I Contracted Myself

【999】Ultimate Blood

Boom boom boom!

In the woods, Jayne quickly retreated on the treetops. The frost giant's fist fell quickly, breaking the tree on the spot and creating a big hole on the ground.

Jayne didn't expect that freezing the lake would make Wuming more powerful.

With the attack power of his tail needle, ordinary ice can be smashed into pieces with one shot, but the frost giant controlled by Wuming has amazing hardness, and even if it is cracked and has potholes, it can repair itself in a very short time.

Although Jayne is very strong, he is not strong enough to fight against the frost giant weighing hundreds of tons. Now he can only dodge, dodge constantly, and try his best to get rid of the frost giant.

He no longer wants to fight Wuming. If Wuming wanted to kill him at the beginning, he would be ready to kill him, but now he has given up this idea.

Because Wuming's method is too painful, and it may not kill him.

"It seems that we can't take it down in a short time. Let's eat something first."

In the interior of the Frost Giant, Wuming sat on the futon. Seeing that the Frost Giant had overwhelming power but was not agile enough, he knew in his heart that it would be difficult for the Frost Giant to achieve success in a short time.

So, he simply took out the happy water, potato chips, and energy crystals, and began to slowly restore his physical strength and energy.

It is worth mentioning that the internal space of the Shell of All Laws is universal for all shells. No matter which shell is replaced, the internal space is the only one.

Although Wuming has not used the Shell of All Laws for a long time, the supplies stored in the internal space in the past are still intact, and now they can be eaten to restore physical strength.

Two hours passed in a flash, and finally the Frost Giant made a feint with a punch. Through Wuming's prediction, he seized the opportunity and fell down with a rising dragon punch to hit Jayne. Jayne's whole body immediately flew into the sky quickly.


The Frost Giant fell down due to the two-handed punch, but Jayne flew to a very high altitude, his body spinning wildly in the air.

"Damn, I can't fall like this, but I don't have wings now, it's too difficult to adjust the landing position." Jayne immediately realized that once he landed, he would definitely face the Frost Giant's violent attack.

It was painful enough to be bitten to death by the piranha just now, and it didn't want to taste other pains. The problem is that it has no other way now, it can only use its tail to continuously shoot spikes, and adjust its position in the air little by little through the reaction force of the spikes.

Unfortunately, it met Wuming who didn't play by the rules.

At this time, Wuming controlled the Frost Giant to grab a super huge rock, and after aiming at Jayne in the air, he immediately manipulated the Frost Giant to throw the boulder at Jayne with all his strength.

Wuming has experienced thousands of battles of all sizes now. He has enough experience in battles and his vision is mature enough. It is almost impossible for a long-range throw at this distance to miss, unless Jayne can fly now.

Can Jayne fly?

There is no doubt that it cannot.

So just as Jayne shot out a stinger, the huge rock came into close contact with its body, and the huge ‏​​‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎power was instantly transmitted to its whole body, and its bones were shattered one after another. Blood spurted out of its eyes, nostrils, ears, and mouth, and it looked extremely miserable.

A few minutes later, Jayne fell to the ground with a bang, and had fainted.

Wuming controlled the frost giant to walk forward, picked up Jayne with one hand, shook it, and threw it to the ground again. His fists fell madly, and a big pit was soon smashed on the ground.

Jayne, who was in the center of the pit, was completely confused at this moment.

Wuming raised his hand, ready to give Jayne another hard blow, but the next second he appeared on the Golden Square, holding potato chips in his hand, blinked his eyes, and immediately realized that the mission was accomplished.

In other words, Jayne was smashed to death by him.

Then, the reverse scale of the dark door dragon took effect again, trying to turn his body into doors, but Wuming was a little careful, and this force was blocked outside the body, and could only appear in the form of black lines.

Countless black lines quickly covered his body, and he turned into a savage again.

Not far away, Zhao Neng, Liu Yuebai, and Tang Wentian also came back to their senses. They also realized that Wuming had completed the task and searched for Wuming's whereabouts, but apart from the frozen Monet not far away, there was only one savage.

"Master Wuming?" Zhao Neng said carefully.

Wuming glanced at Zhao Neng and just shook his head slightly. Zhao Neng shut up tactfully. Obviously Wuming did not want to reveal his identity.

Next, a large number of trialists appeared one after another, some were scarred, some looked tired, and even one trialist came back and cried loudly. It was unknown what sad things he encountered in the level.

After a while, when everyone recovered, the prizes fell from the sky.

This time the reward came in the form of a box. These boxes were like gift boxes, colorfully wrapped, and there was a small balloon hanging on the top, which was swaying down.

Everyone looked up and kept observing each gift box, trying to find the grand prize this time from countless gift boxes.

Wuming did not look up, but instead looked at Monet curiously. At this time, Monet was still frozen, and it was obvious that Monet did not get the reward this time.

He casually raised his hand and grabbed a gift box, then walked to the side and sat down, opening the gift leisurely.

‏​​‎‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎There was a test tube in the box, and the test tube contained blood.


When Wuming saw the test tube, he was stunned.

What the hell was the blood in the test tube?

With his luck, there should be no suspense about the grand prize this time, but it was a bit unbelievable for him to say that the blood in the test tube was the grand prize.

He took the test tube out of the box, looked at it again and again, and finally his mind was full of question marks.

There was no explanation!

This time the reward was actually the type without explanation.

The blood in the test tube was used to drink, inject, or refine, and there was no explanation at all. Who knows how to use it!

Wuming complained crazily in his heart, but he was very calm on the surface. After confirming that he didn't know what the blood was used for, he quietly put the test tube into the storage space and waited for time to study it slowly in the future.

A few minutes later, everyone opened their gifts. Those who got good things were delighted, while those who got bad prizes had dark faces. Some people with more cunning minds showed no emotion at all.

The gift boxes that fell to the ground began to fade away, and finally disappeared without a trace.


The ice crystals on Monet's body began to crack, and Monet walked out of the ice crystals with a gloomy face. He first looked at Zhao Neng and others, and then looked at Wuming.

But Wuming didn't care about him at all, and didn't even look at him, unlike Zhao Neng and others, who looked daunted.

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