I Contracted Myself

【998】Third Form

Pure water body.

Wuming is very familiar with this superpower, which is also one of his most important life-saving abilities in the early stage.

Under his control, it was difficult for Jayne to escape from the lake. The next few times Jayne tried to escape by force, he was pushed back into the water.

After an hour, Jayne gave up struggling.

It found that although it could not escape from the lake, the lake could not do anything to it. Its wounds had healed during the struggle. Now, even if Wuming came again, it was not so easy for Wuming to plot against it with its mental preparation.

"Give up, you can't kill me, although you are the strongest demon hunter I have ever seen." Jayne said calmly in the water.

Wuming did not speak, but kept adjusting the shape of the lake. Although Jayne noticed these changes, he could not stop it, so he just let it go.

After a while, some blood threads suddenly began to appear in the water, and countless blood threads condensed into various piranhas.

These piranhas were like cats smelling blood, all rushing towards Jayne quickly. Jayne frowned and exerted force in the water, but the fish were obviously much more flexible than him, and it was difficult to kill a fish with a few attacks.

The problem was that the teeth of these fish were very sharp. Although they could not break through its defense at once, they were like saw teeth that repeatedly cut it. After a long time, no matter how strong its defense was, it could not withstand it.

A few minutes later, Jayne was covered with scars. He kept twisting his body, but he could not kill all the fish at once. In the water, he exerted force again and again, bursting the water flow, and even caused a short vacuum area, but soon this area would be filled with lake water again.

Its blood gradually dyed the entire lake red, and the lake looked like a red sphere.

Half an hour later, the water flow suddenly dispersed, and a creature similar to an electric eel fell to the ground. All the lake water gathered into a human shape, just looking at the huge electric eel on the ground.

Jayne just died, but resurrected.

Under the attack of countless piranhas, it finally broke through the defense, and the internal organs in its body were obviously not as strong as the skin and muscles, so it was killed quickly after breaking through the defense.

But then it revived, and its form changed into the form of an electric eel suitable for fighting in the water.

The result is obvious.

Wuming, who was no longer a human, threw it onto the land neatly...

The audience in the Shenzang Space couldn't help laughing. Wuming's move was really too bad.

It was not easy for it to change into a posture suitable for fighting in the water, but Wuming refused to give it water. How could Jayne play?

Sure enough, the next moment Wuming sent all the lake water back to the lake, walked out of the lake, wrapped himself in telekinesis and flew in the air, looking down at Jayne twisting and turning on the ground.

Without water, although Jayne's body was still strong, without limbs, it could only move by twisting its body, but it was several kilometers away from the lake just now.

At this time, balls of flames fell from the sky, all of which were the most basic small fireballs.

If it was the form just now, Jayne would not be afraid of the attack of the small fireball at all, but this form is different now, and its high temperature resistance is gone.

After a while, Jayne was roasted again, and his body was completely charred.

Wuming did not relax, and still floated in the air to observe. At this time, he noticed some edible fruits in the woods not far away from the corner of his eye, so he thought about it, and those fruits floated into his hands under the grasp of telekinesis. He ate while guarding the body, waiting for Jayne to resurrect.

Assuming that Jayne is the final BOSS, then the mission is considered completed after Jayne's death.

But now he has not been teleported out of this level, there are only two explanations, one is that Jayne is not dead, and the other is that Jayne is not the BOSS.

Wuming is more inclined to the first explanation, because the requirement of this level is to find the ogres in the town, not to let him kill all the ogres in the world.

Now there is only Jayne left in this town.

Therefore, the probability that Jayne is not dead is very high.

Sure enough, after a moment, Jayne's body changed again. A large amount of black matter flowed out of the charred eel's body, gradually forming a half-human, half-fish, half-beast form.

Its head is a snake, its body is similar to that of a human and a gibbon, and it has a long tail at the back, with a stinger at the end of the tail.

"It has become thinner, it seems that it is afraid of being caught by me again with the pure water body." Wuming observed this scene and thought secretly in his heart.

At this time, Jayne slowly raised his head and glanced at Wuming with a cold look. The next moment, its tail was aimed at Wuming, and the stinger shot out like a bullet.

Wuming was well prepared. He used his telekinesis to block the stinger for a moment, and then he leisurely avoided the attack of the stinger.

He did not need to consume more telekinesis to completely defend against the stinger, but only needed to block it slightly to achieve the desired effect with minimal consumption.

You don't know how expensive firewood and rice are until you manage the household.

Usually, he was used to unlimited energy supply, and he didn't care about consumption when throwing moves randomly. Now that he suddenly lost unlimited energy, Wuming was actually a little unhappy.

But he couldn't help being unhappy, he had to be fussy and try to keep himself in good condition.

He just ate the fruit just now to replenish his energy, not because he was greedy for those wild fruits. To be honest, those wild fruits were not delicious, sour and astringent, not sweet at all.

Let's get back to the point.

After Wuming blocked the first stinger, Jayne attacked like a machine gun, with the stinger regenerating infinitely, and then facing Wuming on the ground, he fired wildly.

The stinger generation seemed to take no time, and no consumption was required.

Wuming could still resist with telekinesis at first, but gradually felt that he could not continue like this, so he decisively moved towards the lake, and Jayne immediately followed.

When Wuming fell into the lake, Jayne opened his mouth and blew out a stream of cold air, starting from his feet, and the entire lake quickly froze.

Obviously, in this form, Jayne has the ability to freeze water.

Wuming didn't know whether Jayne had this ability in this form, or because he had just been bullied by him with the pure water body, so he evolved this ability.

But there is no doubt that the pure water body cannot be used.

Fortunately, after slaughtering the ogres in the entire town, many of his abilities were unlocked.

When the lake was completely frozen, he lightly touched the ice with his finger, and the next moment the ice formed by the entire lake began to change, turning into a huge frost giant.

Wuming entered the frost giant, smiled slightly, and controlled the frost giant to punch Jayne on the ground.

Activate dead objects + Shell of All Laws.

The two abilities are combined together, and then there is the frost giant.

The frost giant that is tens of meters high is not an ordinary ice block, but an activated ice block. At the same time, because of the effect of the Shell of All Laws, it also has a stronger defense.

It can even use some of Wuming's abilities.

Facing the horrible punch of the frost giant, Jayne had to retreat quickly, and the poisonous stinger kept hitting the frost giant, but it was a pity that the effect was not good, and almost no damage was caused to the frost giant.

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