I Contracted Myself

【1042】Pao Ding butchers an ox

"Master Wuming, are you ready?"

"Master Wuming, the gas is running out."

"How about we all jump out of the car together and see if we can take a gamble?"

Wuming closed his eyes, and Tang Wentian's voice came from time to time, but this voice came at the right time, because at this moment Wuming was a little confused.

He had no shortage of willpower.

The problem was that the white sphere did not act on the spirit or soul, but on the brain.

Tang Wentian's voice was like an anchor point, which made him wake up from his confusion again and again.

About a minute later, or maybe ten minutes, Wuming shuddered suddenly, feeling like going to the toilet on a winter night, and a cold wind blew on his back while he was peeing, and he couldn't help shaking suddenly,

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‎‏‎This shake made Wuming wake up immediately. He glanced at the rearview mirror and said, "It was a bit dangerous, and I almost died."

After that, he pushed open the car door and got out of the car in a strange posture.

Under normal circumstances, if you do this, you will definitely fall down so badly that even your parents can't recognize you, but Wuming landed steadily, as if he had taken root under his feet, and he leaned back slightly to stabilize his body.

The wild bull zombie still rushed over, Wuming smiled and drew his knife, muttering to himself: "Brother Niu, let me show you the peak skills of human slaughtering cattle, the butcher's style!"

After speaking, the two sides instantly staggered, and the wild bull zombie ran forward a few steps due to inertia, and finally split its body in two.

Wuming swung the knife to shake off the sticky blood, and said to himself: "This ability is quite useful, it should be enough to pass this world."

After taking the white sphere, his physical fitness finally exceeded the level of normal people, and he also gained an ability, that is, suction.

He can create a rotating force in various parts of his body, just like a suction cup to suck things.

Of course, this power can also be used to transmit power. Although Wuming has just obtained this power, he has already integrated the skills of Tai Chi into it. He can easily defeat enemies who are dozens of times stronger than himself.

The car stopped.

Tang Wentian and Monica got out of the car. They trotted over, bypassed the barbarian bull zombies and walked to Wuming's side. Tang Wentian asked hurriedly: "Master Wuming, are you okay?"

"Very good."

Wuming's fingers loosened the scabbard, but the knife was tightly attached to his palm. After hearing Tang Wentian's question, he nodded casually.

It is very important to improve physical fitness in all aspects. After all, he was a son with kidney deficiency before, and his endurance was really not good. He was out of breath after fighting for a while, and he wanted to lie down and die.

Now his physical fitness can finally support him to use some relatively high-intensity techniques.

For example, the butcher's style just now requires strength and eyesight. Without any of them, Wuming will be knocked out.

"It seems that the white balls can really strengthen the human body. We should collect more of them. After all, we don't know what we will encounter on the road next." Monica said this when she saw that Wuming was in good condition.

Wuming glanced at Monica and said, "My advice is not to eat it. It's too dangerous. Even I almost died."

"Is it that dangerous?" Tang Wentian was surprised.

Wuming nodded and said, "It's definitely more dangerous than you think. It's more like a medicine that targets the body. It has no effect on mental strength, soul, etc. Ask yourself, what is your current physical fitness?"


Tang Wentian and Monica were speechless because their bodies were just average.

At this time, the body of the barbarian bull zombie began to shrivel and gradually formed a blood-colored ball. Wuming simply stepped forward to pick up the ball and said, "I'll keep it for now. If we encounter desperate situations again... let's talk about it later."

Tang Wentian and Monica did not object. They knew very well that Wuming would not lie to them. Since Wuming was extremely afraid, they would naturally not commit suicide.

"Let's go and find a car. This time it must not be red." Wuming clapped his hands and said to the two.

Next, the three of them moved forward along the road and encountered some zombies along the way. Before Wuming could make a move, Monica shot and killed these zombies from a distance.

"Master Wuming, what are these small balls actually?" Tang Wentian asked as he walked.

Wuming guessed, "It may be a virus aggregate or a bacterial ball. After the host dies, they will eat up the host with bacterial toxins and shrink into a sphere to wait for the next host to appear."

"Then you are equivalent to being parasitized." Tang Wentian said in shock.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, it should be considered a temporary symbiotic relationship. It is not clear whether there are any sequelae. Of course... Even if there are sequelae, it doesn't matter as long as it doesn't break out during the mission."

Once he leaves this level, what can this little virus do to him!

More than ten minutes later, the three found another car, this time it was a black car.

"This car is low-key, luxurious and tasteful. It shouldn't attract any zombies." Tang Wentian sat in the driver's seat, observed the decoration inside the car, and said to the two.

Wuming smiled and said, "I hope so, but I always feel that your mouth is like a blessing. Good things don't work, but bad things work."

"Master Wuming, this is not a good thing to say." Tang Wentian's face fell and said aggrievedly.

Wuming smiled and said, "Okay, drive."

"‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‏‎‏Okay, guests sit tight." Tang Wentian said with a smile.

This time, there was no danger at all. When they encountered zombies, they either avoided them or hit them. Wuming and Tang Wentian exchanged seats. Wuming drove for several hours until the evening. The three of them had loud rumbling stomachs.

Wuming slowly parked the car in front of a supermarket and said, "Let's spend the night here and find something to eat."

"Master Wuming, this place is too dangerous." Tang Wentian frowned as he looked at the broken and bloodstained door of the supermarket.

Wuming smiled and said, "Then give it a try."

After that, he honked the horn fiercely, and the sound of the car horn resounded all around.

About five minutes later, several zombies rushed out of the supermarket like beasts that had not eaten for days and nights, and were shot and killed one by one by Monica.

After waiting for a while, Wuming got out of the car and said, "Let's go in and take a look."

The three of them entered the supermarket. Wuming first took a can of Red Bull and opened it. He drank the whole can in one breath. He felt that every cell in his body was moisturized.


This is too exaggerated.

But Wuming did have a feeling of increasing strength.

He took out another can and opened it and drank it. Sure enough, that feeling appeared again.

"Master Wuming, your body!" Monica exclaimed at this time.

Wuming looked at his hands and saw dense white mesh patterns on the back of his hands. The virus developed very quickly in his body.

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