enough to summon powerful companions, some cannon fodder-type summoned beasts can be waved at will.

He gently waved the flag, and creatures made of water quickly appeared. Under Wuming's thoughts, these creatures quickly moved towards the roof.

If Wuming's ability was not sealed, he could summon as many spiritual creatures as he wanted in the Nameless Sea.

But now he can only rely on this flag to summon.

So, there is no bad ability, only people who can't use it.

Any ability will always shine and heat up, and if it is not used, it means that the time has not come.

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