I Contracted Myself


Although he suspected that the course was wrong, Wuming decided to continue moving forward according to the course he had set long ago after careful consideration, because it was also possible that the environment had changed due to the passage of time.

There were monsters in this world, and a battle between monsters might be enough to cause an island to sink.

It was not surprising that the environment did not match.

A week later.

During the long journey, there was finally something new.

When the vampire jellyfish was hunting on a large scale, it was discovered that there was a huge island about 15 nautical miles to the right of the ship.

That island was more than a hundred times larger than the island where the dead beast was found. Through the vampire jellyfish's sight, you can see the lush forests on the island, as well as the peaks of layers of rocks. On the highest peak, there is even a glowing tree.

Obviously, that tree is not simple.

Wuming decisively decided to explore the island and improve the food by the way.

To be honest, he has been eating fish these days, and he is almost a blind fish eater. He can tell what kind of fish he eats with his eyes closed, and he can spit out the bones in seconds after eating it.

Now he hopes that there will be animals like rabbits and roe deer on the island, otherwise his saliva will almost smell fishy.

Half an hour passed in a flash, and the big ship quickly moved towards the island. When they reached a similar area, Wuming got out of the ship and boarded the island under the telekinesis of the vampire jellyfish.

The island is very large, and even the vampire jellyfish can hardly detect the entire island.

Wuming sat on one of the tentacles of the vampire jellyfish and observed the forest on the island. Then, he didn't rush to alert the enemy like last time, but quietly entered the forest with the vampire jellyfish.

He is not interested in the monsters on the island now, but only in the animals on the island. He wants to eat meat! ! !

"Rabbit, hurry up, catch it!"

In the forest, Wuming soon found a fleeing rabbit.

The vampire jellyfish instantly grabbed the gray-brown rabbit with telekinesis, and easily stunned the rabbit with telekinesis.

Then Wuming and the vampire jellyfish were like entering a food warehouse. After a while, they found pheasants, and then wild deer, wild boars, and bison.

The animals on this island are too rich.

Wuming gradually realized that something was wrong again. He frowned and said, "Audience, have you found anything wrong?"

Without waiting for the audience to answer, he continued to say, "There are too many vegetarian animals, and so far... I don't seem to have found any carnivores. Of course, wild boars are omnivores, so they can be excluded for the time being."

There are so many vegetarian animals. In theory, if there are no natural enemies, no matter how many plants there are on this island, they will not be enough for them to cause trouble.

But the plants on this island are extremely lush, and all the animals coexist harmoniously, just like a fairyland in a fairy tale world.

The problem is... there is no fairyland in this level!

But forget it.

Wuming didn't have the idea to go into it. Since there were many animals, he would prepare more meat. Even if he couldn't finish it now, he could smoke or pickle it later and eat it slowly later.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‎Anyway, in the short term, he really didn't want to eat fish anymore.

Although his cooking skills were very good, with only mineral salt, he could only cook a few ways even if he turned the world upside down. If he ate too much of the same fish, he would soon feel sick of it.

Of course, this kind of sickness was not unacceptable, but if there were conditions that could be improved, Wuming would definitely not let himself suffer.

Wuming's idea was very simple. If you can enjoy it, why must you suffer?

Then the animals in the forest suffered. Under the telekinesis of the vampire jellyfish, a large number of rabbits and wild deer were captured. All of them were stunned by a blow, and then rolled up by the tentacles of the vampire sleeper. When they returned to the big ship, Wuming would slowly deal with them.

For example, blood, internal organs, etc. can be buried in the mud inside the ship, just in time to add nutrition to the big ship.

"Over there, there are so many rabbits. Could it be that they have entered the rabbit nest?"

"And over there, I saw a stupid spore. It's still in a daze and won't leave. Catch it!"

Wuming knew that the catching efficiency of the vampire jellyfish was higher than his, but he still gestured and talked excitedly. He even had a picture of himself eating meat in his mind.

At this time, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

The vampire jellyfish took off in the blink of an eye, and then a huge deer was seen slowly walking out of the woods in front. After stopping in the empty space of the woods, it looked up at the vampire jellyfish and Wuming standing on the head of the vampire jellyfish.

The deer was nearly five meters tall, with pure white fur on its body, and the huge antlers emitted pink light, and there were a lot of petals rotating around it.


Wuming looked at the deer in front of him and wanted to complain about himself.

It would be fine if he met a dead beast that looked like him in front, but why did he finally encounter an island, but the monster on this island still looked so much like him.

When he used the Flower of Illusion, a large number of petals were spinning around him, almost exactly like the monster in front of him.

The comments outside were surprisingly consistent today:

"Mr. Wuming has appeared!"

"Mr. Wuming has appeared +1"

"Mr. Wuming has appeared +2"

"The wild Mr. Wuming has appeared!"

Many viewers looked at the similar image of the monster and couldn't help laughing.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‏The loudest laughers were the people in the Wenxin Villa. Because they were more familiar with Wuming, they all laughed while holding their stomachs when they saw the deer appear.

"Ahem, coincidence, this is definitely a coincidence."

Wuming coughed, as if he knew what the barrage was saying, and suddenly he talked to himself seriously.

Then he narrowed his eyes and said, "The attributes of this monster seem to be exactly the opposite of the dead beast, so the name should be... Flowering Beast!"

He laughed triumphantly, and the moment the vampire jellyfish laughed, its telekinesis quickly grabbed the monster on the ground.

The monster did not attack after it appeared. Facing the invisible telekinesis attack of the vampire jellyfish, it seemed not to notice it, and it was still motionless on the ground, like a stupid roe deer.

But the moment the telekinesis touched it, the telekinesis rebelled.

As if the waves hit the tide-proof dam, the telekinesis instantly rolled back and counterattacked the vampire jellyfish.

Fortunately, the vampire jellyfish did not use its full strength in this attack, but just tried it out a little. So when faced with the counterattack of telekinesis, it also used telekinesis to collide. After the two telekinesis collided, the vampire jellyfish immediately regained control of that part of the telekinesis. The reaction force of the collision of the two forces all fell on it, so that it was injured for the first time in a long time.

In an instant, many tiny cracks appeared on the surface of its skin.

"Will it rebound?"

Wuming learned about the result of the invisible collision through Butler No. 1, and thought to himself.

But whether it rebounds or not, we need to test it again.

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