I Contracted Myself

【1013】First Boxing Technique

A few days later.

The beach of the isolated island, blue sky and white clouds.

Wuming stood in a place where the waves could not reach, looked back at the island for the last time, and smiled: "No, it's a farewell forever!"

This time he left must be a farewell forever. He could not return to this island. He had made all preparations, whether it was vegetables or fruits, to collect a lot of them, enough for him to survive the next long journey.

In addition, the ship has been optimized dozens of times in the past few days, such as adding many night pearls inside the ship.

These night pearls are luminous beads collected by vampire jellyfish from a fish called bulb fish.

The bulb fish is between ordinary creatures and monsters, and is a type that is difficult to distinguish and define. When it is born, it is only the size of a grain of rice, but it can grow slowly, and finally grow to more than 30 meters, becoming a behemoth.

When this fish grows up, a luminous bead will grow on its forehead, which is mainly used to attract mates, and can also be used to attract some small fish.

When it grows to more than 30 meters, the luminous bead can even illuminate a large area of ​​the deep sea.

However, most of the bulb fish do not grow that big. When they are more than ten meters long, they attract monsters because of their luminescence and eventually become food for deep-sea monsters.

After discovering the first bulb fish, the vampire jellyfish spent several days specifically looking for and killing bulb fish, and collected a lot of night-shining pearls.

The largest one is about the size of a basketball, and the smallest is about the size of a light bulb. The vampire jellyfish is too lazy to attack even the smallest ones.

Nowadays, the vampire jellyfish is getting stronger and stronger, and has become the overlord of the deep sea. In the past few days, Wuming encountered two fish monsters. Before he decided to kill or subdue them, the vampire jellyfish killed those monsters in one move.

Seeing this scene, Wuming's threshold for subduing monsters was raised all of a sudden. He looked down on any first-level monster that could not be evenly matched with the vampire jellyfish.

Wuming now hopes to meet suitable monsters after going out to sea, and then subdue a few monsters similar to the vampire jellyfish. At that time, there will be many monsters to escort him. As long as he does not encounter legendary monsters, he should be able to land safely.

After bidding farewell to the island, he flew to the sea under the telekinesis of the vampire jellyfish. After a while, a ship slowly surfaced in the deep sea area, and a hole soon opened above it.

Wuming boarded the ship and entered the interior of the ship through the entrance, and the entrance immediately healed itself.

The ship was completely sealed, and the oxygen inside was formed by the big tree itself through photosynthesis. It would absorb the carbon dioxide exhaled by Wuming through its leaves, and then convert it into oxygen and return it to the inside of the ship.

Moreover, there were a large number of night pearls inlaid inside the ship. Even without sunlight, it could still perform gas conversion uninterruptedly. In theory, as long as the earthquake ape could withstand the water pressure, the entire ship could dive deep into the deep sea.

Wuming knew the structure of the ship very well. He came to his room and said, "Let's go."

The big ship immediately dived, and countless branches paddled like oars. The vampire jellyfish guarded above the big ship. Once a threat approached the big ship, it would crush the other party with telekinesis.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‎‏‏Wuming can observe the surrounding situation at any time through the vampire jellyfish.

In fact, the soul of the vampire jellyfish has already produced a linkage effect with the soul of the earthquake ape.

The earthquake ape cannot see the picture outside the big ship, but through the connection between the two intelligent butlers and sharing of pictures, the earthquake ape inside the big ship can also understand the situation in the sea, so as to constantly adjust the course and avoid some reefs and big fish.

"Next, finish reading the rest of the book."

Wuming lay on the comfortable bed, took a book and opened it, just like on a sailboat, continuing to absorb nutrition from the book.

His room is inlaid with three night pearls, and the whole room is very bright. When he needs to sleep, he can use the leaves of the second butler to cover the night pearls, and the whole room will naturally fall into darkness.

The ceiling of the room is now countless intertwined branches, which are covered with dense leaves. Under the control of the second butler, these leaves can exert extraordinary properties and quickly exchange gases. Even if the whole room is closed, Wuming will not be short of oxygen.

The next few days were calm.

There might be storms on the sea, but it was very quiet in the deep sea. The big ship moved slowly under the escort of the vampire jellyfish and did not encounter any opponents.

Wuming would occasionally switch to the perspective of the vampire jellyfish to observe the surroundings. The darkness could not block the power of the vampire jellyfish. The situation within a radius of several thousand meters was clear at a glance.

In addition to various fish, Warcraft was actually quite rare. When it was hard to encounter a Warcraft, the vampire jellyfish would kill it in seconds.

The vampire jellyfish is getting stronger and bigger now, and its size has long exceeded the size of the largest jellyfish on earth in Wuming's memory.

Its tentacles are more than 50 meters long, and as the size grows, the tentacles become more and more, and some purple patterns appear on the surface of the body.

These patterns will flash in the deep sea. According to the physical examination of the No. 1 housekeeper, it can be determined that when these patterns are completely and stably glowing, the vampire jellyfish will enter the mature stage, and it may have new abilities at that time.

"It's no use lying down all day, I need to exercise, or I'll become fat!"

One day, Wuming was bored, so he came out of the room. There was a hall outside. Basketball-sized night-shining pearls were inlaid above the hall, and there were a lot of ping-pong-sized night-shining pearls around the basketball-sized night-shining pearls.

The leaves in the whole hall were very dense, all relying on these night-shining pearls to emit light and heat, and to exchange various gases.

Wuming practiced Tai Chi in the hall, and then practiced the Beast King Fist again, revisiting his mental journey when he learned various moves in the past.

"By the way, it's being broadcast live outside now, right?" Wuming suddenly remembered something, quickly stopped, looked around with a smile, and said to himself.

The test in the Lost Gate was not broadcast live, so Wuming almost forgot that the Shenzang Trial was broadcast live.

"Those who saw me practicing boxing just now, remember to come back and pay my tuition honestly. This is the first boxing in the world. If you practice it well, you can be invincible in the world." Wuming said seriously.

Outside, countless practitioners had black lines on their foreheads. How could that crappy boxing method be invincible?

You are just kidding.


Even children would not believe such a lie.

After all, most children nowadays go to initiation schools, and initiation schools teach various boxing routines to lay the foundation for future practice.

Wuming's boxing method is obviously a health-preserving boxing method, and the second set is also very rough. It is obviously a low-level boxing method from some rural world. Who would learn it?

However, in a courtyard in Dahuang City, a little boy was watching the live broadcast with a bright look, as if he had discovered the secret of Wuming's number one in the world.

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