I Contracted Myself

【1032】The maximum level account is here!

Level 8 Magical Beasts are called ‘Corpse-Restinging Horror-Nightmare-Level Magical Beasts’ in this world.

It is said that no one can see a Level 8 Magical Beast alive, because the moment a person sees a Level 8 Magical Beast, he is already dead.

The reason why the legend of Level 8 Magical Beasts can be left behind is due to some relatively powerful trainers, who did not die immediately, but went crazy like the trainer Louis saw.

Some crazy trainers would leave some clues, so the trainers deduced the existence of Level 8 Magical Beasts based on the clues.

In fact, Level 6 Magical Beasts are already very rare, and Level 7 Magical Beasts are once in a hundred years, while Level 8 Magical Beasts mostly exist only in legends, and most trainers only know that Magical Beasts of this level exist, that’s all.

Sure enough, when the Iron Giant saw the white meat under the skeleton, he gave up the Iron Giant Sword in his hand and turned around and ran away.

But before it could run two steps, its body began to twist, dense rust quickly appeared, and finally it fell down with a bang, turning into a pile of scrap metal.


It died so easily.

Both the trial participants and the audience felt a chill, the white meat under the skeleton was too strong.

How to fight this?

Some viewers couldn't help but send a barrage: "It seems that Louis and his team are finished. Now, except for the president, everyone else will die here."

Some viewers complained: "This level is too difficult, it is a deadly level."

When many people thought that this level could not be passed at all, someone sent a barrage: "Good news, Lord Wuming is here, and he is heading towards the Buried Dragon Valley!"

The audience watching the live broadcast of the Buried Dragon Valley in other live broadcast rooms were stunned, and then they all quickly rushed to Wuming's live broadcast room.

Compared with the terrifying atmosphere of the Buried Dragon Valley, the style of Wuming's side is completely different.

In the picture, there is blue sky and white clouds, and a large wooden ship is flying in the air. The branches around it have many leaves similar to windmills. When the wind blows, the leaves really rotate.

On the deck of the ship, many different flowers and plants are planted. The swimming pool in the middle seems to store a sea, and huge monsters flash through the water from time to time.

Next to the swimming pool, Wuming is wearing beach pants and sunglasses, lying on a chair made of clouds, playing games while basking in the sun.

"Why is Lord Wuming heading towards the Buried Dragon Valley?"

The new audience did not see whether Wuming's heading was correct, so they asked curiously.

"The battle in the Buried Dragon Valley is too loud."

"The vampire jellyfish sensed the fluctuations of the battle."

"By the way, it's been five years, five years. When will Lord Wuming give the vampire jellyfish a new name? Can the vampire jellyfish still be called jellyfish now?"

The audience immediately spoke up.

At the same time, Wuming had already seen the dark clouds in the distance. Although the dark clouds were just dispersed by the steel giant, they soon gathered again and were very obvious from the sky.

"Continent, I saw the continent!"

"Dear audience, look, it's the continent. It turns out that the continent is in this direction."

Wuming pushed his sunglasses and then got up from the chair. He looked at the mountains gradually appearing in the distance and jumped up excitedly.

God knows what he did. He has been floating on the sea for five years and couldn't find land. He made the wrong choice every time. He even went to the South Pole and the North Pole, but the continents of this world did not border the South Pole and the North Pole.

He also went to the ancient ruins and excavated the monsters that had been extinct again and again.

He even met the mother of the vampire jellyfish and had a fight with her. Unfortunately, the vampire jellyfish can also master the ability of space after evolution. He didn't have time to subdue the mother of the vampire jellyfish before she fled to outer space.

Seeing the continent at this time, you can imagine how excited he was.

Go full speed ahead!

Wuming's thought moved, and the airship immediately accelerated. It entered the mountains in a few minutes, and arrived at the edge of the Buried Dragon Valley battlefield in a few minutes.

"One, two, three, four..."

Wuming stood on the edge of the big ship and looked at the situation in the Buried Dragon Valley.

He was surprised: "There are so many people who survived in the field of level 8 monsters. They should all be trialists."

At this time, he had two choices. One was to watch the show outside and wait until all the trialists inside died before taking action. The second was to go in and rescue people, but after rescuing people, these people might become his opponents in the next level, or even his mortal enemies.

"Do you think it's better for me to wait and see? Or is it better to enter the field?" Wuming pushed his sunglasses and said to the non-existent camera.

Countless viewers immediately sent barrages, expressing the hope that Wuming would not go and wait and see.

After all, the level 8 monsters have appeared, and there may be level 9 monsters entering the field.

"Forget it, I'll go on stage directly."

Wuming couldn't see the barrage, and after thinking about it, he decided to follow his heart.

At least now everyone is not an enemy, so he can't just stand by and watch.

In a flash, a white light suddenly shone down from the sky, and the dark clouds in the Buried Dragon Valley were pierced by the light. Louis and other trial participants immediately noticed the change in the sky and looked up at the sky.


A beam of light swept towards the bone cages around, and all the bones were instantly reduced to ashes.

"That's it!"

Louis saw the spaceship in the sky with his sharp eyes.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏Although the picture was blurry, he was too familiar with Wuming. He only saw a rough outline. Even in the form of a boy, he still recognized Wuming at a glance.

"Why are you still playing? He ran away!"

Louis didn't expect that Wuming was also at this level. In an instant, he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to compete for first place, turned around and ran away.

Scarlett and Chu Yinshan also discovered the figures on the spaceship, but they did not recognize Wu Ming. Scarlett chose to lie dormant around and wait for the opportunity, and Chu Yinshan immediately gathered all the monsters under his command. Once there was a lose-lose situation, both sides would suffer. , he will definitely take action.

"You haven't run yet, it seems you want to pick something up."

Wuming noticed Scarlett and Chu Yinshan and said with a smile.

Then he said: "Then let them see my trump card and see what is buried underground."

A halo suddenly appears in the sky, and the rings of halo make the whole sky layered. Just look up and you will find that the whole sky seems to have turned into a dome.

"What is this?"

Chu Yinshan looked at the sky in disbelief.

On the other side, Louis, who was still running, looked up at the sky and found that the entire sky was surrounded by halos. He couldn't help but slow down, with a bitter smile on his face.


It looked like he couldn't run away at all.

Now he can only hope in Wuming's kindness.

Under the earth, countless white flesh arched crazily. The white flesh wrapped around the skeleton and gradually turned into a skinless humanoid monster. It raised its head and roared at the sky.

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