I Contracted Myself

【1040】Bai Dan

As the saying goes, a young man is better than a young man.

If it is an ordinary old man, even if he has practiced kung fu to the bone, he can't exert much power due to old age and weakness. He still can't beat a young and strong man.

But after becoming a zombie, not only does his body contain huge power, but he is also tireless. Not to mention a young man, even a group of young men can't beat an old zombie.

Wuming's skills are actually better than the old zombie, but his physical attributes are too different, and the reaction speed of both sides is not much different, so the result is that Wuming is at a disadvantage, and the old zombie has the advantage.

After all, it won't get tired, but Wuming will.

Wuming took a deep breath, suddenly rushed towards the old zombie quickly, and slashed with a knife when he got close. The old zombie did a bridge backwards to avoid the attack of the Tang sword, and then supported himself with his hands and kicked Wuming with his legs.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‎‏‏However, Wuming had expected this. When the knife missed, he had already started to exert force on his toes. At the moment when the old zombie kicked with both feet, he bounced back and just avoided the attack of the old zombie.


Monica grasped the timing very well. At this time, an arrow flew under Wuming. The old zombie wanted to change his moves to dodge, but he was a step slower.


A sound similar to leather tearing sounded, and the old zombie's calf was shot by a bow and arrow.

Wuming's eyes lit up when he landed, and he immediately slashed at the other leg of the old zombie, but the old zombie relied on his hands to move back quickly to avoid Wuming's fatal knife.

"There is still a chance!"

Wuming took advantage of the victory and immediately stuck close to the old zombie, constantly slashing with his knife. Although the old zombie's leg was not cut off, his calf was hit by an arrow after all. At this time, facing the violent attack, he could only dodge continuously.

But if you defend too long, you will lose. When its attention was all on Wuming, Monica shot another arrow.

Monica was not bragging, her bow and arrow were very accurate.

The arrow passed through Wuming's armpit and instantly hit the dodging old zombie, shooting the old zombie's eyes on the spot.

The zombies in this world not only have good hearing, but also can see things with their eyes. After losing an eye, the old zombie's sense of balance and distance have dropped significantly.

"Good opportunity."

Wuming's eyes lit up, and while he slashed with a knife, his other hand quietly pulled out a flying knife. At the moment when the old zombie avoided the attack of the Tang sword, the flying knife flashed coldly, and the old zombie's other eye was also blown up.

Without an eye, it is too easy to get stuck in the visual blind spot.

When the attack is launched from the enemy's blind spot, it is almost difficult to avoid without other extraordinary senses.

"It seems there is no suspense."

Wuming thought to himself, and then kicked the stone next to him. The stone flew out and bounced repeatedly on the wall of the alley, making a harsh noise.

When the old zombie instinctively turned his head to follow the sound, Wuming easily cut off the old zombie's head with a knife.

So tired.

After Wuming confirmed that the old zombie was dead, he slowly retreated to the wall and rested against the wall.

At this time, the body of the old zombie gradually shriveled, and even the bones were twisted by some huge suction. Wuming saw this scene and hurriedly stepped back. Monika and Tang Wentian, who were walking over, also stopped and looked at the body of the old zombie with caution.

About three minutes later, the body of the old zombie broke apart with a click, and the skin and bones turned into fragments, and a white sphere appeared on the ground.

"What is that thing?" Tang Wentian asked in a low voice.

Monica rolled her eyes and said lightly: "You don't know, how can we know?"

"Could it be something like the evolution crystal in the doomsday novel routine?" Wuming walked forward slowly, saying as he walked.

In those apocalyptic novels, killing zombies often results in crystals and crystal cores. Survivors can awaken superpowers by eating them.

Wuming suspected that this white sphere might be a similar existence.

He walked forward, picked up the white sphere after making sure there was no danger, weighed it, and then looked at Tang Wentian and Monica, saying, "Does anyone want to take a gamble?"

Tang Wentian and Monica shook their heads at the same time. This thing was extracted from an old zombie. Who could eat it?

"Okay, then keep it for now and use it when you really need to take a gamble." Wuming saw that the two had no idea, so he smiled and put it away.

This thing feels very strange, soft, neither hot nor cold, just like some kind of Tai Sui Lingzhi.

Wuming suspected that this might be the zombie virus, but he didn't know if a normal person would become a zombie after eating it, or become something else, such as an awakener, a superpower, or a superpower as described in the novel.

Next, the three continued to move towards the target direction. They encountered several zombies along the way, but these zombies were very different from the old man zombies. Wuming killed them with a few knives and Monica with a few arrows.

It took almost half an hour for the three to reach the edge of the village in the city. Wuming began to look for a car, while Monica and Tang Wentian were responsible for observing the surroundings and reporting immediately if there were any zombies.

"Help, help!"

At this time, a voice came from a residential building not far away.

It was a self-built house, a two-story building, with stainless steel anti-theft nets welded on the windows. In one of the rooms, a girl waved frantically.

She looked at Wuming and others excitedly, holding the anti-theft net tightly with one hand and waving with the other hand, fearing that Wuming and others did not notice her.

"Master Wuming, do you want to save people?" Tang Wentian asked.

Wuming withdrew his gaze from the girl and said indifferently: "If you miss, go ahead."

“‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‏That should be a special zombie, disguised really well.” Monica sighed.

Tang Wentian was confused and said, “What did you see? Where is her flaw?”

“No flaw is the biggest flaw.” Wuming continued to look for a car and smiled casually.

Monica nodded and said, “She looks so good. In this case, her body is white and flawless, there are no dark circles on her face, and there is no bloodshot in her eyes. She is too healthy, healthy and doesn’t look like a creature in this world.”

“Don’t people have a big heart? If there is food and drink in the house, and if you sleep normally every day, you can do it like her.” Tang Wentian retorted.

He agreed with Monica’s statement, and he was just arguing at this time.

How could ordinary people in this world be in such a good state after encountering such a sudden change.

Insomnia, or even physiological reactions due to excessive fear, are all very normal things in Tang Wentian’s view, but this girl is very abnormal.

As Wuming said, she is too normal, so she is abnormal.

"I'll try and see if I can get a white pill out of her body." Tang Wentian thought for a moment, raised his gun and aimed at the girl, then pulled the trigger.

After one shot, the girl's head tilted back, and then she slowly recovered.

She looked at Tang Wentian, her eyes became cold, and she said, "Even if you don't want to save me, why hurt me?"

As she spoke, her hair seemed to have life, slowly crawling out of the window, like an octopus's tentacles wriggling in the air, quickly surrounding Tang Wentian.

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