I Contracted Myself

【1002】Everything is difficult at the beginning

To be honest, Wuming was actually envious of the invincible secret method after reading the letter.

Through these letters, Wuming finally had a relatively preliminary understanding of this world and a relatively comprehensive understanding of the group of animal trainers.

There are three types of animal trainers: one is the animal trainer with a school, the other is the family animal trainer, and the other is the wild animal trainer.

Generally speaking, it is very difficult to join a certain school. Unless you are a animal trainer, you have to go through various tests of willpower, including physical pain and spiritual pain. Only those who can survive will be accepted into the school, and those who can't survive are often either dead or stupid.

However, even though it is so dangerous, there are still countless people flocking to each school. After all, only by becoming an animal trainer‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‏‎‎‏ can you master power, and only by having power can you have dignity.

And family animal trainers generally rely on blood ties to maintain relationships.

Although there are occasional cases of marrying into a family, in most cases, family trainers will only help members of their own family to become trainers. Outsiders who want to get help from family trainers have very little hope, even close to zero.

As for the last type of wild trainers, they are often lucky enough to encounter injured monsters, or get monster eggs by chance, and start training monsters from a young age, thus becoming lucky trainers.

Many trainer families have such lucky ancestors, and then slowly developed into trainer families.

Such lucky people, if they want to join a school or marry into certain families, are often very popular, and the threshold for joining is much lower than that of ordinary people.

After learning this information, Wuming felt a little headache, mainly because the threshold for joining a school is too high. Although he can definitely pass it with his willpower, some tests are really not human, and even if he passes the test, he may have psychological problems.

Moreover, some tests can really kill people, even if he has rich combat experience, he still feels too dangerous.

As for marrying into a trainer family.

Wuming felt that his appearance was not a big problem, but he didn't want to do it, after all, Lin Renmei and the others must be watching the live broadcast.

It's not that he's afraid of them getting angry, but he respects them, so he won't do it.

"It seems that the biggest trouble at this level is how to become a tamer." Wuming put down the letter, scratched the back of his head, and said to himself in embarrassment.

As long as he had the first magical pet, he would have the confidence to open up the situation.

The difficulty lies in the first step.

Everything is difficult at the beginning.

The first pot of gold is indeed the most difficult to dig.

Wuming read the letter over and over again, and then simply stuffed the letter into the sack and continued to search for useful things, but there were too many useful things here, and it can even be said that everything in the whole room is very useful.

"Forget it, I'll live here for the time being."

Wuming suddenly stopped what he was doing, and simply took out the things in the sack, thinking to himself.

As long as he pulled a hemp rope out of the room, he could easily climb onto the ship with the rope. The captain's room was very dry. As long as it didn't rain, he could use it as a temporary residence.

It was always safer to stay here temporarily than anywhere else.

After making a decision, he continued to read with peace of mind, and he didn't stop until his stomach made a gurgling sound.

He took out the beef jerky and ate it slowly after making sure it was not bad. He ate while reading. From time to time, the sea breeze blew in from the window, blowing the pages of the book he was reading to roll up. He had to smooth the pages with the hand that was eating the beef jerky.

Gradually, the captain's room was shrouded in darkness. Looking up through the window, he could see that the sky was full of stars. Unknowingly, night had fallen.

Wuming closed the book, spread the tilted bedding on the bed against the wall, and went to sleep directly.

Tonight, on the other side of the island, some trialists are silently enduring the test, some female trialists simply marry into the family of beast tamers, and some trialists sneak into certain families through assassination and disguise, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

The next day, the sun gradually rose from the sea level, and the blue sky was clean without a trace of white clouds.

Wuming woke up hungry, and at the same time, he was thirsty and urgently needed to replenish water.

He simply took a bottle of wine from the captain's room, opened the bottle cap and drank several sips, and suddenly his stomach was no longer hungry and his mouth was no longer dry.

"First, finish reading the Alman School Taming Technique, and then if there is time, investigate the surrounding situation and see if there is a way to get the first magic beast." Wuming burped and thought silently in his heart. Yesterday he found the Alman School Taming Technique sandwiched between many books. It was a sheepskin that was very well preserved. It is estimated that when Hawkins went to fight, he hurriedly sandwiched it in the book and left.

It's a pity that he never came back after leaving.

Wuming opened the parchment scroll, which had a lot of things written on it. First, it was a diagram of the meridians of the human body, which he skipped, and then the Soul Shield Secret Technique.

The Soul Shield Secret Technique is the most basic secret technique of the Alman School, and it is said to be the basis of the Invincible Secret Technique.

Wuming read ten lines at a glance, and suddenly realized that after the trainer swallowed the magic soul crystal, his willpower overwhelmed the magic soul in the magic soul crystal, and slowly digested the magic soul crystal into a stream of energy.

Generally, trainers store energy in the abdomen, but the Alman School discovered the meridians, so they transferred the energy of the magic soul crystal to the center of the eyebrows.

As everyone knows, that position is actually the upper dantian, the place where the spirit is hidden.

Thus, the Alman School found that it was easier to control the demon soul through the upper Dantian at the center of the eyebrows, and thus the Soul Shield Secret Method was created.

In fact, the essence of the Soul Shield Secret Method is very simple, which is to manipulate the demon soul to form a shield to resist the enemy's attack.

Of course, this shield is actually invisible and traceless, and fits tightly to the skin, not really in the shape of a shield.

Generally speaking, the stronger the demon soul transferred to the center of the eyebrows, the larger the area of ​​the soul shield and the stronger the defense, so the trainers of the Alman School generally transfer the demon soul of their strongest pet to the center of the eyebrows.

The parchment scroll also warned that trainers must not try various meridian marked positions randomly, because some positions will cause damage to the body once the demon soul energy is injected, and even life-threatening in severe cases.

Wuming looked at it with a smile and tears. Some acupoints are dead points, and the demon soul energy itself requires willpower to suppress it. Injecting such dangerous energy into the dead point is equivalent to exposing one's weaknesses to the enemy.

It would be strange if he didn't die.

Wuming continued to look at the other two secrets and found that they were both closely related to the upper dantian at the center of the eyebrows. They were all knowledge that he could understand at a glance.

If the so-called invincible secret was extended from the soul shield, he felt that he could deduce it as long as he spent some time. The only problem was... he was not a beast tamer yet.

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