I Contracted Myself

【1003】Heavenly Gift

Island, beach.

Wuming, wearing a paper hat, walked slowly on the beach.

This island may not have been set foot by humans yet, and the environment is quite primitive. Wuming looked at the dark forest at the end of the beach for a long time but did not dare to go in.

If he encounters a monster, even the weakest monster, he will not be able to beat it.

He now wants to encounter a wounded monster, but is afraid of encountering a monster that he cannot solve. According to the usual nature of the Shenzang Trial, if he dies in the test level, he will die completely, so he has to act cautiously.

When you are weak, there is a way to live weakly, and when you are strong, there is a way to live strongly.

If Wuming's strength is not sealed, he will naturally do whatever he wants, but now he is just a young man with little strength, so when he should admit his weakness, he will definitely not be stubborn.

The most important thing for a person is to know himself.

Wuming walked in one direction for almost half an hour, and felt that the island was a bit exaggerated, so he started to walk back. Otherwise, he would not be able to return to his temporary residence before dark. If there were any animals foraging at night, he would be in danger.

Although he had a knife in his hand, he knew very well that he might not be able to survive even if he encountered a lion or wolf pack, let alone a monster.

Sometimes, skills cannot make up for the gap in physical level. He has only so much physical strength and limited energy. Once he goes to war with a lion or wolf pack, he can only kill one or two lions or wild wolves at most, and he will soon be exhausted and become their meal.


Wuming walked back for about fifteen minutes, and suddenly saw a transparent jellyfish falling from the sky.

This jellyfish is very, very small, probably only the size of his palm, but there is a very, very small crystal in the core of the transparent jellyfish.

Wuming was aware of the existence of the jellyfish when he saw the reflection of the crystal.

At this time, the jellyfish slowly fell, like a parachute landing on the beach, and finally collapsed on the beach.

Wuming rushed over quickly before the tide took away the jellyfish, shoveled up the jellyfish with the sand with a knife, and quickly moved to a place where the tide could not reach.

He squatted down to observe the jellyfish, and the more he looked, the more he felt that the jellyfish was a magic beast, because it had a magic soul crystal!

One of the books recorded the appearance of the magic soul crystal, which was generally oval and looked like a gem. The more powerful the magic beast, the larger the magic soul crystal, and the weaker the magic beast, the smaller the magic soul crystal.

The smallest magic soul crystal at present is only the size of a baby's little finger, and it comes from a magic beast called blizzard ferret.

However, at this time, Wuming looked at the rice-sized magic soul crystal in the jellyfish and felt that he could refresh the record of the animal taming world, and it was estimated that no one would break this record for many years.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the crystal core in the jellyfish is the magic soul crystal.

He took out the dagger found in the captain's room, carefully took out the crystal core in the jellyfish, hesitated for a moment, put it in his mouth, and raised his head to swallow the crystal core.

To be honest, this is very risky.

If the crystal core is not a magic soul crystal, but a poison sac or poison crystal, Wuming will be poisoned to death in a minute.

However, Wuming believes in his own judgment.

Besides, he doesn't think his luck is so bad that he will be poisoned to death.

A moment after swallowing the crystal core, he felt that a trace of will that was almost undetectable was instantly wiped out by his will, and at the same time he also sensed the body of the jellyfish.

The body of the jellyfish was very weak and urgently needed water.

Wuming quickly took the knife and sent the jellyfish to the seaside, and then controlled the jellyfish's body to enter the water.

He felt very magical at this time, as if he had a second body, an extra arm, but also like mastering a remote control, and could control a toy car at will.

The three feelings combined into one, probably what he felt now.

He controlled the movement of the jellyfish's body in the water, and suddenly a small fish approached quickly, opened its mouth to swallow the jellyfish, and Wuming almost instinctively controlled the tentacles to pull the small fish.

In the water, the jellyfish was surprisingly strong. With one tug, the fish was immediately flipped over. At the same time, the claws on the tentacles broke its scales, and the poison instantly took the fish's life.

"Hey, it seems a bit strong!"

Wuming was the first to notice the jellyfish's toxicity.

In fact, many jellyfish in nature are poisonous, and the toxicity is very terrible. This small jellyfish seems to be poisonous, and its physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary creatures.

Although the fish is small, the jellyfish itself is even smaller. The fact that it can flip the fish over in one swipe is enough to show the great power of the jellyfish.

I just don't know if the size of this jellyfish is that big, or if it can continue to grow and become even bigger. It would be best if it can grow to the size of the Arctic jellyfish.

The Arctic jellyfish is the largest jellyfish on Earth. Although there are larger jellyfish in other worlds, Wuming is content and happy to be the size of the Arctic jellyfish.

After all, everything is difficult at the beginning. With the first magic beast, he can then train the first magic beast well, and then plan the second magic beast, and then open up the situation.

Driven by instinct, Wuming controlled the jellyfish to wrap the small fish with its tentacles, and the spikes on the tentacles pierced into the body of the small fish. In a blink of an eye, the small fish turned into a mummy, and the originally transparent white jellyfish turned into a red jellyfish.

Could it be that the name of this jellyfish is the vampire jellyfish?

Wuming observed the changes in the jellyfish's body and guessed secretly in his heart.

Unfortunately, the books left by Hawkins and the first mate did not record this jellyfish, so Wuming had no idea what it was called.

It was even possible that he was the first person to discover it, so he named the jellyfish.

"Vampire jellyfish, let's call it this name for now."

Wuming thought about it, named the first magic beast he controlled, and then controlled the jellyfish to continue foraging.

He could sense the state of the jellyfish. Although it sucked the blood of the small fish, the vampire jellyfish was not satisfied and even felt hungry, so it needed to suck more blood from food.

In fact, in the process of sucking blood, the vampire jellyfish grew at a very fast speed. The original diameter of the umbrella was only seven or eight centimeters, but now it has slowly grown to ten centimeters. The sucked blood flows in the transparent body and is quickly converted into nutrients to provide energy for its growth.

Wuming slowly moved towards the sailboat, and the vampire jellyfish moved towards the sailboat in the water.

It eats fish it encounters along the way, and it also eats shells and crabs. It can easily poison various creatures through the spikes on the tip of its tentacles. The shell of the crab is as fragile as paper under the attack of the spikes. Under Wuming's control, it uses the spikes to cut a window on the back of the crab shell, and then the tentacles can easily reach into the crab's body to suck the crab's blood.

When Wuming returned to the sailboat, the body of the vampire jellyfish had grown a circle, and the diameter of the umbrella was 17 centimeters.

Wuming noticed the change in its body size and had only one thought: the Warcraft is worthy of being a Warcraft. It is too strong for ordinary creatures.

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