I Contracted Myself


Electric shock.


Rock throwing.

Rebound after shattering.

Next, under Wuming's control, the vampire jellyfish gently used two attacks to test.

The first one was its own electric shock. Wuming looked very carefully. The current did not fall on the flower beast. There seemed to be an invisible, round shield outside its body.

The electric shock fell on the shield and then rebounded back. However, when it was mentally prepared, this current was easily resolved by the vampire jellyfish.

Although the vampire jellyfish can discharge electricity, it is not anti-electric. It needs to use telekinesis to ensure that it is not injured by external current. When discharging electricity in the water, the vampire jellyfish will use telekinesis to protect itself.

Then the vampire jellyfish used telekinesis to grab the rocks on the ground and threw them at the flower beast. It still hit the shield, so it would shatter and rebound.

Wuming felt relieved when he saw this.

Although the Flowering Beast has the ability to rebound, this rebound must have an upper limit. When the force exceeds the upper limit it can withstand, the shield will be broken and the rebound will fail.

The question is... what is the upper limit?

Generally speaking, magic beasts will have their own upper limit.

It is through the judgment of their upper limit that the trainer divides the magic beasts into levels one to nine.

For example, the vampire jellyfish is now between the first level magic beast and the second level magic beast. If the environment is suitable, it may even defeat the third level magic beast.

According to Wuming's estimation, the earthquake gorilla is between the second level and the third level, because it has the ability of the third level magic beast to some extent, that is, to change the environment in a small range.

It's just that its ability is a bit tricky. If it is not in the forest, this trick will not work.

And the real third level magic beast can change the environment no matter where it is.

The dead beast that Wuming encountered before was a very typical third level magic beast. After getting serious, it instantly affected the environment in a large area. I am afraid that the damage caused by the dead beast is still affecting that island and the surrounding sea area.

If the Flowering Beast is also level 3, then its shield will only be broken if it is attacked by level 3 or above.

If that is the case, Wuming can retreat with the vampire jellyfish now, and there is no need to continue to tangle with the Flowering Beast.

"Try it again to see if it has the ability to change the environment in a small range. If it does, retreat." Wuming thought for a while and said to himself.

He was speaking to the audience behind the screen. After all, the attitude of the Flowering Beast has been very strange since it appeared. It has not attacked or been angry, but just looked at him and the vampire jellyfish calmly.

This attitude is very strange, and Wuming cannot understand what it wants to do.

Wuming thought about it, and suddenly the idea moved, and the soil under the feet of the Flowering Beast was immediately lifted up by the telekinesis of the vampire jellyfish, and the Flowering Beast was also lifted up.

At this time, the Flowering Beast raised its head slightly, and the petals rotating around it rotated faster.

Before Wuming and Butler No. 1 could react, the trees around them began to grow. Unlike the control and morphological changes of the earthquake gorilla, the flowering beast really made these trees and flowers grow wildly.

With it as the center, the whole forest rose from the ground and exploded at an extremely exaggerated speed.

As soon as the vampire jellyfish used telekinesis to lift the flowering beast a little bit, a branch of a tree pierced into the soil under the feet of the flowering beast. The roots of the grass growing on the soil were entangled with the branches, and then more and more branches joined in, forming a huge wooden platform. The flowering beast stood on the platform, still looking at the vampire jellyfish and Wuming calmly.

But the environment of this forest has changed, from the original lush forest to an extremely lush forest. If it continues to grow, it will probably be even more exaggerated.

"It is definitely a level 3 monster. I can't beat it." Wuming saw this scene and said to himself.

It's not that the vampire jellyfish can't beat the flower beast, but it's very difficult, almost impossible for the vampire jellyfish to break the flower beast's shield. Even if it attacks with all its strength, it's probably just asking for trouble.

Forget it, retreat.

Wuming thought about it, and then he and the vampire jellyfish slowly retreated. The flower beast stood on the platform and didn't chase, just watched Wuming and the vampire jellyfish leave.

"Do you think the behavior of the Flowering Beast is strange? Actually, it is not strange at all. It should be a rare vegetarian monster. This kind of monster is very rare on the mainland, and most of them are very loving. They will protect the animals in their territory and exclude all kinds of carnivores.

But don't think this is a good thing. This is just the instinct of vegetarian monsters.

This Flowering Beast is special because it can speed up the growth of plants, so even if carnivores are driven away and vegetarian animals multiply in large numbers, it can still provide enough food.

But ordinary vegetarian monsters may not have such ability, so the result of their instinctive rejection of carnivores is ecological imbalance. A large number of vegetarian animals will have to migrate after eating all the plants, and vegetarian monsters will also migrate with them, which will slowly cause land desertification and even cause animal disasters." Wuming landed on the big ship, looked at the island in the distance, and explained.

The island is very large, but unfortunately it is protected by the Flowering Beast.

Don't think that the Flowering Beast did not attack him and the vampire jellyfish from beginning to end, because he has not forced the Flowering Beast. Once he is forced, it will be terrible.

“‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‎By the way, it is worth mentioning that the beast trainers on the mainland do not actually use level one to level nine to refer to the level of the beasts. Level three beasts in their place are called Jiqimu Xixieryu level beasts. Isn’t it long and smelly?

Actually, this is an ancient continental language... How should I say it? It should be a machine translation. It should mean celestial monsters.” Wuming suddenly thought of something and smiled at the audience in front of the screen.

His translation is quite faithful and elegant, because level three beasts have the ability to change the environment in a small range.

In the eyes of the beast trainers in the past, level three beasts can indeed cause celestial phenomena. For example, when the level three thunderhorn horse is angry, the sky will be covered with dark clouds, and then countless thunders will fall.

Once the thunderhorn horse activates its ability, the area will be in a thunderstorm state for the next month, which is extremely terrifying.

“Okay, let’s continue to set off. I hope the beasts on the next island will be easier to deal with, and this time it’s not without gains. At least I don’t have to eat fish anymore!” Wuming took a last look at the island and then laughed nervously.

Although the Flowering Beast came out to stop him and the vampire jellyfish from continuing to hunt, he did not abandon the prey he had hunted before. If he handled it well, it should be enough for him to eat for a long time.

He entered the ship, and the ship immediately set sail, turned towards the original route, and then slowly sailed away.

On the island, the Flowering Beast watched the ship leave calmly until the ship disappeared at the end of the sea. The petals spinning around it slowly stopped spinning, and it turned around and walked slowly along the stairs built by countless branches into the depths of the forest.

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