I Contracted Myself

【1026】Magic Tide

New Gulu Mountain.

Scarlett, wearing a black robe and a veil on her face, stood at the foot of the mountain and looked up at the highest point of the mountain.

After experiencing the pursuit of the Huangyue School, she has thoroughly understood the power of the magic beast in her body. This symbiotic magic beast is hidden in her blood and may be the offspring of the so-called "Holy King".

It can greatly increase the strength of the human body, and at the same time, it can release part of the body from the magic hole to perform various operations.

The rings on Scarlett's body are the so-called magic holes. Only when the magic beast is released at the location of these magic holes will it not cause harm to her.

But in fact, she can also forcibly release part of the body of the magic beast from other parts, but this will tear her own flesh and blood. There is still a torn wound on her abdomen now, and that wound comes from this.

But that wound is worth it, because its appearance took away Ariel and Amy who had been chasing her.

"According to information from nearby villagers, there is a real blood mosquito king hidden in the New Gulu Mountain. If I can control the mosquito king, my ability will be further improved. At that time... I may be able to swallow up the Wild Moon School in turn."

The magic beast in Scarlett's body needs blood as food, which can be Scarlett's own blood or the blood of other creatures. During this period, Scarlett endured nausea and drank a lot of animal blood.

The ability of the real blood mosquito king is to collect blood and even redistribute blood.

If she subdues the real blood mosquito king, she will be able to greatly increase the power of the magic beast in her body. The real blood mosquito king also has the ability to control mosquitoes. At that time, she will not lack spies. As long as the pursuers of the Wild Moon School appear around her, she can detect them at the first time.

It's just that the New Gulu Mountain stretches for thousands of kilometers, and the mountain roads are rugged and difficult to travel. It is very difficult to find a mosquito in the vast forest.

But no matter how difficult it is, you have to go up!

Scarlett took a deep breath and then started to climb the mountain.

She tried not to use the power of the magic beast in her body as much as possible.

Although she easily suppressed the magic beast in her body with willpower, the consumption required by the magic beast would not be reduced. She frequently used the power of the magic beast, so she would soon suck blood again, otherwise the magic beast would be weak and even instinctively suck her blood.

This instinct was not something she could stop if she wanted to, just like a sponge squeezed dry and put in water, it would naturally absorb water.

For several hours afterwards, Scarlett struggled forward in New Gulu Mountain.

She met a lot of ordinary animals, but magic beasts were quite rare. This place was too close to the area where humans lived, and magic beasts would instinctively avoid humans and would not stay too close.

Not all magic beasts are not afraid of people. In fact, many magic beasts will stay away from places where humans gather. Only those magic beasts that are particularly powerful or have group habits are not so afraid of humans, and even occasionally attack humans, causing great casualties.

Scarlett killed a venomous snake hiding under the leaves with a rapier, and walked forward slowly, paying attention to the surrounding situation while walking.

Suddenly, she saw a wooden house.

Has anyone lived here before?

Scarlett was a little surprised, and then slowly approached the wooden house.

The wooden house was already quite shabby, and it was obvious that the owner had left for a long time. Scarlett did not take it lightly, but carefully pushed the door open. The furnishings inside were quite simple, and it was clear at a glance.

A desk and a bed.

She looked around the house, and then walked into the house carefully and came to the desk.

There were still some tattered pages on the desk. She picked up one of the pages and read it carefully, and found that this page recorded a secret recipe.

If you take this secret recipe when taming a monster, you can increase the possibility of taming it with a small probability.

"There is such a secret recipe. It seems that the owner of this wooden house is not simple." Scarlett looked at the pages and thought secretly in her heart.

But it's normal. How can someone who dares to build a wooden house in this wilderness without being eaten by wild beasts and monsters be a simple person?

It is estimated that the other party is also a strong beast trainer.

Scarlett put down the page and picked up a torn page of a notebook. It said: "The magic tide that occurs once every hundred years may only be a ninth-level magic beast..."

The words behind it were completely unclear.

Scarlett put down the torn page and frowned: "Magic tide? Once every hundred years? Could this level of test be related to the magic tide?"

She didn't think much about it, but picked up another page. The page was full of strange symbols, which she didn't understand.

"Once a hundred years, I don't know how long ago the last hundred years was."

Scarlett saw that there was nothing else in the room, so she walked out of the room and thought silently in her heart.

If she could know the time of the last magic tide, she would know when the next magic tide would appear, and perhaps she could be one step ahead of all the trialists and prepare early.

Unfortunately, the torn pages in the wooden house gave too little information, and she didn't know how to identify antiques.

Forget it.

Let's find the True Blood Mosquito King first and then think about other things.

Scarlett put away her thoughts and continued to move towards the depths of New Gulu Mountain.

At the same time

The Wesley family had already been reduced to ruins.

Several elders were covered in wounds, and they all looked at Chu Yinshan in disbelief. The great elder swallowed a mouthful of blood that surged up his throat and asked painfully, "Why? Yin You!"

"Why? Of course it's because... I can't wait that long. Ten years and ten years, by then the opportunity will be gone." Chu Yinshan stood opposite several elders and smiled easily.

Behind him, dozens of Barbarian Mountain Demon Apes looked ahead indifferently. Behind the Barbarian Mountain Demon Apes were armored heavy bears, black mountain violent wolves, large hundred-eyed birds and other monsters.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‎‏He alone was comparable to a legion, and it was a simple matter to flatten the Wesley family.

Of course, he did this for only one purpose, which was to force the Wesley family to hand over the secret medicine for the evolution of the Barbarian Mountain Demon Apes.

Ordinary Barbarian Mountain Demon Apes are very difficult to evolve, but the Wesley family has the secret medicine for the evolution of the Barbarian Mountain Demon Apes, which can increase the probability of the Barbarian Mountain Demon Apes' evolution.

But according to the family's rules, one must serve the family for ten years to get the secret medicine.

Chu Yinshan naturally didn't want to wait, so he decided to take it violently.

He has the strength now, why should he follow the rules? He is not really Yin You, so he is not that stupid.

Of course, he will not reveal his identity now, because doing so will not benefit him at all, but may lead to the death of several great elders.

"I am such a genius, you want to suppress me for ten years, do you think it is possible?"

"Ten years later, I will only be stronger than now. I am now looking up to the secret medicine of the Barbarian Mountain Demon Ape, which means I look up to the power in the family. After ten years... What is the Barbarian Mountain Demon Ape? What is the Divine Power Demon Ape?"

Chu Yinshan was immersed in his performance, perfectly playing the role of a genius who was unwilling to sink in the family.

The elders looked at the dead tribesmen around them, closed their eyes in pain, and were even more shaken in their hearts. Are they all wrong?

"There is a play!"

Chu Yinshan noticed the shaken expressions of several elders from the corner of his eyes, and laughed in his heart.


He is really not a human being!

The few viewers who stayed in Chu Yinshan's live broadcast room scolded Chu Yinshan for being treacherous and unscrupulous in order to achieve his goals.

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