I Contracted Myself

【1041】Desperate Situation

"Fuck, she didn't die even after being shot in the head."

Tang Wentian couldn't help but shout when he saw this scene.

"You are the only one who has more hands."

Monica said helplessly, but still drew her bow and aimed, and shot an arrow at the girl.

"But no one objected just now." Tang Wentian said innocently.

At this time, the arrow hit the girl's head, but the arrow was slowly pushed out by the flesh and blood. The girl stared at Monica again and said angrily: "Bitch, you are dead, bitch!!!"

"She really didn't die." Monica said in surprise.

Wuming said at this time: "Follow me, let's go!"

No matter what this girl is, after they leave, he doesn't believe that her hair can cross thousands of kilometers to chase them.

The three immediately‏‎‏‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‎ left, leaving only the girl's crazy abuse, her hair still extending.

In the dark house, the girl only had half of her body, and her lower body was connected to a huge intestine, and the intestine extended all the way to the living room outside the room.

On the sofa in the living room, a zombie's stomach split open like a petal, with intestines extending out from the middle of the 'petal'. In addition to the girl, there was also a woman in the kitchen who was controlled in this way.


On the other side, Wuming found a car again. He looked at Tang Wentian and asked, "Can you drive?"

"Yes, let alone driving, I can drive airplanes, tanks, spaceships, mechas, and armor." Tang Wentian nodded immediately.

Wuming nodded and said, "Then you drive."

"Okay, don't worry, I drive very steadily." Tang Wentian said confidently.

The three got in the car, Wuming sat in the co-pilot seat, and after Tang Wentian started the car, Wuming closed his eyes and decided to have a good rest.

Tang Wentian noticed that Wuming was resting, and immediately slowed down, trying his best not to disturb Wuming.

However, the road conditions ahead were very bad. From time to time, there would be cars blocking the road, and even some bodies that could not be seen as human or other animals were burned on the road. In the spirit of stability, he avoided them one by one.

Monica was relieved to see that Tang Wentian was a reliable driver, and then she closed her eyes to rest.

Half an hour passed in a flash.

Suddenly, a sharp brake sound woke Wuming and Monica up. When they opened their eyes, they saw a cow rushing towards them quickly. Tang Wentian stepped on the accelerator and the car immediately rushed to the right side of the road, narrowly avoiding the impact of the cow.

Then Tang Wentian turned the steering wheel sharply, knocked several zombies away, and drove the car onto the road and continued to drive forward.

The zombie cow was very strong. It turned around and chased after it immediately after it missed the attack. The ground was shaking constantly when it ran, and all the cars that blocked it along the way were knocked aside.

"What's wrong with that cow?" Wuming looked at the rearview mirror and couldn't help asking.

Tang Wentian's forehead was sweating. He stared at the front nervously and answered, "I don't know. I was driving well. Suddenly, a cow rushed out from behind. It didn't hit me the first time. I was so scared that I braked quickly. Then you saw it." "Damn it." Wuming said speechlessly after hearing it. Monica couldn't help but said, "Is it because our car is red?" They picked a car at random. This car is indeed red in appearance. "..." Tang Wentian and Wuming were speechless for a while after hearing Monica's words. If it was really because of the color of the car that attracted such a monster, it would be too unfair. The running speed of the wild bull zombie was really not slow. With its tireless nature, it almost always followed the car. The reason why it was able to overtake the car just now was mainly because Tang Wentian didn't drive too fast. Fortunately, it didn't hit it the first time, otherwise it would be enough to make Wuming and his people fall down and fall into disadvantages, or even desperate. At this time, Tang Wentian was driving as fast as he could, but he still couldn't get rid of the Bull Zombie. Wuming and Monica knew that they had to hinder the Bull Zombie, otherwise it would be endless.

Wuming leaned half of his body out of the car window and instantly threw the flying knife in his hand at the Bull Zombie, but he underestimated the Bull Zombie's thick skin and flesh, and the flying knife fell on the Bull Zombie's body and was directly spread out.

"Fuck, what kind of physique is this." Wuming complained and quickly retracted his body into the car. The next moment, an abandoned car was thrown behind the car.

The Bull Zombie didn't dodge and directly knocked the abandoned car out without any damage.

"Brother Niu is awesome!" Wuming laughed and applauded.

Tang Wentian smiled bitterly and said, "Master Wuming, this car is running out of gas."

In an instant, Wuming put away the smile on his face and looked at the Bull Zombie seriously.

"I'll try."

Monica took a deep breath, and followed Wuming's example by leaning forward, then drawing the bow and shooting an arrow.

The arrow flew quickly towards the eyes of the wild bull zombie, but the wild bull zombie just closed his eyes, and his eyelids blocked the attack of the arrow.

"Hiss, so terrifying." Wuming couldn't help but take a breath when he saw this scene.


Not just ordinary strong.

This wild bull zombie is probably really invincible in a society without supernatural powers.

Wuming took out his gun and shot at the wild bull zombie continuously, and sure enough, the bullets couldn't penetrate its cowhide.

"Is this considered a desperate situation?" Wuming took back his gun and asked Tang Wentian and Monica.

Tang Wentian gritted his teeth and said, "Master Wuming, your life is much more important than mine. If you really want to test it, let me do it."

"You come? With your bad luck, everything you eat is poison. Let me do it." Wuming said with a smile.

In fact, the three knew that the situation was not good when they found that they could not get rid of the wild bull zombie. After trying a round of attacks, they realized that they had few choices now.

Although Wuming and Monica had the opportunity to jump out of the car and gamble that the wild bull zombie's attention was on the car, it meant that it would be difficult for Tang Wentian to escape.

Obviously, neither of them had given up Tang Wentian's idea.

Wuming took out the white sphere, opened his mouth and swallowed it, and said, "The taste... It's hard to describe. It feels like eating a kind of chocolate full of strange taste, a mixture of mushroom and seafood?"

After saying that, his face changed slightly the next moment, and he felt that there were countless needles in his body piercing every organ.

He took a deep breath and said, "The drug is a bit strong."

"How about you bite my hand?" Tang Wentian couldn't help but said when he saw Wuming's face was ugly and veins on his forehead bulged.

Wuming said contemptuously, "Go away, put away your pig's trotter."

"Hehe, it's actually quite fragrant." Tang Wentian took back his hand and smiled awkwardly.

Wuming didn't care about him anymore, closed his eyes and kept his mind focused. He didn't know if his bet was right or not. Anyway, he had eaten the white sphere, and he could accept any result.

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