I Contracted Myself

【1020】Please don’t play with waste

Three days later.

The big ship sailed on the sea, and countless leaves swayed in the wind.

Wuming was sitting on the deck basking in the sun. The chair was a lounge chair made of branches. There was a small table made of branches next to it, with juice, kebabs, and fruits placed on it.

With the sea breeze blowing, his nameless fingers slowly tapped the handrail, and his thoughts had long drifted to the vampire jellyfish.

At this time, in the depths of the sea, a vampire jellyfish is fighting a monster octopus. Both parties are tentacle monsters, but the vampire jellyfish has more tentacles than the octopus. Each tentacle of the octopus is wrapped by three or four tentacles of the vampire jellyfish. They are wrestling silently.

This monster octopus is about level two. It is quite huge, almost the same as a vampire jellyfish. Its ability is very simple, that is, it can spray poisonous ink.

Many small fishes will die instantly when they are stained with ink, which is very exaggerated.

However, the vampire jellyfish simply ignored the poison by wrapping itself with telekinesis, and then wrapped its tentacles around the Warcraft octopus. It was originally preparing to suck blood. Who knew that the Warcraft octopus also wrapped its tentacles around the vampire jellyfish's tentacles, so that neither party could move.

"No. 1, remember to leave one tentacle. I want to eat charcoal grilled octopus tentacles." Wuming said at this time.

The next moment, the blood-sucking jellyfish's telepathy exploded, but the octopus's body was so fleshy that the telepathy fell on it. Even if it was squeezed into different shapes, it still could not be killed.

The vampire jellyfish simply retracted its telekinesis, used telekinesis to protect itself, and then violently discharged its electricity.

This trick worked, and more than ten minutes later, an octopus tentacle that was thicker than Wuming's entire body was delivered to the deck, and it was already cooked.

"Have I finished eating this?"

Wuming looked at such a big tentacle and couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry.

He stood up and walked to the tentacle, used his soul power to turn into a blade and cut a piece of octopus meat into his mouth. He chewed it and swallowed it. Then he opened his eyes, gave a thumbs up and said, "I didn't expect it to be quite delicious. It’s quite refreshing and doesn’t smell fishy at all.”

"Master Wuming has poisoned me again."

"It's really strange, why Master Wuming knows the time so accurately, and he releases poison right at midnight."

"Everyone, get excited, don't let Wuming succeed, boss, here are ten more charcoal-grilled dragon livers!"


Because Wuming pretends to be a mukbang every day, the audience is used to it, and those who can’t help but watch Wuming eat all follow suit.

This month, many restaurants worship Wuming as the God of Wealth, hoping that Wuming will come to mukbang more often.

Of course, there are also some girls whose exercises do not have the effect of losing weight and are beginning to worry. If they continue to eat, they will really become fat.

Wuming didn't know what the outside audience was thinking. He was just bored to pass the time. He knew very well that there would be viewers watching his live broadcast. It was unclear how many, but it would certainly not be less.

He took a few bites of octopus meat, then sat back on the chair to rest.

The big ship rides the wind and waves, and after the water is separated, it sets off transparent waves, which glow with colorful rainbow lights in the sun.

Not far from the big ship, countless blue spheres gathered together and moved slowly. They were a kind of fish called blue sphere fish. ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏The taste is very ordinary , Wuming ate it once and vowed that he would never eat it again.

Moreover, most of the basketball fish's body is made of bones, with very little flesh and blood content. Even vampire jellyfish dislike them.

Perhaps because they are disliked by all predators, basketball fish have almost no natural enemies. Their only natural enemy is bad weather.

Due to their body structure, they can only float on the surface and have no way to dive to the bottom. Once there is a thunderstorm, a large number of basketball fish will be electrocuted to death.

There had been a storm before, and Wuming had seen a basketball fish being struck by lightning through the perspective of a vampire jellyfish.

"No. 1, here comes a basketball fish." Wuming suddenly had an idea and ordered to housekeeper No. 1.

In a moment, a basketball fish broke away from the team and was sent to the deck by the vampire jellyfish's telekinesis. Wuming immediately picked up the basketball fish and patted it a few times...

Although the name of the basketball fish has the word "basketball" in it, they are not basketballs and do not play at all.

"Well, it looks like basketball is out of the question."

Wuming picked up the basketball fish and said with some pity.

He walked to the side of the boat and kicked the basketball fish away. In a moment, the basketball fish fell into the sea and caused a wave.

This... seems a bit fun.

Wuming's eyes shone slightly, and he immediately asked the vampire jellyfish to send the basketball fish back, and then he kicked the basketball fish away again.

He discovered that the vitality of the basketball fish was unexpectedly strong, and its defense was also incredibly high. He could not even hurt the basketball fish when he kicked it.

Of course, the "high" here refers to being very high among ordinary creatures, which is far behind compared to Warcraft.

"Could the Basketball Fish have some kind of Warcraft bloodline?" Wuming once again asked the vampire jellyfish to catch the Basketball Fish. He looked at the unharmed Basketball Fish and murmured to himself.

At this time, the basketball fish was still opening and closing its mouth, and its eyes full of "wisdom" were looking at the sky, completely unaware that it had become meat on someone else's chopping board.

Since it's not bad, just play it a few more times.

Wuming put the basketball fish on the ground, then took a few steps back, running like a football player, and then kicked the basketball fish out.

It's funny, this kind of fish is called basketball fish, but he plays it like a football.

Next, he simply set a goal, such as how many meters away he wanted to kick the basketball fish, or kick it back to its school of fish, or how high he wanted to kick it.

"Everyone watch this time, I will kick it to a height of ten meters with one kick, do you believe it?" Wuming twisted his ankle and said to the audience in the live broadcast room.

He sprinted with all his strength, and then kicked the basketball fish with one kick. The basketball fish immediately flew into the sky and quickly climbed to a height of ten meters.

This basketball fish is actually much heavier than a football. Wuming's strength is only at the level of an ordinary teenager. It is really good to be able to kick it to a height of ten meters.

He watched the basketball fish continue to rise in height, and he was a little excited.

Finally, the basketball fish's upward momentum began to slow down. Wuming had been asking Butler No. 1 to confirm the height. Now Butler No. 1 reported a height of nine meters and nine, which was just a little short.

The height of the basketball fish was still rising, and it was finally getting closer and closer to ten meters.

Butler No. 1 counted: "Ten meters!!!"


Wuming jumped up immediately after hearing ten meters, and smiled happily, but then his smile gradually froze.

Because at this moment the basketball fish suddenly froze in the air, and its body actually emitted blue light, and at the same time, the basketball fish in the sea water also glowed.

Then countless basketball fish turned into blue energy and gathered towards the basketball fish in the air, and the body of the basketball fish immediately changed.

"What is Carp King? Damn it, run!"

Wuming reacted, and while complaining, he asked Butler No. 1 and Butler No. 2 to run together.

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