I Contracted Myself

【1005】Development secrets

Next, Wuming followed the steps, first updating the vampire jellyfish's hang-up program, and then programming the artificial intelligence on the vampire jellyfish's much stronger soul.

After the artificial intelligence is programmed, he does not need to personally update the idle program every time. He can completely leave it to the AI ​​to manage and update it.

However, artificial intelligence cannot be completed in a short time, so he will not take risks in the next few days, but stay on the sailboat to write programs.

It is estimated that when the program is written and the vampire jellyfish has the strength of a first-level monster, then he can take the vampire jellyfish into the forest of the isolated island to see what is inside.

To be honest, this island is actually very beautiful. If there is no danger, it is very suitable for vacation.

After Wuming finished his breakfast, he sat on a high rock, facing the clear blue sea, silently writing programs on the soul of the vampire jellyfish.

In fact, it can't be said to be writing, it's more like copying homework, re-burning existing things into the soul of the vampire jellyfish, and the parts that need to be modified by him are actually very few.

The sea is always unpredictable.

During the day, the sky was still blue and white, and the weather was good enough to make people sleepy. But in the evening, the sky was covered with dark clouds. Wuming had no choice but to hide in the captain's cabin and block the window with a waterproof leather blanket to prevent wind and rain from entering.

With nothing to do in the darkness, Wuming turned his attention to the vampire jellyfish. At this time, the vampire jellyfish had already dived into the deep sea, killing and feasting on its power.

It has been growing very fast, and after a day, it has grown a lot bigger. Wuming had actually suspected that the blood-sucking jellyfish might itself be a high-level monster that turned into a little pudding because of injuries, so he was lucky enough to pick it up.

Otherwise it is difficult to explain its rapid growth.

But if the vampire jellyfish itself is a high-level monster, and its soul is too weak, this is also unexplainable.

"Unexpectedly, I started to look forward to discovering the unknown side of the world." Wuming was lying on the carpet, with his hands on the back of his head, watching the blood-sucking jellyfish eating, and thinking eagerly in his heart.

At this time, a flash of blue light flashed past in the darkness, the blood-sucking jellyfish's body moved tilted, and one of its tentacles unexpectedly broke off.

Enemy attack!

There are other monsters!

Wuming immediately replaced the idle program and controlled the vampire jellyfish.

In an instant, the power of thought quickly dispersed, and the blue light struck again. Wuming used the power of thought to move the jellyfish's body, and then discharged a large amount of electricity the moment the blue light approached.

He had experienced many battles, and his timing was very good. The blue light rushed into a piece of electric light in an instant. When the electric light dissipated, he saw a dying fish.

This fish is almost three meters long, and its fins are like sharp knives. Apparently it was its fin that just cut off the jellyfish's tentacles.

Wuming immediately controlled the jellyfish to wrap around the fish. In a moment, the fish turned into a mummy, and the jellyfish once again grew a heart tentacle.

With a thought, he controlled the jellyfish to dig out the Demonic Soul Crystal from the fish's body. The Demonic Soul Crystal had become dim, and the jellyfish directly swallowed the Demonic Soul Crystal into its belly.

After a while, the tentacles of the vampire jellyfish began to grow some thin scales, and the edges of the scales were extremely sharp, like a pair of blades stacked together.

"‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎Warcraft is really amazing." Wuming observed this scene and thought to himself.

Warcraft and Warcraft will also fight each other, but Warcraft does not want to eat each other's flesh and blood, but wants to obtain the other party's Demonic Soul Crystal.

They can strengthen themselves to a certain extent by swallowing the Demonic Soul Crystals of other Demonic Beasts.

The monsters that many lucky people encounter are actually monsters that were defeated in the battle, but these monsters were not killed, but escaped.

Well, it’s not like escaping.

After all, meeting a human is like falling into a tiger's den again.

However, different monsters have different efficiency in absorbing magic soul crystals. Some monsters need to absorb a lot of magic soul crystals to produce evolutionary effects, while some monsters only need one to produce earth-shaking changes.

The more advanced the monsters are, the more terrifying they are, because most of them have come from many struggles. They have devoured a large amount of magic soul crystals, and are surprisingly strong in both soul and body.

Judging from the changes caused by the jellyfish swallowing the fish's magic soul crystal, the vampire jellyfish should be a type that is easy to evolve. However, this kind of evolution actually consumes the potential of the vampire jellyfish. Wuming will definitely not let the vampire jellyfish eat it again. Demonic Soul Crystals should not be eaten indiscriminately, at least until the potential is exhausted.

If you continue to eat magic soul crystals after your potential is exhausted, that is called breaking through the limit.

But eating randomly before the potential is exhausted is equivalent to using the potential of the vampire jellyfish to point out useless skill trees.

If Wuming really wants to cultivate vampire jellyfish, he obviously still has a long way to go. As far as he knows, there are many schools that have various secret medicines and secret methods that can enhance the potential of Warcraft and even make Warcraft change according to his own ideas. body structure.

There is a school called "Succubus" that is extremely good at cultivating various magical beasts into human forms. Fox girls, cat girls, and tiger girls are all very beautiful when transformed into human forms. There are many folk custom industries that belong to this school.

If Wuming gets the secret method of that school, maybe he can really cultivate vampire jellyfish into jellyfish girls.

Unfortunately, he only has the basic secret technique of the Alman School.

Idle was idle, and he practiced the secret method of Alman School while watching vampire jellyfish hunting in the water.

In fact, it was a bit too easy for him.

Soul shield, he mastered it instantly, and transferred this energy to the center of his brow without difficulty.

‏​​‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎And he could change the shape of the soul shield freely and control the movement of the soul shield on the surface of his body.

Because the soul energy of the vampire jellyfish was not strong enough, the condensed soul shield could only cover one of his arms at most, so he could only use the soul shield to constantly change its shape to defend against various attacks.

And the roar of the soul...

cannot be released.

Because the essence of the roar of the soul is to stimulate the soul in the magic soul crystal, let it roar, so as to shock the enemy's soul.

But the soul of the vampire jellyfish was crushed into a blank sheet of paper by his will, which is equivalent to a vegetable at the soul level, and it is impossible to roar.

As for the rampage of the monster, it cannot be released either.

Because the essence of the rampage of the monster is still to stimulate the soul of the monster...

Wuming found that the advantage of crushing the soul of the monster is that he does not have to suppress the soul of the monster all the time, but the disadvantage is that he can only use one of the three basic secrets of the Alman school.

But it is not without advantages.

Because the soul of the vampire jellyfish is a blank soul, it does not know how to resist at all. Wuming's speed of condensing the soul shield is much faster than other tamers of the Alman school, and he can control this energy at will, making it into any shape.

Theoretically, he can even turn this energy into a sword, changing from defense to attack.


Soul energy is also energy, which means he has mastered an energy!

Wuming suddenly realized why he should use this energy according to the rules of this world, when there are obviously more ways to play in the world!

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