I Contracted Myself

【1015】Dead beast

"Don't go down yet!"

Wuming sat on top of the blood-sucking jellyfish, looked at the big pit below, and suddenly said.

Butler No. 1, who was originally preparing to go down, immediately controlled the vampire jellyfish to freeze in mid-air. Butler No. 1 was only an artificial intelligence, not a real creature. Although it could not understand the nameless order, it would faithfully execute the nameless order.

When there is no command, it will operate according to its own logic, but when there is an unnamed command, it will definitely execute the unnamed command first.

Wuming generally would not interfere with the actions of Butler No. 1, and would only give orders when he felt something was inappropriate.

At this time, he felt something was wrong. It was probably like the wind before a storm. There was a depressing feeling when he smelled it. Now he had such a feeling.

The battle between wild beasts cannot be judged according to logic.

Sometimes, a mouse can chase a cat, but does that mean a mouse is more powerful than a cat?

The answer is naturally no.

Even though the undead monster tries to run away after a few attempts, just like a vampire jellyfish will eat it, in fact the undead monster has not been injured so far.

Just after touching it, the reason why the undead monster was at a disadvantage was entirely because the vampire jellyfish used telekinesis to float, while the undead monster relied on its wings.

The floating stability of telekinesis is much higher than that of wings, and the wings will naturally be completely defeated when touched.

Wuming knew the logic very well, so even though he felt that the vampire jellyfish was stronger than the undead monster, he still did not take it lightly. When he sensed something was wrong, he decisively stopped the vampire jellyfish from pursuing the victory.

Although this may lead to a longer battle, it is better than an accident.

Sure enough, a moment later, the undead monster hit and a large amount of black gas came out of the pit, and then the undead monster slowly floated out of the pit.

Its body has already developed many cracks, and a large amount of black hair and black energy gush out from the cracks.

Roar! ! ! !

As soon as it came out, it immediately let out an angry roar. Its black hair was woven into arms and pressed to the ground. At the same time, its body was half bent on the ground, and black smoke kept coming out of its dark eyes.

"Danger, retreat!"

Wuming frowned and immediately ordered.

In an instant, the vampire jellyfish retreated quickly, and at the same time, the body of the undead monster suddenly shook violently. With the undead monster as the center, a large amount of black energy erupted, forming a black curtain rising into the sky, and this black curtain appeared in a circle and spread rapidly to all sides.

The trees on the island were swallowed up by the darkness. When the darkness left, the trees all withered and withered.

The ground was swept by a black curtain, turning the earth into pitch black and full of cracks, as if it had turned into a dead land.

The vampire jellyfish retreated very quickly, but the shadow came very quickly. The vampire jellyfish quickly used the power of mind to block the shadow, but this time the power of the shadow was astonishing, and it was crushed as soon as the mind touched it.

Thought power is difficult to consume, but at this moment it is consumed astonishingly, as if snow has encountered flames and is melting rapidly.

Butler No. 1 quickly retracted his telekinesis and ran away at a faster speed. The sea below was swept by a black curtain, the water turned black, and countless fish and human skeletons floated from the bottom of the water. When it came out of the water, it exuded a sinister aura of death.

"Fly back while flying higher!" Wuming ordered at this time.

The vampire jellyfish immediately acted according to Wuming's instructions, quickly retreating while raising its height. When they flew to an altitude of two thousand meters, the shady scene could not affect them at last.

Looking down from a high altitude, you can see that the black screen is still spreading, and everything in its path is dying. There is even a huge fish monster with a size of more than 100 meters, which is instantly killed and turned into a corpse floating on the water.

Fortunately, the undead monster used its ultimate move. Although it was a ring-shaped attack, under its intentional control, the only thing that really spread in a large area was the front, so now the ring-shaped black screen has deformed and turned into something similar to a stadium runway. oval shape.

In the rear, although a large area was also affected, because the No. 2 housekeeper and the No. 1 housekeeper cooperated and controlled the ship to retreat in advance, it was not affected by the shady plot. Otherwise, Wuming would definitely lose the most important means of transportation today.

Finally, after ten minutes, the darkness stopped expanding, and then the black energy began to dissipate.

But the impact of the undead monsters has just begun. As the black air dissipates, the dark seawater seems to be highly toxic. Once it blends with the surrounding seawater, a large number of fish that have not been affected before will die in an instant.

However, these fish did not turn into skeletons after death, but just surfaced and became corpses.

"It's too scary. If it touches us and uses this trick from the beginning..."

Wuming looked at the large Dead Sea and Dead Land below, couldn't help but wipe the sweat from his forehead, and said to himself.

Even the practitioners watching the live broadcast outside couldn't help but take a breath when they saw this scene. There is indeed something about this monster, and because there is no one to refer to, no one can guarantee that they will not die if they encounter the black energy.

After all, all creatures that come across the shady scene are dead.

"I have decided that if no trainer has discovered this monster yet, then it will be called a dead beast. It deserves this name!" Wuming suddenly stood up at this time, pointed at the undead monster on the island, and said loudly .

Dead beast.

It really fits.

When the audience outside heard Wuming's declaration, many couldn't help but post comments.

Although there are many similar creatures in the world, ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏, this is the magical beast that forced Wuming back, which is of extraordinary significance.

Wuming naturally couldn't see the audience's comments. He was still trying to determine whether he could get close to the dead beast. Although the black curtain had dissipated, there were still faint wisps of black air in the air.

These black air were like residual electric wires, twisting and appearing from time to time, distorting the surrounding space, so that when looking at the island from a distance, the entire island was like a mirage, fluctuating.

The strength of the dead beast was far stronger than the vampire jellyfish. If Wuming hadn't been through hundreds of battles and had a high sense of smell for various dangers, the vampire jellyfish would probably be killed instantly by the dead beast.

Although he had avoided the attack of the dead beast, it was hard to judge what state the dead beast was in now.

He hoped that the dead beast's move was a big move, and he would be unable to fight again after using it, but he didn't want it to be the dead beast's big move. After all, the stronger the dead beast was, the more valuable it was to conquer.

At this time, the dead beast on the shore raised its head, and the arms woven with black hair spread out and turned into vertical hair that covered its body.

Perhaps it sensed Wuming's gaze, and it instantly raised its head higher, finally seeing the blood-sucking jellyfish thousands of meters away.

Chi Chi!

It entered combat mode again, and a large amount of black gas flowed out from its hair.

This time its form changed again, and its bones gradually broke apart, and then pieced together, changing from a four-limbed form to a flying form.

A large amount of hair and bones were entangled together, and it was like a giant bat, instantly flying into the sky.

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