I Contracted Myself

【1006】Excavator embroidery

The next day, on the beach.

Wuming suddenly increased his speed and flashed four or five meters away. Then he waved his hand and a rock next to him was split in two, but there was nothing in his hand.

After realizing that the soul energy in the magic soul crystal is also energy, he simply gave up the use of the Alman school and used this energy directly as his own energy.

His speed increased, in fact, the principle is very simple, it is nothing more than gathering this energy under the feet to explode and push his body forward.

As for cutting the rock, it is to control the energy into a sharp blade.

Because the soul energy is limited, he can stretch this energy to about one and a half meters at most, which means that if the enemy enters within two meters of him, he can cut the target in an instant.

In fact, the beast trainers of the Alman school‏​​‎​‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ have thought about these operating methods, but they can't do it.

Because the magic beast souls in the magic soul crystal will resist, they control this energy like driving an excavator, and Wuming's methods are equivalent to embroidering.

Therefore, controlling the energy of the magic beast soul to do these operations is equivalent to using an excavator to embroider.

This is too difficult for the trainers of the Alman school.

In addition, Wuming has actually guessed what the so-called invincible secret method is.

The opponent is very likely to inject three different magic beast soul energies into the center of the eyebrows, so that his soul shield not only covers the whole body, but also has extremely amazing defense, just like turning on invincibility.

There may be some small tricks in it, but for ordinary trainers, this is still very, very dangerous, probably equivalent to putting a lion and a tiger in a cage, and the lion and the tiger will fight to the death in a minute.

Once the two soul energies conflict, the trainer is likely to die from a headshot. As for putting in three energies... this is no longer an ordinary death.

Perhaps the trainer who developed the invincible secret method was born with a strong willpower, or the three magic beast soul energies are special, so he successfully controlled this power.

Wuming speculated that the three energies came from three monsters from the same mother, so the three energies could be safe and sound. However, whether this is true or not, I am afraid that only the trainers of the Alman School know.

After practicing the secret method in the morning, Wuming continued to copy the code in the afternoon, striving to get the artificial intelligence out as soon as possible.

It is worth mentioning that it was cloudy last night, but it did not rain unexpectedly. Now the sky is still gloomy, as if it is about to rain, but it just won't.

Wuming's dinner is still a fish, but this time he changed to a different fish.

As for lunch, he ate crabs.

With vampire jellyfish preying in the water, he can't lack food at the seaside. At most, he eats too much meat and he misses vegetables a little.

However, when the artificial intelligence is copied, he will take the vampire jellyfish into the woods, and he should be able to eat vegetables or fruits at that time.


Manshan, Wesley Family.

A group of direct descendants stood in a row, and Chu Yinshan also stood among them in disguise, waiting for the arrival of the trainer.

The Wesley family is a beast taming family that has existed for more than 500 years. The entire Manshan Mountain is ruled by the Wesley family. They are the local emperors of Manshan Mountain and have supreme power in Manshan Mountain.

As a member of the Wesley family, every male direct member will receive "conferring" after adulthood. Only those who survive the conferring can be considered as formal members of the family, and those who fail to survive are basically equivalent to death.

In order to survive the conferring, members of the Wesley family have been subjected to various painful training since the age of five. Both their willpower and physical endurance are far beyond ordinary people.

It is this cruelty to their own people that has created the miracle of the Wesley family's undefeated for a hundred years.

At this time, more than a dozen beast tamers walked into the courtyard, and at the same time, several ape-shaped monsters came in carrying huge cages, and these cages were all filled with ape-shaped monsters.

The Savage Mountain Demon Ape was once a feared existence by the residents around it hundreds of years ago. Later, the first patriarch of the Wesley family tamed the Ape King and slowly controlled the entire tribe through the Ape King.

Now the Savage Mountain Demon Ape has become the symbol of the Wesley family. Once you see a trainer with a Savage Mountain Demon Ape, everyone knows that it is a trainer of the Wesley family.

"You are lucky to be born in the Wesley family, but you are also unlucky because you were born in the Wesley family. Our family does not need waste. Next, those whose names are called come to receive the conferment. Remember, you can only survive if you grit your teeth and hold on, otherwise you will die!" Kevins, the elder of the Wesley family, looked at everyone and said seriously.

The disciples who received the conferment immediately cheered up, all raised their heads and chests, and prepared to receive the conferment.



Then, the first boy came forward, and a trainer took out the magic soul crystal from the cage and handed it to the boy. The boy immediately swallowed it and began to fight against the magic soul in the magic soul crystal.

After a moment, veins bulged on the forehead of the boy named Jackson, and his entire face turned red, twisting from time to time, as if an angry giant ape was trying to break out of his body.


Suddenly, Jackson spat out a mouthful of blood, opened his scarlet eyes, and roared angrily.

The trainer sighed slightly, closed his eyes and stopped looking at Jackson, while his magic beast punched Jackson, who was instantly blown up and died.

The other teenagers present saw this scene and couldn't help swallowing their saliva quietly, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.



A blond fat man stepped out of the team.

It was still the same process. The blond fat man swallowed the magic soul crystal of the Barbarian Mountain Demon Ape and soon began to fight against the soul in the magic soul crystal.


Suddenly, the blond fat man opened his red eyes and roared angrily.

The trainer sighed slightly, controlled the Barbarian Mountain Demon Ape to punch out, and the blond fat man was blown away in an instant, and he was dead when he landed.

"The mortality rate is so high!"

Chu Yinshan saw that two consecutive direct members failed to be conferred, and he couldn't help but get nervous.

He was very nervous. If he couldn't bear the conferment, wouldn't he die at this level?

If he had known earlier, he would have simply given up this level. After all, this level didn't require fighting. He could find a place to hide until the end of this level and still survive. At most, he would not get any reward.

Unfortunately, it was too late to regret now.

He assassinated a young man named 'Yinyou' from the Wesley family and disguised himself as a young man to join the Wesley family. If he dared to run now, the trainers would probably control the monsters to beat him to death with one punch.

At this time, the elder read: "Yinyou."


Chu Yinshan gritted his teeth and walked out of the team at the same time.

He took a deep breath and walked heavily towards the cage. The Barbarian Mountain Demon Ape in the cage seemed to see his fear and grinned. That smile was full of malice in his eyes.

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