I Contracted Myself

【1035】Instant death

Cold, shaking.

Wuming opened his eyes, glanced around calmly, then sat up and looked at his body.

This time, his body was not shrunk, but his power was still unable to be used. He had an idea and wanted to communicate with the biological force field that all living things in the body had, but found that the biological force field was like lubricating oil and could not be gathered at all.

Obviously this level is the same as the previous level, all extraordinary, super powers, and super technologies are not allowed to be used.

After confirming the situation, he looked at the people lying in the room, Scarlett, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, and Tang Wentian. There were two people who could unite, and the result was not bad.

At this time, one of the unknown women opened her eyes. She sat up immediately, glanced at Wuming warily, and then looked around.

After it was confirmed that it was temporarily safe, ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏ She looked at Wuming and wanted to speak, but Wuming made a silencing gesture, and she immediately shut up and waited.

After calming down, the woman smelled a very slight corpse smell, which came from outside the window. She stood up silently and walked to the window. When she looked outside, it turned out to be a doomsday scene, with shabby high-rise buildings. Buildings, burning buildings and cars, and densely packed zombies on the streets.

This is a very classic zombie level!

The woman instantly came to the conclusion that this level of Shenzang Trial had appeared many times in the past, and the death rate was not particularly high, but it was not particularly low either.

If you are careless, you may even be wiped out.

At this time, the remaining people started to get up one after another. Scarlett and Tang Wentian immediately gathered around Wuming. The remaining two people looked at each other, then stood up silently and observed their surroundings.

After everyone roughly figured out the situation, Wuming made a gesture, and Scarlett and Tang Wentian immediately followed him out of the room, and the other three followed suit.

This kind of level does not require communication. Everyone knows that unity is much safer than fighting alone.

Open the door.

Wuming kicked a zombie guarding outside the door, and then he rushed forward. The zombies on both sides of the door turned around and tried to attack. Scarlett and Tang Wentian quickly took action, and the two of them faced off against the two zombies.

Fifteen seconds later, three zombies fell to the ground dead.

Wuming put down the ashtray he had picked up, and then looked at Tang Wentian and Scarlett. One of them was holding a floor lamp and the other was holding a fruit knife.

"Okay, let's talk next."

Everyone has just seen the mission of this level.

The light curtain had appeared after everyone woke up. The task at this level was very simple, that is, to escape from the city within a week.

"Based on our ability, it is not a big problem to escape from this city within a week, but since the mission is like this, then this city must be hiding a fatal threat to us. By the way, everyone should know me, I I won’t introduce myself anymore. You can say whatever you think. By the way, let me introduce myself. We all know each other. I hope we can cooperate sincerely in the next week and survive to the next level." Wuming sat on the sofa and picked up an apple. After wiping it and taking a bite, he said to everyone.

Tang Wentian nodded and said: "Well, Mr. Wuming is absolutely trustworthy. Don't worry, anyone can trick you, but Mr. Wuming will never do it. Cooperation is the best option.”

"My name is Monica. I practice the holy moon meditation method of the elves. I am good at bows and arrows. If I can find bows and arrows, I can deal with most threats from a long distance." The only woman among the five said, speaking. She gently lifted the ends of her hair, revealing her elf ears.

Then the other two men also introduced themselves. The stronger man was named Hans. He was a druid. If he could get various medicines, he could also work part-time as a doctor.

Another more feminine man is named Aso Shouichi. He practices Koga-ryu ninja and is proficient in poison making, assassination and other methods. Many abilities can still be used after losing his extraordinary power.

Scarlett and Tang Wentian also followed the conversation and re-introduced themselves. Scarlett was good at collecting information, while Tang Wentian ran super fast. They both had their own strengths.

"In this case, Scarlett and Tang are mainly responsible for keeping an eye on the city's information, Monica and Hans are responsible for collecting supplies, mainly drugs, and Aso Shouichi and I are responsible for finding weapons, arming everyone first, and then Decide on the escape route," Wuming said after listening to everyone's self-introductions.

After listening to Wuming's arrangement, Monica was convinced by Wuming. She said, "Master Wuming, as expected, you know, right?"

"what do you know?"

Tang Wentian scratched his bald head and asked strangely.

On the side, Aso Shouichi's face became even more gloomy, he lowered his head and said nothing.

"Aso Shouichi has a death curse on him. It will be very dangerous to act with him, even more dangerous than us acting alone!" Hans said in a muffled voice.

At that time, there were only eight people who opened the death chest. Although everyone opened it quietly, the trialists who were willing to collect information would still remember who got the death curse and who got the normal reward.

Aso Shouichi was one of the trialists who received the death curse. Although he immediately pretended to have received the prize, he could not hide it from people who were good at collecting information.

In fact, Tang Wentian was the only one present who didn't know, and Scarlett, Monica, and Hans all knew it.

Generally, in this level, the most zombies killed when opening the door are one zombie at most. After all, there was nothing in that room just now. No matter how skilled they are, if their physical fitness is not up to par, it is still difficult to deal with zombies that are not afraid of death, pain, and have infinite strength.

But this time, three zombies appeared when the door was opened. You don’t need to think about it to know that it is probably the problem of Aso Moriichi.

“Well, now is not the time for internal strife, and Aso’s existence is not meaningless. At least we don’t have to guess. No matter where there is danger, danger will definitely come to us.” Wuming said with a smile.

Aso Moriichi saw that Wuming was still protecting him, and he bowed with some emotion in his heart: “Master Wuming, I’d better leave the team. Aso Moriichi will repay your great kindness in the next life. This time I don’t want to drag everyone down. Please make sure to live well.”

If everyone still has extraordinary power, he will definitely not be too desperate.

The problem is that everyone's physical fitness is just that of an ordinary person, and it's a relatively weak level among ordinary people. He really doesn't think that he can increase the probability of survival by being with everyone.

This level is like a death level for him who knows this kind of level.

He stood up and was about to leave, Wuming reached out and grabbed him, but the next second the wall in front of him suddenly burst open, and a burly, muscular zombie rushed in from outside.

Caught off guard, Aso Shouyi was hit and rushed into another room with the burly zombie. There was blood on both sides of the exploded wall. From the large amount of bleeding, it can be judged that Aso Shouyi is dead.

Wuming was dragged because he was holding Aso Shouyi's hand. He couldn't help but get up from the sofa. Seeing the big hole in the wall in front, he immediately gritted his teeth and said: "Run, pay attention to the roof. If you can survive, I will light fireworks on a roof somewhere to gather!"

After that, he turned and ran away, and the others also ran away in various ways.

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