I Contracted Myself


Besides, the Earthquake Ape is not completely useless.

At least now it can control a tree, so Wuming can use the Earthquake Ape's ability to build a perfect plant ship and leave the island more safely.

Originally, his plan was very simple, that is, to use the sharp claws of the vampire jellyfish to cut down trees, and then build a canoe. When he prepared enough fruits and vegetables, he would leave the island and travel the world.

But with the Earthquake Ape, he can build a living ship!

The ship is divided into four layers, one of which is used to store soil for the tree to take root, so that the tree will not die due to lack of nutrition.

The second layer is the living layer, where Wuming's room and bathroom are located. The toilet in the bathroom leads directly to the soil layer on the next layer, so that the soil can be fertilized at any time.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‎‎ Next is the isolation layer. Usually, Wuming can go up to the top layer of the ship through the isolation layer, but if he encounters danger, the isolation layer can be closed at any time to form a waterproof structure, and then under the control of the Earthquake Ape, the entire ship dives into the water to avoid enemy attacks.

With such a boat, plus the accompanying protection of the vampire jellyfish, his chances of finding the mainland safely are undoubtedly much greater than that of paddling a canoe.

However, this matter cannot be rushed. The earthquake ape still has room for recovery, and it takes time to choose a suitable tree.

Besides, the fire is still burning.

It is easy to destroy, but difficult to protect.

Wuming only needs to spray a few mouthfuls of venom to let the vampire jellyfish ignite the forest, but it is difficult to put out the fire now.

Looking at the billowing smoke from the woods, Wuming only hopes that there will be a heavy rain tonight, otherwise he may have to quickly choose a tree tomorrow and let the earthquake ape move the tree to the sea first, so that the tree will not be burned out.

However, things do not go as planned, even if you are lucky, you will not be so lucky every day.

The next day, in addition to the sky becoming gloomy, the heavy rain that Wuming had been thinking about did not appear. The forest was still emitting thick smoke, and flames could be seen from time to time.

"It seems that I can only choose a suitable tree first." Wuming sighed.

He took the Earthquake Ape with him, and the Vampire Jellyfish took him with him. Under the wrapping of telekinesis, they quickly took off from the sailboat and flew to the other side of the island.

There is a mountain in the middle of the island. It is not a particularly large mountain, but a very short stone mountain.

Although the fire on this side of the island was set by Wuming, and the fire has a tendency to spread to the whole island, there are actually many trees on the other side of the mountain that have not been affected.

Wuming's target is the tree over there.

In fact, not all the ancient trees here are controlled by the Earthquake Ape. The Earthquake Ape controls only the ancient trees in a large range. Some ancient trees outside the range are not actually controlled by the Earthquake Ape.

These ancient trees are huge enough and are the best materials for making ships.

Especially some super-large ancient trees that require more than ten people to hug. After the transformation, the internal space will be very large, and Wuming will be more comfortable when living in it.

Next, Wuming spent half a day to select a giant tree with a height of more than 200 meters and a diameter of about five meters as the transformation material.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‎‏This tree is called the Giant Wu Tree. It can be found in many places in the heavens and the worlds. Its biggest feature is that it is strong. Although the wood is not as hard as the iron tree, it is not much different.

In many worlds, practitioners like to use this tree to make strong and durable furniture.

However, the Giant Wu Tree cannot be soaked in water. Once it is soaked in water for too long, it will deteriorate. Not only will the wood become soft, but it will also be particularly easy to rot and break with a poke.

But if there is a seismic gorilla, it will be another situation.

The seismic gorilla can activate the entire tree, making the entire tree not afraid of water, and it will also greatly increase the hardness and toughness of the tree. In theory, the seismic gorilla can still be comparable to a first-level monster in the water by leaning on this tree.

"Okay, go!"

Wuming patted the giant Wu Tree, and then ordered the second housekeeper.

Under the control of the second housekeeper, the seismic gorilla immediately landed next to the giant Wu Tree, and quickly took root, controlling one of the roots to pierce into the body of the giant Wu Tree.

As the roots took root and sprouted, the entire giant wutong tree immediately underwent earth-shaking changes.

Butler No. 2 had already understood Wuming's intentions and obtained the structural diagram of the large ship that Wuming wanted in his mind. At this time, he only needed to control the earthquake ape to change the shape of the giant wutong tree to get the ship that Wuming wanted.


Wuming watched the giant wutong tree change its shape little by little, thinking about when to go out to sea. Suddenly, a drop of rain fell on the tip of his nose. He looked up at the sky and saw heavy rain falling.

"It's raining, so good." Wuming said to himself as the smoke on the other side of the mountain gradually disappeared.

Although he set the fire, his original intention was not to destroy the forest. Although the rain did not come in time, it came at the right time.

In the rain, the earthquake ape's work efficiency increased greatly. The branches of the giant wutong tree were divided into two layers. The first layer had leaves, and the lower layer became the shape of oars.

At that time, the earthquake ape would control the oars to move, and the leaves on the upper layer could act as sails in addition to photosynthesis, making it easier for the ship to move forward.

After adjusting the branches, the whole giant sycamore tree began to shake, and the huge roots were pulled out from the ground little by little. Then, under the control of the earthquake gorilla, the roots intertwined with each other to form the shape of a shovel, and a huge opening appeared inside the trunk. The shovel quickly shoveled the soil into the opening.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‏At this time, the vampire jellyfish stepped forward to assist the earthquake ape, using telekinesis to help the giant wu wood fall down little by little and lie horizontally on the ground.

In order to ensure that there were no other trees blocking it, the vampire jellyfish had just cut down many trees along the way.

Wuming had been watching all the time. Basically, he didn't need to do anything. The two intelligent butlers understood his plan and cooperated with each other to complete the task.

Two hours later, a large ship was transformed. The earthquake ape had been integrated into the interior of the large ship and became one of the cores of the ship.

And it happened to be raining, so a lot of rainwater was stored inside the ship. For at least one month, Wuming didn't need to worry about the water problem.

Butler No. 2 also optimized the internal structure of the entire ship. If there were power storage materials and metals, the interior of the ship could even be modernized, with electricity and lights.

After the ship was transformed, the vampire jellyfish used telekinesis to move the ship bit by bit.

The vampire jellyfish's telekinesis is not weak now, but the ship is very heavy, and it can't lift it all at once.

Because Wuming did not consider the weight of the soil, he designed the boat into four layers, but after the calculation and optimization of the No. 2 steward, he added another layer on top of the soil layer, which will contain a large amount of helium secreted by the tree to ensure that the boat can float on the water.

In fact, if the tree did not need soil to survive, according to the calculation of the No. 2 steward, the tree could be made into a floating boat and fly in the air.

Of course, it is actually possible now. Just give up the soil and let the tree die, and it can still fly into the sky.

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