I Contracted Myself

【1025】The future is promising

Wuming has seen all kinds of monsters and demons.

Even if he didn't see through this trick, he could deal with it calmly with his rich experience.

Although he couldn't see the strong wind with his naked eyes, he knew it was definitely a strong wind attack through Bingdi's movements. In an instant, he turned his telekinesis into a sloping slope, and the strong wind was guided by the slope, instantly soaring into the sky, and finally falling into the calm lake.

"There are quite a lot of tricks."

Wuming then smiled lightly, and his telekinesis turned into a hammer and hit Bingdi's abdomen hard. Bingdi flew backwards on the spot and hit the shell channel in the distance heavily. A large number of shells were smashed on the spot, and Bingdi himself was also severely injured and could not get up again for a while.

It happened so fast that the above battles took place in just a few breaths. After the dust settled, many people realized many details of the battle belatedly.

"Telekinesis can be used like this. I've learned a lot."

"As a telekinesis practitioner, I must say that Master Wuming's use of telekinesis has probably reached the state of sending and receiving from the heart, combining hardness and softness, being able to be rough or fine, large or small. At different times, telekinesis should be hard or soft. It's very strong, very strong. I may be able to do it in normal training, but in battle..."

"The battle changes rapidly, and he makes the most correct choice almost every time. It's really scary."

The audience talked a lot, while Wuming controlled the vampire jellyfish to float above the Ice Emperor. His telekinesis was like a knife and instantly cut open the Ice Emperor's chest and grabbed a magic soul crystal.

During the battle, Wuming not only saw through most of the Ice Emperor's combat intentions, but also found the location of the Ice Emperor's magic soul crystal. Who told the Ice Emperor to use the magic soul crystal as the center every time he curled up into a ball? It was too obvious.

Wuming opened his eyes, handed the control of the vampire jellyfish to the No. 1 housekeeper, and then picked up the magic soul crystal and swallowed it in one gulp.

Half an hour later

Wuming came out of Bingdi's space.

He sat on the top of the vampire jellyfish and looked at the calm lake. The next moment, Bingdi slowly emerged from the lake, and a layer of "oil" immediately appeared on the entire lake.

This layer of oil was colorful, and at this moment it looked like a membrane, tightly covering Bingdi's body. As Bingdi continued to rise, the membrane on the lake surface was pulled into the shape of a tent, and finally the membrane silently separated from the lake and all returned to Bingdi's body.

Bingdi flapped his wings, and countless ice chips fell from his body. There were shells, ice crystals, and those creatures that strayed into the space and were frozen. Without exception, they were all crushed into slag.

This is Bingdi's most terrifying move. Once it leaves that space, the entire space will be compressed into two dimensions, and the things inside will become fragments and slag when they are poured out.

As a nesting monster, Bingdi has a strong defense. Once a monster invades its space, it can kill the opponent by escaping from the space if it cannot defeat it.

It can be said that in most cases, Bingdi is invincible in his own space, but unfortunately he met Wuming.

Next, Wuming did not rush to leave the island, but prepared to deeply explore the surplus value of the island and strive to improve the quality of life before leaving the island.

In a moment, the big ship in the sea slowly approached the shore, and then the vampire jellyfish flew above the big ship and wrapped the whole ship with telekinesis, and flew the whole ship to the lake in the middle of the island.

After putting the big ship into the lake, Wuming took the vampire jellyfish back to the lake. He jumped from the top of the vampire jellyfish to the grass. The vampire jellyfish and Bingdi flew on both sides of him to escort him.

He was going to try to graft some fruit tree branches to the big ship to see if this model could make the big ship have the ability to bear fruit.

In addition, the land inside the ship can actually be used to grow some vegetables and berries. Just connect the roots of vegetables and berries with the roots of the tree, and then they should be considered as part of the tree.

Wuming also has some ideas about Bingdi's ability, but everything still needs to be tested. If his idea works, then this ship may become quite interesting.

An hour later, Wuming took a fancy to a fruit tree.

The fruit of this fruit tree tastes similar to lemon tea, so Wuming simply named this fruit tree the lemon tea fruit tree.

The taste of lemon tea fruit is actually not bad, slightly sour, slightly sweet, and very juicy, and it is quite good without any improvement.

Wuming broke off several branches of the lemon tea fruit tree and decided to try to graft them onto the branches of the ship to see if they can bear fruit.

Of course, the branches of only one tree are definitely not enough. Wuming will have to find more lemon fruit trees next and graft the branches onto the ship so that these branches can pollinate each other after flowering.

Half a day later, he found clay not far from the lake, which was very suitable for firing porcelain.

As a kind-hearted young man over a thousand years old, Wuming had a wide range of hobbies and had actually learned to make ceramics with Su Jingyao. The specific learning process involved emotional privacy, so I will not mention it here, but he did learn to make ceramics. If the conditions were right, he could make pots and pans.

Although there was definitely no suitable kiln on the island, with the omnipotent telekinesis of the vampire jellyfish, he could completely use telekinesis to replace the kiln. After careful consideration, he added a new item in his schedule to make porcelain.

A week passed in the blink of an eye.

Donut Island did not change much because of the capture of Ice Emperor. The animals in the forest were still doing what they were supposed to do and were not affected at all.

The big ship docked in the center of the lake became even bigger at this time.

The earthquake gorilla took advantage of this period to grow its roots crazily, taking root on the shores of the lake, trying its best to absorb nutrients from the soil, and even the earthquake gorilla took action to take nutrients from some trees.

Although the earthquake gorilla's injuries were not completely healed, it had been sailing for such a long time that it naturally recovered a lot. Now it can actually control two trees, but it is not necessary.

Wuming considered the future development route of the earthquake gorilla. Since the loss of the associated rock is irreversible, perhaps it can find a super-level tree as its habitat.

Just like the current big ship, it can also protect the earthquake gorilla and can still exert some of the strength of the earthquake gorilla to a certain extent.

Wuming even considered building an extraordinary big ship with the earthquake gorilla as the core.


He just couldn't forget the glowing tree on the top of the mountain on the island where the Flowering Beast lived.

Since there is a glowing tree, will there be a more powerful tree? Perhaps the potential of the Earthquake Ape can be further improved.

Of course, all this depends on what they will encounter in the future.

Now that he has mastered three magical beasts, he will definitely become stronger and stronger like a snowball. With the strength of the Vampire Jellyfish and the Ice Emperor, as long as they don't encounter an invincible type like the Flowering Beast, they can fight.

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