I Contracted Myself

【996】Desperate Jayne

Ogre, this name is actually not right.

Because ogres don't just eat humans, they eat all kinds of creatures, but humans with wisdom have the greatest effect on them, allowing them to transform from wild beasts to intelligent life.

So once they have tasted intelligent life, ogres can never go back.

When Jayne was born, he was just a small black ball in the river. There were many small balls like him, and they all instinctively looked for food.

Some small balls ate tadpoles, so they transformed into tadpoles for the first time, and some small balls ate small fish, so they turned into small fish.

Jayne was very lucky. He ate a dying electric eel in his first foraging, so with the ability of the electric eel, he developed much faster than his companions.

It took about a week, ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‎‏‎ its body turned into a half-crocodile and half-giant snake.

It left the river where it was born and foraged aimlessly in the forest. Wolves, tigers, cows, deer, venomous snakes, eagles, everything was its food. Its form kept changing, gradually becoming a monster with the body of a wild bull, the head of a tiger, the tail of a crocodile, the wings of an eagle, and all kinds of creatures.

This was a completely random change without any plan.

In this way, it lived year after year until one day it met a person.

It was a very down and out human, with scars all over his body, a gloomy and frustrated look, and a hemp rope in his hand, as if he was ready to hang himself.

Of course, Jayne didn't understand these things at that time, he just instinctively walked over and looked at the creature in front of him that he had never eaten before.

The other party didn't seem to be afraid of it, unlike other creatures who were panicked.

He just closed his eyes and looked up and waited.

Jayne didn't understand, so he instinctively swallowed this strange creature in one gulp, and then he understood.

The name of this human is Jayne. Because of the bankruptcy of his business, he owed a huge debt. His wife and daughter committed suicide because they could not stand the increasingly tight and poor life. He was completely desperate, so he decided to follow his wife and daughter and leave this world.

Jayne's despair was deeply imprinted in the heart of the ogre, forming the most basic character of the ogre.


The first human eaten by the ogre often determines the character and style of the ogre.

And Jayne's despair created a desperate ogre. It always looks at the world pessimistically, and even stands still for a long time, almost becoming the first ogre to starve to death.

Then, it met an ogre who was stronger than itself, and at the invitation of the other party, it became a member of the ogre race.

But in fact, every time when it was late at night, Jayne would fall into a desperate mood and couldn't extricate himself. He hated himself, hated ogres, hated humans, and hated everything in this world.

How much he wanted to die.

But every time he wanted to end his life, his instinct made him feel fear again and again, so that he failed to end his life again and again.

When Wuming broke into the manor, he knew that there were intruders, but he didn't care. He let Wuming kill his men one after another, and finally controlled the summoned beast to smash the door of the room.

"You are finally here."

Jayne looked out the door, his eyes fell on the strange-looking summoned beasts, as if he could see Wuming through them.

In fact, Wuming could indeed see Jayne through the summoned beasts, so he was a little surprised.

Jayne was dressed neatly and sat on the bed, looking at the summoned beasts and him with an indescribable look.

However, the accident was an accident. The next second, Wuming had an idea, and the summoned beasts rushed to Jayne and attacked Jayne. Jayne instinctively attacked, and the terrifying golden lightning exploded, and many weak summoned beasts were instantly vaporized.

"Too weak, if you want to rely on these little things, you can't kill me!" Jayne got up from the bed and waved his hand violently. The terrifying air wave instantly blew up the roof of the whole house. The summoned beasts surrounding it were blown away in the chaotic airflow, and then collided with the materials of the house and exploded one after another.

Wuming's pupils contracted and looked at Jayne in shock.

At this moment, Jayne did not tear off the human skin, which means that it still has unimaginable strength in the camouflage state.

Sure enough, this guy is the BOSS of this level. Wuming's mind power protects his body to avoid being swept into the turbulence. The next moment, his eyes emit red light, and two lasers instantly shoot through the floor and fall on Jayne.

Jayne's clothes were cut directly, and two burnt marks suddenly appeared on his skin.

"The defense is broken, but it's just a broken skin!"

Wuming quickly moved to prevent Jayne from counterattacking with the laser.

But Jayne did not counterattack along with the attack, but stood there and looked at him with a calm expression, his eyes moving along with his movements.

"You still have one chance!" Jayne said lightly after Wuming stopped.

Wuming narrowed his eyes slightly. What does this mean? Let him have three moves?

Then he won't be polite!

Laser Eye + Laser Eye + Purple Eye + Space Cutting Eye + Curse Eye + Ignition Eye + Freeze Eye + Paralysis Eye + Electric Eye! ! !

Wuming's eyes burst into colorful light instantly. This time he directly used half of his physical strength to activate his ability in order to kill Jayne in one move.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‏In an instant, the air around him shook, and the earth began to twist at Wuming's position.

A terrifying ray instantly hit Jayne, who was standing still. Jayne's body gradually collapsed in the light. He closed his eyes and waited for death.

But just when he was about to die, his human skin turned into ashes first, and then his body naturally reorganized. His lower body was a strong elk body, and his upper body was human, but he had huge antlers on his head, and his eyes slowly opened on the antlers.

Its chest was inlaid with the head of a lion, and there were a pair of steel wings on its back, and the end of its long tail was a burning flame.

After turning into this form, its defense power increased countless times. Although Wuming's attack was not over yet, it only had a very slight impact on it.

When the light and flames dispersed, it stood in the ruins of the broken house, looking at the panting Wuming with a disappointed look.

Wuming looked at Jayne in disbelief. He didn't expect Jayne to be alive after his attack.

"It's a pity that you can't kill me, so... I can only ask you to die." Jayne sighed deeply, then walked forward slowly and picked up a huge spear from the pile of rocks.

This knight's spear is made of steel, about five meters long and weighs almost twenty tons. It is usually hung in the manor as a decoration, but in fact it is Jayne's weapon. So far, it has only been used twice, and each time it was used to attack cities and villages, and it was always successful.

As the price for disappointing it, it will use this spear to completely kill Wuming.

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