I Contracted Myself

【1033】Eh? Completed the game?


It's level nine.

The white meat plus the skeleton actually directly entered the level nine.

Wuming was a little surprised, but when he thought of the various strange monsters he had seen on the sea, he felt that it was not strange.

When many monsters reach a certain level, they are really reborn by dripping blood, or even tearing a part of their body. That part of the body will quickly give birth to consciousness and turn into a monster of the next level.

Many monsters are accidentally injured during battle. If most of their bodies are torn apart, they will even become two completely different monsters.

This is how the vampire jellyfish appeared.

At first, Wuming thought it was the offspring of its mother, until he saw the mother of the vampire jellyfish and knew what was going on.

However, the vampire jellyfish has extremely terrifying characteristics. After reaching a certain level, once it is injured and its flesh and blood are separated, it will turn into a new jellyfish.

And its potential is not weaker than the original body.

The white humanoid monster is likely to deliberately split its body to fish.

Once it encounters a suitable prey, it will take action.

But this time it not only caught the fish Iron Giant, but also attracted the big fish Wuming.

As the white humanoid monster appeared, transparent tentacles slowly fell from the sky, and a huge, dreamy crystal jellyfish fell from the sky. There were a lot of halos on its head, making it look very unreal, as if it was a creature from another dimension.

When the white humanoid monster saw the jellyfish falling, he immediately waved his hand, and a black gas immediately gushed out from the ground, turning into a terrifying black wave that swept towards the jellyfish.

The whole sky was split into two halves at once, with endless darkness below and bright white light above.

Facing the surging black gas, the vampire jellyfish pressed down with invisible telekinesis, and the black gas quickly dissipated in an instant. At the same time, the body of the white humanoid monster on the ground seemed to be pierced by some kind of sharp awl, and most of its body turned into meat paste.


Chu Yinshan and Scarlett were still too close.

At the moment when the white humanoid monster was injured, the body could not help but react. Both of them knelt on the ground and vomited. When the stomach liquid was vomited out, they began to vomit blood.

On the big ship, a ghost-like monster appeared behind Wuming, and the magic pollution caused by the injury of the white humanoid monster was all blocked by the ghost.

This ghost is actually a vampire jellyfish.

When he met the mother of the vampire jellyfish, although Wuming did not keep it, he also tore off a part of the flesh and blood.

It’s just that the cultivation method of the ghost is different from that of the vampire jellyfish, so it finally evolved into a guardian spirit-like existence, and its form and ability are completely different from those of the vampire jellyfish.

It is precisely because of the protection of the ghost that Wuming dared to let the vampire jellyfish enter the high altitude and act as a scout.

"There is also a gap between the ninth-level monster and the ninth-level monster."

"The power of this monster should be biased towards the undead system, but the power of the vampire jellyfish is the light system. The strength is not as good as the vampire jellyfish, and the ability is just restrained..."

Wuming picked a fruit from the branch next to him and said while eating.

After the white humanoid monster was injured, it decisively hid in the black mud and then activated its ability.

Black death knell!

In an instant, a huge death knell was thrown out of the black mud.

This death knell was made entirely of black mud, with a black chain on the top connecting the black mud part. It came out of the black mud and quickly crashed into the vampire jellyfish in the air, while the bell rang continuously.


Chu Yinshan heard the bell and instantly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The monsters around him died quickly. When he saw this scene, he immediately had an idea, and a bald demon ape held him and fled the scene decisively.

Scarlett on the other side was even worse. Her body exploded in many places in an instant, and pink mist continued to flow out.

The monster in her body was actually dead.


The death knell rang again, and Scarlett's eyes went black.

When she thought she was going to die, a leaf fell on her, and she found that the sense of danger disappeared instantly.


Scarlett fell to the ground, looking at the leaves on her chest, and looked at the big ship in the sky with complicated eyes.

If it were her, she would never save people in the Shenzang Trial.

I am convinced.

At this moment, she was completely convinced.


The bell rang again.

The death knell finally approached the vampire jellyfish, and then the vampire jellyfish gently pinched down with its telekinesis, and the death knell immediately turned into black gas and dispersed.

This level of death magic is too weak for the vampire jellyfish.

"End it!"

Wuming thought about it and was not ready to subdue the white humanoid monster, so he gave the order.

He was just hesitating whether to subdue the white humanoid monster. After all, the other party was a level nine magic beast, and its strength was really not bad.

But the problem was that the power system of the white humanoid monster was completely incompatible with him.

The magic beasts on his side are basically elemental and life-side magic beasts, belonging to the existence of living in the sun. He had encountered the dead beast for the second time, but he did not subdue the dead beast at that time. Now he is naturally not interested in the same type of magic beasts as the dead beast.

If the white humanoid monster is not a level nine magic beast, he probably won't even consider it.

Now that he has made a decision, the vampire jellyfish will get serious.

Thunder Cosmic Light!

The halo above the vampire jellyfish's head became brighter, and a light ball appeared at the end of each tentacle. All the light balls rotated and condensed, turning into a huge beam of light and shooting towards the ground.


With one blow, the black mud was purified by the light, and countless corpses sprayed out of the black mud, but all disappeared in the light.

As the black mud continued to disappear, the white humanoid monster hiding in the black mud had to come out. It roared angrily and manipulated the black mud to fight back, but the black mud surged into the air and was purified by the light.

The white humanoid monster wanted to escape, but in an instant, a telekinesis fell from above and pressed it to the ground.

It dug the ground frantically with its hands and feet, but every inch it dug, the telekinesis pressed down an inch, and it still had no chance to escape.

Suddenly, its body split open, and the skeleton wanted to escape with a little flesh and blood, but another beam of light fell, directly and neatly killing the skeleton.

Level 9 monsters are not easy to kill.

Their vitality is too tenacious. Even if the vampire jellyfish fully suppressed it, the white humanoid monster persisted for a long time.

Of course, this also means that it died very uncomfortably, almost like being thrown into a big millstone, and being ground to death bit by bit after continuous grinding.

You can imagine how uncomfortable this process is.

When the white humanoid monster died completely, Wuming's consciousness was dazed for a moment, and then he found that he was already standing on the golden square.

He blinked his eyes and looked at the trial participants who kept appearing around him, and then he reacted belatedly.


"So that's the final BOSS!!!"

Wuming couldn't help shouting in his heart, and he thought for a long time whether to subdue the other party. [PS: The ninth-level monster is called the "Death, Life, Destruction, Rise, Remnant, and Complete Dao-level monster in that world. Well, all the long and difficult-to-remember level settings are out, and I guess few people can remember them. ]

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