I Contracted Myself

【1039】Old man zombie

A few minutes later, the three walked out of the bookstore.

Wuming held a book in his hand and said as he walked: "The situation is not good."

"It's sick, sick, how can there be such a city, it's pure sick." Tang Wentian touched his head frantically, complaining while touching.

Monica was no longer surprised this time, showing a look of doubting life.

A country, one-third of the land is occupied by a city, is this reasonable?

"Okay, since the setting is like this, we can only abide by the setting. Now the situation is not good. We have to cross most of the country to leave this city called Wudong City. There are many problems that need to be solved." Wuming patted the book and said to the two.

Tang Wentian said: "Master Wuming, ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‏‎‎‏‏We can get a car first, otherwise it will be too difficult to leave this city."

"Well, is there anything else?" Wuming nodded and asked.

Tang Wentian touched his big bald head and said, "Weapons. If we have a knife in hand, one or two zombies can't threaten us at all."


Wuming simply threw the long knife to Tang Wentian.

"What about you, sir?" Tang Wentian caught the knife and asked.

Wuming held the short knife in his left hand and said calmly, "This one is enough, but we do need to collect more weapons. Monica needs a bow and arrow or... Monica, can you use a gun?"

"Yes, I can use a crossbow, and I can also use throwing knives, darts, etc." Monica replied.

Wuming nodded and said, "Then let's collect supplies first, and then go west and leave this city when we are ready."

In fact, there is one thing he didn't say, that is, no matter how weird this world is, it still has to operate according to the rules in essence, so where do zombies come from?

It doesn't mean that if you are not bitten by a zombie, you will not be infected with the zombie virus. After all, after they came to Wudong City, they didn't figure out anything at all. The reason for the formation of zombies and the source of the disaster are still unknown.

But it was meaningless to say these things, which would only increase the pressure on the two people, so Wuming finally held back and didn't say it.

Next, the three spent half a day searching for supplies.

When the supplies of the entire city were open to the three people, it was actually very easy to find things.

In just a few hours, the three were armed to the teeth. Monica carried a bow and quiver on her back, several throwing knives tied to her thighs, two short knives on her waist, as well as arrows in her sleeves and a pistol.

Wuming held a Tang sword in his hand, several grenades hanging on his waist, and several short knives tied to his back.

The last Tang Wentian had a gun in his hand and a knife on his back. If he wasn't worried about the weight being too exaggerated, he would even want to bring a few more guns.

The three found a car with full gas, so they drove back to the building where they landed.



Beep! ! !

Wuming pressed the horn, and after a while, several zombies appeared from the dark, and before they could launch a charge, they were shot in the head by Tang Wentian.

"It seems she's gone." Monica said.

Wuming sighed and blessed: "I hope she can survive, let's go!"

The longer you stay here, the more dangerous it will be. For safety reasons, the best way to do this level is to pass it quickly.

Who knows if a nuclear bomb will fall from the sky tomorrow, trying to wipe out all the zombies in this city.

Wuming drove to avoid one abandoned car after another on the roadside, and quickly left the town along the highway. Soon he entered the scope of the village in the city.

The roads here are more difficult to walk, and many roads are one-way, narrow enough for only one car to pass.

The problem is that there are so many zombies in this place. He knocked down no less than a hundred zombies along the way. The front of the car was dented, and the windshield also had dense spider-web-like cracks.

Wuming stepped on the accelerator and drove forward, finally stopping next to a residential building. The road ahead was blocked by a collapsed house, and there was no other way around, so they could only get out of the car and cross it.

"Let's go."

Wuming got out of the car and drew his knife, saying to the two.

The three of them advanced in a triangle formation. The houses around them were very quiet, because the houses here were generally low and old, and the lighting was very poor. It was pitch black when looking inside the house from the outside, and no one knew if there were any zombies hiding inside.

Quietly passing through the alley, an old man stood in front of him beside the bloodstained bluestone road, with blood constantly flowing from his nose.

He lowered his head, and the whole person seemed very depressed. There were scratches everywhere in his tattered clothes, and black blood would seep out from time to time, and finally fell to the ground along his body, so that a small circle of black blood formed under his feet.

Wuming saw the other party, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he simply threw the scabbard in his hand to Tang Wentian.

They had discussed tactics. If they had to be quiet and could not make sounds to communicate, they could use some actions to convey information.

Wuming threw the scabbard to Tang Wentian, which meant that he would be on the sidelines, and it also meant that the enemy was not simple.


Tang Wentian stopped, and Monica stopped too.

However, after stopping, Monica quietly took off the bow, put the arrow on the bowstring, and drew the bow to aim.

Wuming walked forward slowly, without making any sound. When he was only three meters away from the zombie, he stopped and Monica shot an arrow in unison.

The arrow flew past Wuming and pointed directly at the zombie's brain.

Unexpectedly, the old zombie suddenly leaned back slightly to avoid the arrow attack, and then waved his hand at Wuming, making a loud noise like a cannonball, and dozens of drops of blood sprayed out like bullets.

This action was very fast, but Wuming predicted its action and started moving the moment it leaned back, and rolled on the ground to avoid the blood attack.

Then he half-crouched and exerted force with his right hand, slashing the old zombie's legs with a knife. The old zombie jumped up suddenly, and his posture was like a toad, kicking the wall behind him, and bounced to the other side in a blink of an eye, and then he lay on all fours and exerted force against the wall, and the whole person quickly dived towards Wuming.

This old man was definitely not an ordinary person when he was alive.

Wuming thought to himself, but his reaction was very fast. He rolled over to avoid the old man's attack the moment he pounced on him. He stood up and stabbed the old man zombie without even looking. The old man zombie seemed to have anticipated his attack. After landing, he bounced up and just brushed his nose with the blade.

Avoiding the attack, the old man did a series of backflips and stood at the end of the alley. His body naturally fell and swayed with the wind.


Wuming exhaled a foul breath and looked at the old man zombie with a serious expression.

Could this old man have been a martial arts master in his life? His kung fu was practiced to the bone. Even after becoming a zombie, his instincts were still there, even stronger than when he was alive.

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