I Contracted Myself


When Wuming had a hundred thousand complaints in his heart, darts fell from the sky one after another, and everyone dodged and caught the darts.

Wuming raised his hand and caught a dart, and then found that he could not catch the rest of the darts. These darts went straight through his body and finally nailed to the ground.

He exhaled and took back the complaints he wanted to complain about. The BOSS was the BOSS. The past was the past. The most important thing now was to get the reward.

After all the trialists got the darts, a huge roulette slowly appeared in front of the statue in the middle of the golden square. It looked like the statue was holding a huge roulette.

Everything on this roulette was a question mark. It was estimated that the prize would not be revealed until all the darts were thrown.

"Everyone hurry up, ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‏‎‎‎ time is limited."

Many experienced trialists spoke up and threw the darts in their hands at the roulette.

Some trialists secretly wanted to use their own darts to knock away other trialists' darts, so that other trialists would lose their rewards, but in the end, the two darts collided in the air, and the darts penetrated each other, and no one interfered with anyone else.

Without physical collision, some trialists' darts were thrown out of the roulette wheel, and the darts turned into foam and dissipated when they landed.

Trialists who wanted to harm others but failed to harm themselves were all livid, and they dared not speak out.

Wuming was not in a hurry. He looked for a while before throwing the dart. The dart happened to fall on a not-so-large red area, which already had several darts stuck on it, and he didn't know how to divide the rewards in the end.

After everyone threw the darts, the roulette wheel that was still spinning slowly stopped.

The first prize was revealed in the blue area.

The blue area that was originally a question mark flashed for a while, and then a line of text appeared: Silver Treasure Chest.

Then, a silver treasure chest appeared in front of all the trialists thrown into the blue area, and the trialists opened the treasure chests to check their prizes.

Then came the green area, which only had bronze treasure chests, the black area had black iron treasure chests, and the gold area had gold treasure chests.

Finally, only the red area was left unrevealed, and everyone looked at the roulette wheel, curious about what kind of treasure chest the red one would be. For a moment, many people thought of metals such as copper and redstone.

However, the roulette wheel did not play cards as expected. The red area flashed and displayed: Death treasure chest.

Then, one blood-colored treasure chest appeared in front of the trialists thrown into the red area.

At the moment the death treasure chest appeared, these trialists already knew what the death treasure chest was. There might be something beyond imagination in it, but it might also be a death curse.

Once infected with the death curse, the trialists will be more likely to die in the trial level, and the difficulty of the test will double.

But if you can survive three trials, the death curse will be automatically lifted and transformed into a death blessing. The holder will have 12 opportunities to refuse death every year, and will have a ten-minute absolute immortality every day. If you don't use it, it can continue to accumulate.

Refusing death and absolute immortality are two states.

The former is to die but still be alive, and the latter is to be invincible. If a practitioner can have these two states, as long as he is not the enemy of the world, he can more than protect himself.

Moreover, this blessing comes from the transcendent, which is the top power. It can be said that once you get the death blessing, it is difficult to die.

After Wuming understood the situation, he calmly opened the treasure chest, and a ring appeared in the treasure chest. He blinked and said a little disappointedly: "It's not a death curse."

The people around him were speechless. Although the death blessing transformed from the death curse is very powerful, you have to live to that time.

It's good to have a reward.

The other trialists trembled as they opened the treasure chests. Some breathed a sigh of relief, while others showed fear, wondering if they could survive the next three levels.

Wuming didn't care about the trialists around him. He took out the ring from the treasure chest, thought about it, and put it on his index finger.

This ring is called the Monarch Ring. It is shaped like a dragon holding a sword, and the sword is pointing forward, as if awarding honors to his subordinates.

In fact, this sword is indeed used in this way. Anyone whose shoulder is pressed by his fingers, if he cannot resist, when the eyes of the dragon on the ring turn red, the other party will completely become the wearer's property, and life and death will no longer be controlled by himself.

And it can be used not only on living things, but also on dead things and conceptual things, as long as you can find the other party and hold it down.

Wuming thought about it, and the reverse scale of Dark Sky suddenly appeared. He pressed his index finger on the reverse scale. After about nine seconds, the scale turned white and was completely controlled by Wuming.

This is a state different from refining.

Refining means that he uses his own power to assimilate the power in the reverse scale bit by bit, and finally takes this power for himself.

The power of the monarch's ring is even more domineering, directly turning the opponent into his own shape. Even if An Tian is resurrected, he probably won't recognize the reverse scale, because now the reverse scale is in the shape of Wuming.

"What a loss!"

Wuming thought, and the scales merged into his skin, and he couldn't help thinking in his heart.

If he had known that he could get such a good prop in the Shenzang Trial, why would he bother to refine the reverse scale? Wouldn't it be better to wait for the Shenzang Trial? It was a big loss to waste so many years of retreat.

"Master Wuming, this is the prop I got in this level, please accept it."

When Wuming was sad, Scarlett quietly walked to Wuming, handed him a card, and whispered.

She knew very well that if Wuming hadn't taken action, she would have died in the previous level.

"No, I saved you just because I wanted to save you, and living well is the greatest reward for me." Wuming pushed the card away and said with a smile.

Scarlett wanted to say something, Wuming pointed to the front and said, "The door to the next level has appeared, come on!"

"Yes, thank you Master Wuming." Scarlett hesitated for a moment, then bowed slightly.

Wuming smiled and followed the flow of people to the golden gate that appeared. Although he didn't really care about the thoughts of the person being rescued, he wouldn't be angry even if the other party repaid his kindness with hatred, but when he met such a good child who knew how to repay his kindness, he would still be in a good mood, and there was a feeling that I had saved the right person.

He looked at the golden door getting closer and closer, and he was a little expectant in his heart. I wonder what the fourth level will test?

To be honest, over the years, from the initial training ground to the later Shenzang Trial and the Lost Gate, he has become accustomed to accepting various tests, and his mentality has become more and more stable.

Now facing new tests, he has no fear, only a deep desire to try and expectations for the unknown.

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