I Contracted Myself

【1023】Underwater space

The island in the distance is very big, similar to the island guarded by the flowering beast before.

Speaking of which, Wuming is actually very curious about the island guarded by the flowering beast. What exactly is the glowing plant on the top of the mountain, and what special abilities does it have.

Unfortunately, there is a flowering beast guarding it, so for safety reasons, Wuming finally had to leave.

Gathering and parting.

Parting may be a farewell forever, and the remaining questions have no answers.

Sometimes things are like this, you think you can start and end well, and everything will have an answer, but the result is anticlimactic, and there are many questions that have no answers in the end, and the unknown will always be unknown.

The big ship gradually approached the island in the distance, and the scenery of the island gradually became clear.

It was an island with a shape close to a circle. The trees on the island also formed a strange circle. There were a large number of flying birds entering and leaving the island, flying around on the sea.

Through the blood-sucking jellyfish that still hadn't changed its name, Wuming looked down at the island from a high altitude, and then said: "I've decided, this island will be called Donut Island!"

Because the shape of this island is close to a circle, and there is a huge circular lake in the middle of the forest, which makes the whole island look like a donut from the air.

To be honest, this island doesn't seem to be formed naturally, but more like it has become its current shape under the influence of some powerful force, otherwise it would be too round.

Wuming even imagined a huge monster in his mind, which stepped on an island with its long legs. After it left, the shape of the island was printed into a circle, and there was a big round pit in the middle.

If such a monster really existed, Wuming would be happy to name it "Round Hoof Beast".

The big ship gradually approached the shore, and finally stopped a thousand meters away from the coast of Donut Island. Wuming's feet were covered with clouds, and he flew to the beach with the blood-sucking jellyfish.

He landed and quickly grabbed a crab on the shore, and said with a smile: "Additional meal tonight!"

After that, he threw the crab to the blood-sucking jellyfish.

Next, it was the same as before. First, secretly catch enough prey, and then explore the entire island, so as not to encounter too strong monsters and gain nothing.

Wuming and the vampire jellyfish walked into the forest and caught several rabbits in a moment.

"Why not call it Super Mica!"

Suddenly, Wuming said without thinking. He looked at the vampire jellyfish and said, "Now the vampire jellyfish doesn't like to be in the water anymore. It is definitely not suitable to call it a jellyfish. And you can see that there are clouds around it, so isn't it more appropriate to call it Mica?"

The audience outside was all speechless. Wuming hadn't named the vampire jellyfish for a while before. Everyone thought he was tired of playing. Who knew that he suddenly came back again, hitting all the audiences too late to react.

However, there was no need for the audience to deny Wuming. Soon Wuming started talking to himself, thinking that the name of Super Jellyfish was not very suitable, so he kept muttering names such as "Sky Mica", "Flying Mica", "Angel Mica", etc., entertaining himself and enjoying himself.

On the way, the vampire jellyfish caught a lot of prey, and there were no monsters like the flowering beast to stop them.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‎‎‏When the prey was almost caught, Wuming and the vampire jellyfish returned to the big ship. After putting the prey into the kitchen, they returned to the island again.

Just now, they were quietly entering the village, and now they are arrogantly making trouble.

Wuming sat on the head of the vampire jellyfish, and the vampire jellyfish quickly flew over the woods and circled the entire island along the woods.

"Strange, there are no monsters?" Wuming frowned and said immediately after the vampire jellyfish finished a circle.

The forest on this island is full of ordinary creatures, without a single monster.

"Is it the same as the earthquake ape, that monster is sleeping?"


Wuming muttered to himself and looked at the lake in the middle of the island.

Magic beasts may not be on land, but may also be in water. However, Wuming would not consider taming most magic beasts that do not have the ability to leave underwater unless they are extremely powerful.

He will eventually reach the mainland, and the magic beasts that can only stay in the water will not be of any use at that time. There are no Poké Balls in this world, so he cannot bring them even if he wants to.

"Go and have a look!"

Wuming thought for a while and sent a command to the No. 1 housekeeper.

The lake in the center of the island is very large, with a diameter of about 40,000 to 60,000 meters. There may be many creatures underwater, but Wuming has a vague sense of disobedience, but he does not know where the disobedience comes from.

The vampire jellyfish used telekinesis to protect itself and Wuming layer by layer. At the same time, clouds began to condense in the sky, which could change the celestial phenomena at any time and trigger terrifying thunder to bombard the enemy.

Then it slowly approached the lake. The lake surface was like a mirror, reflecting the sky. Wuming realized where the disobedience came from when he approached the water surface.

The water surface was too perfect, without a single ripple.

When the sea breeze blew, it was still quiet without a ripple, which was not normal at all.

As soon as he thought about it, the vampire jellyfish immediately used its telekinesis to take a rock and threw it into the water. There was still no ripple, and the rock was swallowed calmly.

"Dear audience, see, there is something wrong with this!" Wuming pointed at the lake and said.


As long as you are not blind, you can see that there is something wrong with this lake.

Many viewers saw Wuming's "shocked" look and silently complained in their hearts.

"Could this lake actually be a magic beast?"

"Then the question is, do elemental magic beasts have magic soul crystals?"

Wuming sat on the top of the vampire jellyfish, looking at the lake and talking to himself.

At this time, dark clouds gathered in the sky, and a lightning bolt fell from the sky and hit the lake directly, but it still did not cause any impact.

When Wuming saw this scene, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a smile appeared on his face, saying: "Everyone, it seems that I have found something interesting, let's go... go and see!"

After that, under his control, the vampire jellyfish immediately took him and crashed into the lake.

In an instant, he seemed to have gone from below to above, and a pink, dreamy world appeared in front of him and all the audience.

He turned around and saw the lake, which was still blue sky and white clouds.

"Sure enough, the lake actually leads to another space, so all the lightning and stones will disappear silently." Wuming said with a smile.

This space is very special, it seems not big when it is said to be huge, and it seems very big when it is said to be small.

The surroundings were filled with pink air, and there were all kinds of colorful bubbles floating everywhere. A large number of shells and crystals formed the layers of the ground, and under the ground was an endless ice field.

The vampire jellyfish slowly moved forward along the shell crystal road, and after a while, it saw ice sculptures of various animals.

These animals that strayed into the space were all frozen here, and their expressions remained the same as before they were frozen, confused and panicked, as if they didn't know where to escape.

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