I Contracted Myself


Although Wuming didn't know how Tang Wentian provoked so many zombies, he was very aware of Tang Wentian's advantages. This guy was super runner and was very good at running.

Even if Tang Wentian's physical fitness dropped to the level of ordinary people, he would be far more durable than ordinary people.

Wuming had just observed the nearby situation on the roof of the building, and naturally had a rough map in his mind. He couldn't say it was 100% detailed, but at least he would never get lost in this area.

The surrounding zombies had been attracted by Tang Wentian's shout. Wuming rushed into a paint store, picked up a can of paint and a brush, and said, "Monica, take a can too and follow me."

"Oh, okay!" Monica nodded and immediately followed suit.

She didn't know much about Wuming's plan, but that didn't stop her from executing Wuming's plan.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏The two came to the street on the other side. Wuming quickly drew an arrow, and then continued to the next place, constantly drawing arrows on the street and on the wall. Leave a message.

He ran and painted while paying attention to Tang Wentian's condition.

It has to be said that Tang Wenzhen is really good at running, and he is still very angry this time.

In fact, running and shouting at the same time will only consume oxygen faster. This is not a method that normal people can use. It can only be said that Tang Wentian himself is very abnormal.

Wuming ran all the way to a gas station and started to prepare. At this time, Monica finally understood Wuming's thoughts and hurriedly helped.

On the other side, Tang Wentian ran desperately. When he escaped, he encountered several zombies. When he realized that he couldn't fight them, he had to run. Who knew that more zombies would come after running away.

Slowly, a large number of zombies appeared behind him, and he had no choice but to run all the way.

When he saw the flames on the building, he knew it was the signal from Wuming. The problem was that there were hundreds of zombies hanging behind him, and Wuming couldn't save him no matter how strong he was.

In the end, he simply changed his mind and decided to lure all the zombies away. At the same time, he let Wuming know where the zombies were led. As long as he avoided that place, he would be less dangerous.

This is the reason why he shouts, because the sound will attract more zombies and make the area safer.

"Master Wuming, this is all I can do!"

Tang Wentian felt a little tired, but he still ran forward resolutely, towards the distant campus.

Suddenly, he saw a flash of red paint, and his eyes widened.

"Run this way!"

"It's not time to give up yet, hold on!"

The characters were of different sizes, but from his perspective they were very clear, and he could instantly understand what the other person was saying.

He took a deep breath, suddenly let out a roar of joy, twisted his body hard, and ran in the direction of the arrow. Countless zombies fell because of his emergency turn, and in an instant they piled up into a hill, but there were more zombies stepping on them. Xiao Shan chased me.

"Hahahahahahaha, come after me, you shits!"

Tang Wentian saw this scene through the reflection of the surrounding glass and laughed heartily.

Ten minutes later, countless zombies followed and chased them to the gas station. When Tang Wentian ran past the gas station, he saw Wuming and Monica standing at the gas station. Above, both men hold fuel pipes in their hands.

"Hold on, run!" Wuming's mouth moved, but no sound came out.

Tang Wentian immediately raised his hand and gave a thumbs up.

I dare not say anything else.

But when it comes to running, he is super strong.

When the zombies rushed through the gas station, the gasoline fell like raindrops. Countless zombies turned into drowned rats in an instant. More and more zombies continued to chase Tang Wentian, and more and more zombies were soaked by the gasoline.

Finally, Wuming picked up a screw that was larger than his thumb, watched the zombies drifting away from a distance, and said, "Let's go."

This gas station is very dangerous now. If you don't want to be blown up into the sky, it's better to stay away.

Finally, a screw was thrown from a distance and sparked when it hit the ground.

When the sparks flickered and fell to the ground, a fire suddenly broke out on the ground, and the fire spread quickly. The gas station exploded first, and then the flames followed the zombies in the distance.

The zombie running at the back suddenly burst into flames, and then one infected two. Slowly, the zombies looked like running torches, with steam rising to the sky.

"Damn it, this picture is too strong!"

Tang Wentian felt that the running speed of the zombies behind him had slowed down. He glanced back and then said with tears in his eyes.

He thought he was going to die, but now he couldn't. A few minutes later, the ripe zombie fell crookedly, and Tang Wentian slowly stopped. He bent over and held his knees with both hands, breathing heavily.

"Don't be careless. Not all zombies may be dead. Let's go." Wuming walked out of the alley on the side and pulled him towards the alley.

Tang Wentian was very grateful. His mind was in a mess. He had a lot to say, but he didn't know where to start. He could only nod excitedly and follow Wuming step by step.

For a moment, the three of them were resting in a coffee shop.

Wuming handed the brewed coffee to the two of them and smiled at Monica: "This should be considered a vegetarian food, try it."

"Thank you." Monica whispered.

Wuming sat aside, poured himself a cup of instant coffee, and said: "‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏Now only Scarlett's life or death is left to be uncertain. Lao Tang, have you seen Scarlett? Carrie?"

"No, she seemed to be running to the rooftop. The building we landed on was next to another building. She might have wanted to escape from the other building, but it's hard to say the details." Tang Wentian touched his bald head and continued to answer.

Wuming frowned and said, "We can wait, but we can't stop collecting information. At least we have to figure out how big this city is. Otherwise, we can't even figure out the scope of the city, so how can we escape from the city."

"There's a bookstore over there. The bookstore must sell world maps." Tang Wentian said.

Monica complained, "Will the world map mark a small city? Even the map of this country probably won't circle out the scope of the city."

"As long as you know the name of this city, and then check the map, and move towards the direction of another city, you can't go wrong." Tang Wentian retorted.

Wuming finished his coffee and said, "Okay, let's take a look first. It's also a source of intelligence after all."

When the three of them had rested for a while, they left the coffee shop and headed towards the bookstore.

"By the way, how did you attract so many zombies?" Wuming looked at the zombies that were still smoking on the street and asked curiously.

Tang Wentian smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know. I only encountered five zombies at the beginning. I found that I couldn't beat them, so I had to run away. As I ran, there were so many."


Wuming and Monica were speechless.

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