I Contracted Myself

【1036】Thousands of years of experience

Wuming did not escape through the main door or the big hole opened by the burly zombies, but jumped down from the balcony and then reached out to grab the fence of the balcony downstairs.

The zombies in the living room downstairs immediately rushed out of the balcony upon hearing the sound. Wuming saw the zombie who was still alive with a big hole on his face, so he immediately let go and continued to fall down, and then grabbed the balcony fence of the next floor.

He took a breath, and seeing that there were no zombies in the house, he pulled himself up and stepped into the balcony with difficulty.

After sitting on the ground and leaning against the fence to rest for a while, he got up and wiped the sweat on his forehead. He couldn't help complaining in his heart that this level was really too much. Even if he was in normal state, he was not so weak.

In his previous life, he was at least a member of the rescue team. Even if he was lazy, his physical fitness would not be so bad. In this life, unless he was an infant, he was very strong even when he just crossed over. After all, his previous life was a liver-burning teenager, and he really didn't care about his life when exercising.

Now, he is like a young man with kidney deficiency. Although his explosive power is OK, his endurance is a big problem. He will be out of breath after a little strenuous exercise. He can achieve this level now thanks to his experience and skills.

He stood there and rested for a while, then carefully observed the situation in the house. No one knew what image the zombies would appear in, so he looked very carefully, even under the chairs.

After confirming that there were no zombies in the house, he entered the house and picked up the fruit knife on the table.

With weapons in hand, he began to collect supplies.

He opened the refrigerator, and many things in it were moldy. He closed the refrigerator and walked into the room carefully. Judging from the layout of the room, the owner of this house should be a middle-aged man, and he was divorced or unmarried.

He did not find any women's supplies in the room, but there was a golf club in the corner gathering dust. He picked up the golf club and waved it, and then simply threw it aside. This thing is not as useful as a fruit knife, it is pure chicken ribs.

After leaving the room, he went into the kitchen.

"Oh, interesting."

Wuming was a little surprised when he saw the knives in the kitchen.

In addition to the regular knives, there were also some knives specially used to dismember big fish such as tuna. The longest tuna knife was almost one meter long. Obviously, the owner of this house had various interests. He not only played golf, but also cut fish by himself.


Wuming walked out of the kitchen and looked around. Finally, he found a fishing rod in the cabinet of the second room. Sure enough, the other party was a fisherman!

He put the fishing gear back into the cabinet, then went back to the kitchen and took a few longer tuna knives in his hand to test the feel. The longest one felt good and was sharper than a fruit knife. It would be very easy to use it to chop zombies. The slightly shorter tuna knife was also quite good. He held the handle with his backhand and could easily cut the nerves of the zombies while dodging.

With weapons, as long as there were not so many zombies that there was no room for swinging, he felt that it would not be difficult for him to survive. After all, his skills were still there.

Walking out of the house from the main entrance, he held a one-meter-long knife in his right hand and a sixty-centimeter knife in his left hand, and slowly walked towards the stairs.

He smelled a stench of corpses from a distance. As expected, when he came to the corner of the stairs, a zombie immediately rushed out. He moved sideways to avoid the zombie, and then cut off the zombie's head with a clean knife.

Then, he walked down the stairs from the fifteenth floor to the third floor, and suddenly saw Hans standing not far away, with blood still flowing from his back.


Wuming's eyes were a little complicated. Two teammates were lost in less than half a day in this level. It was a bit difficult.

I hope the rest of the people can survive.

Wuming prayed in his heart and slowly walked towards Hans. Hans turned around suddenly when he heard the sound and rushed towards Wuming at a very fast speed. His pale skin was enough to show what he had encountered before his death.

To be honest, the zombies' movements were too beautiful to see through. Unless the overall strength exceeded Wuming by a hundred times, it would be difficult for Wuming to get hurt.

Avoid, one knife.

Hans sprinted forward a few steps, his toes hit the stairs, and then his head landed on the stairs, and after the collision, it slowly rolled down to Wuming's feet.


Wuming sighed and continued to walk down.

Even if he wanted to save people at this level, he couldn't do it. After all, his own strength was very limited. In the case of being out of reach, he could only hope that others would be smarter and not die so easily.

Walking out of the residential building, Wuming easily killed two zombies, and then judged from the position of the zombies on the street that someone had escaped from the residential building before him. It was because the other party led away a lot of zombies, so there were fewer zombies when he came out, and some zombies that didn't catch up stayed in place, forming a loose mark composed of zombies.

Wuming only needs to walk forward along the mark, and maybe he can find the other party, but he doesn't know whether it is Tang Wentian, Scarlett, or Monica.

"I hope the person is okay."

Wuming thought about it, and then followed the mark. The zombies along the way found him and rushed over immediately, but none of them could stop his knife.

Now that Aso Morikazu, the only one with the death curse, is dead, the danger of the entire level has immediately decreased a lot.

Wuming walked forward and soon found that all the zombies were blocking the entrance of an office building. He walked forward and swung his knife without waiting for the zombies to react, and three or four heads were immediately chopped off.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‎The remaining zombies wanted to turn around and attack, but they were pinned down by the headless zombie corpse, which delayed them for a few seconds.

These few seconds were enough for Wuming to swing his sword for the second time, and several more zombies were beheaded.

Even if ordinary people have a knife in their hands, it is difficult to be as neat and tidy as Wuming. It is just like an executioner who has been beheading for hundreds of years. Every knife cuts at the joints, and it takes almost no effort to cut off a good head.

The other zombies have noticed Wuming at this time, and they all turn around to attack Wuming. Wuming retreats a little to make some space, so many zombies attack, and then they are like queuing up to be beheaded, beheading one by one, and beheading two by two.

This scene is very funny, and even feels unreal, but in fact everything is deliberately caused by Wuming. He just controls the rhythm to make the zombies look like they are queuing up to die. There are many tricks in it.

From the shape and number of zombies blocking the door, to the position where he stood, to the angle at which the zombies fell, everything was calculated. It was this premeditated move that led to the current scene of zombies queuing up to beheaded.

Zombies' instincts were too simple. When they encountered a thousand-year-old monster like Wuming, their every move was predicted, and there was no possibility of accidents.

It took Wuming ten minutes to finally deal with all the zombies. He moved his sore arms and sighed, "I'm so tired. I'm exhausted even waiting in line to behead. This physical fitness..."

After that, he walked directly to the entrance of the building.

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