I Contracted Myself

【1024】Sea Slug-Hyotei

"It seems that the target should be right ahead."

Wuming glanced at the ice sculpture on the ground, and his expression gradually became serious.

You don't need to think about it to know that the monster that can create such a space is definitely not weak, and you don't know if the vampire jellyfish can beat it.

At this time, the vampire jellyfish has exerted its telekinesis power to the maximum extent. Layers and layers of telekinesis power are surrounding itself and Wuming. Any attack that wants to fall on them must first penetrate that layer of telekinesis power.

Suddenly, the temperature begins to drop, the pink space gradually turns to white, and snow begins to fall in the sky.

It is worth mentioning that the sky is actually the surface of the lake. Wuming suspects that the snow falling now is actually the lake water, but the lake water is frozen into snow after entering this space.

The vampire jellyfish accelerated forward and passed through the obstacles formed by the shells. In front of it, some plants similar to moss and coral began to appear. There were so many of these plants, forming a Layers upon layers of mountains.

"Back off!"

Wuming suddenly shouted loudly, and the blood-sucking jellyfish immediately moved back, retreating more than ten meters.

A huge ice crystal fell from the sky, like a giant sword thrust into the ground, standing in front of Wuming and the vampire jellyfish. If they had not avoided it, with the speed and weight of this crystal, the vampire jellyfish's telepathy might not have been able to withstand it. .

Wuming looked behind the crystal. The crystal was a transparent crystal. Although the picture was a little distorted, he still saw the attacking monster.

It was a sea slug between twelve and fifteen meters long. Its shape resembled the Wind Demon Dragon in Genshin Impact, and its colorful body was covered with a layer of crystal armor. It looked a bit... cool. .

It's hard to think of a sea slug as cool, but this one does look cool.

Wuming said to himself: "I failed to capture the previous two times, the audience must be anxious, this time I will definitely capture this one... I have decided, it is called Ice Emperor, my Wuming's third magic pet! "

Before, there were only two monsters that he was really attracted to, one was the cowardly Death Beast, and the other was the fatally stable Flower Beast.

Now this sea slug is the third one!

At this time, the crystal in front turned into ice crystals and dissipated. The sea slug monster named Ice Emperor suddenly raised its head, and a terrifying hailstone immediately spurted out from its mouth.

The vampire jellyfish was in an awkward position. It was like entering an alley. There was no place to dodge on either side. Facing the Ice King's attack, it had no choice but to withstand it.

Perhaps this was the purpose of the Ice King. By launching an attack from this position, it could fully utilize its own advantages. The enemy would be like a target and still be bombarded by it.

The vampire jellyfish had no choice but to retreat while using telepathy to defend itself. Fortunately, its telepathy had become several times stronger after evolving, and it was able to withstand Hailstone's attack while retreating.

At this time, the Ice Emperor soared into the sky, passing through the shell passage from the air, and then swooped down.

The moment the vampire jellyfish exited the shell channel, the Ice Emperor immediately flapped its wings from the air, and the invisible ice wind slashed at the vampire jellyfish like a blade.

"Back to the right!"

Wuming reacted quickly and immediately thought about it.

It’s not that he didn’t want to speak, but that his mouth didn’t have time to respond, so his consciousness sent the message to Butler No. 1 in one step.

When the vampire jellyfish retreated, he said: "Back to the right, there is a strong wind coming!"

After saying that, a huge crack was cut by the strong wind just where the blood-sucking jellyfish was.

The wind is invisible, so manipulating the wind to attack the enemy, if it does not cause any wind noise, is actually very terrifying, and the enemy's head can be cut off silently.

When Wuming was the captain of the rescue team, he had encountered many alien beasts with wind abilities, so he could guess what kind of attack the Ice Emperor had launched by looking at the Ice Emperor's shadow.

"Back to the right!"

"Careful ahead!"

Wuming kept giving orders, and the vampire jellyfish faithfully carried out the orders. The Ice Emperor failed to attack three times in a row.

After realizing that his attack could not pose a threat to the vampire jellyfish, the Ice Emperor immediately flew high. When Wuming saw this scene, he immediately had a thought in his mind. The vampire jellyfish flew into the sky, and at the same time, his telekinesis quickly extended towards the Ice Emperor.

The moment the Ice Emperor was about to touch the lake surface, his mind grabbed its body and pulled it down. It immediately fell downwards, while the vampire jellyfish climbed all the way up and blocked the lake surface.

Although he didn't know what Ice Emperor wanted to do, Wuming smelled danger in Ice Emperor's behavior just now, so Wuming had to stop whatever it wanted to do.


The Ice Emperor hit the shell road hard, and a large number of cracks suddenly appeared in the ice crystals on his body.

Streams of telekinesis quickly fell from above, constantly bombarding the Ice Emperor's head, with the intention of knocking him unconscious first.

However, the Ice Emperor's body suddenly curled up and turned into a huge ball that rolled. After avoiding the continuous attack of telekinesis, it stretched its body again and flew into the sky, turning its body in the air to look at the people guarding under the lake. Vampire jellyfish and nameless.


Wuming reacted and immediately wanted to give orders.

But this time the attack came too close. Huge ice crystals suddenly appeared on the calm lake surface. The ice crystals hit the vampire jellyfish's telepathy. The vampire jellyfish was smashed to the ground by the huge ice crystals while supporting its telepathy.

"Let me do it!"

The nameless thoughts react faster than the body, and the consciousness is instantly linked to the No. 1 Butler, which is equivalent to indirectly controlling the body of the vampire jellyfish.

The telekinesis became smooth, and at the moment when it was about to be smashed to the ground, the vampire jellyfish slid away the power of the ice crystal and quickly escaped from one side.

On the other side, after launching the attack, the Ice Emperor did not look at the attack, but flew towards the lake, as if he wanted to escape from this space.

Its behavior gave Wuming a very dangerous feeling. If it left this space, would this space still exist?

What if this space collapsed instantly, then what would happen to all the matter in this space?


Wuming thought of this possibility at the first time.

As soon as he thought about it, the telekinesis turned into a rope and rose quickly, and the Ice Emperor was about to reach the lake. The body was wrapped around its body, and then it was pulled down suddenly, and the Ice Emperor was pulled to the ground again.

But the Ice Emperor's body looks like a dragon, but it is actually a sea slug.

Its body is very soft. After sensing the existence of the invisible lasso, it quickly changed its own form, and it broke free of the lasso very quickly and rushed towards the lake again.

"Get back here!"

Wuming manipulated his telekinesis into a huge palm, and slapped Bingdi at the angle he was most used to. Bingdi fell to the ground again before he touched the lake.

This time, Wuming did not approach the lake, but moved towards Bingdi, and his telekinesis kept slapping down like a palm.

Bingdi first curled up into a ball to dodge the telekinesis attack, and then rotated his body at high speed. When the speed reached a certain level, he stretched his body violently, and a strong wind formed instantly, slashing at Wuming and the vampire jellyfish who were approaching.

If it was an ordinary monster, its counterattack would be enough to kill the opponent.

It's a pity that its opponent now is Wuming.

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