I Contracted Myself


The moment Jayne picked up the spear, Wuming felt extremely dangerous.

In the flash of lightning, Wuming wrapped himself up with telepathy and quickly flew into the sky. At the same time, a large amount of mist dispersed around him.

Jayne was in the fog and violently waved the knight's spear in his hand. Suddenly the strong wind tore through the thick fog. It flapped its wings fiercely on its back and flew up briefly. Then it flapped again and performed a double jump in the air. Approaching Wuming in the air at extremely fast speeds.

Those wings are so small, how can they allow such a big man to fly?

Wuming thought Jayne's wings were decorations, but he didn't expect that they could actually make Jayne float in the air. He fired the laser while retreating, but the laser did not cause much damage when it hit Jayne's body.

In fact, Jayne’s body surface‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏ has a very scary layer of skin. This skin has a very good insulation effect, and a large number of electrons are evenly distributed on the surface of the skin. , forming an electronic shield with no blind spots, and the nameless laser hitting the electronic shield is not enough to break the defense.

The two escaped and chased each other, gradually moving away from the town.

In the town, only Zhao Neng, Liu Yuebai, and Tang Wentian noticed the strange movement in the sky. The three of them were a little worried about Wuming's situation, but they had no intention of causing trouble. They would only be a burden and could not help in any way.

The three of them came to Jayne's Manor. They looked at the manor that had become a ruin. Their expressions were a little solemn. From the ruins, they could see how terrifying Jayne was. It was unknown how much Wuming's strength had been unsealed. Whether he could fight Better than Jayne.

In fact, there are a large number of viewers in Shenzang Space watching the live broadcast nervously. Jayne's strength is beyond everyone's expectations. No one expected that Wuming had consumed most of the resources and could not easily defeat Jayne.

"This level is simply a death level. If Lord Wuming is not here, it is hard to imagine how other testers could pass this level."

"Yes, once the trialists don't trust each other, everyone hunts the ogres individually, and the strength is spread among five people. If you use any method to defeat this BOSS, you will almost certainly die."

"It's hard to say now. Lord Wuming couldn't kill this ogre leader with all his strength. I can't think of what else Lord Wuming can do."

"Believe in Lord Wuming, he can definitely create miracles."

"It can be seen from the fact that Master Wuming lured the ogre leader out of the town. Master Wuming must have a plan in his heart, otherwise there would be no need to do this."

"This level is really hopeless. I have deduced it over and over again. Without Master Wuming joining in, the probability of most trialists passing the level is not higher than 1%."

"The president had the foresight to deal with the black sheep like Monet as soon as possible. Otherwise, not only would we have to face the big BOSS, the ogre leader, but we would also have to guard against Monet's secret stabbing. I'm afraid that's when we'll be truly desperate. "

Amidst the barrage chatter of a large number of spectators, Jayne finally fell to the ground, while Wuming continued to fly in the air.

Jayne actually can't fly. It relies on its powerful force to stay in the air, and then uses its wings to correct its direction. However, its jumping ability is very scary. , can jump out very far distances easily, and the extremely long time in the air makes it look like it is flying.

At this time, it jumped up again and quickly approached Wuming. However, it was far less agile than Wuming in the air. Its attacks often failed. Instead, Wuming's attacks kept hitting it. However, its defense was too strong, and all these attacks failed. It wasn't painful or itchy, and it didn't affect it at all.

The two parties moved some distance again, and Wuming suddenly fell to the ground quickly. Below was a huge lake. Wuming disappeared instantly after falling into the lake.

Jayne fell to the ground and made a crater-like crater on the ground. Then he slowly walked to the lake and looked at the lake quietly.

"Second rendezvous, let's begin!"

A nameless voice suddenly came from the water, and then the entire lake turned into a huge arm and slapped Jayne. Jayne immediately raised the knight's spear in his hand to defend, but he was shot into the ground with the gun and the person in an instant.

Then the water flow changed and turned into densely packed sharp drill bits, which fell from the air and hit hard where Jayne sank.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom boom!

The lakeside turned into a big pit, and the lake water poured into it. The nameless attacks showed no intention of stopping, and the intensive attacks continued to fall.

Suddenly, a ditch opened up on the ground. Jayne retreated dozens of meters away before jumping out of the ground, with mud everywhere on his body.

It looked at the spear in its hand. The spear was full of pits. If there were no spear, all these attacks would fall on it.

"Being turned into water, is this really a human being?"

Jayne then looked at the lake with claws and teeth, feeling a little strange in his heart.

Although the collective power of human beings is very terrifying, the vast majority of people are actually very weak individually. Even those very famous demon hunters can be easily killed by it.

Wuming is already the strongest human being it has ever seen, and now it begins to doubt whether Wuming is a human being. After all, it has never heard that humans have such abilities.

However, Wuming did not give it time to continue thinking. A large amount of lake water came over, forming countless arms to attack from various angles. It could only defend while retreating. In this environment, it felt that it could not kill Wuming, and Wuming probably Can't kill it either!

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‎Since it can't be killed, it certainly has no interest in being tortured.

The problem is that it wants to leave, and Wuming doesn't want it to leave. The water of the entire lake turned into a giant under Wuming's will, and fell towards Jayne in an instant.

This giant is too big.

Jayne retreated as fast as he could, but still couldn't avoid the giant.


With a loud bang, the earth shook violently.

So much water hit the ground, the force was amazing, and the surrounding trees were all lifted up by the shock wave. Some water droplets were countless times more terrible than bullets. After splashing out, they penetrated trees and rocks.

Jayne was the first to bear the brunt, so it was naturally uncomfortable.

It was wrapped in the water by Wuming, with multiple fractures in its body, and the knight's lance was nowhere to be found. Now it was being torn apart by the terrifying undercurrent, with the fractures as the breakthrough point, destroying its body bit by bit.


Under the severe pain, Jayne finally got angry.

It roared angrily underwater, exerted its strength with its limbs, and instantly broke through the heavy restraints. In the blink of an eye, it jumped out of the water, but before it landed on the ground, the dense water formed a thread that tied it up again and quickly pulled it back to the bottom of the water.

I have to say that Wuming's move was particularly disgusting. For creatures that did not evaporate all the lake water in one blow, this was basically an unsolvable ability.

The problem was that Jayne did not need to breathe.

If it could not be suffocated to death, it would be difficult to kill it with the lake water alone.

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