I Contracted Myself

【1043】Parting ways

Although they were not sure whether this situation was good or bad, the unknown three people still planned for the worst outcome. Everyone hurriedly gathered some food, then left the supermarket and moved on.

At present, the easiest way is to clear the level as soon as possible. No matter whether the virus in Wuming's body is good or bad, as long as the level is cleared, it doesn't matter.

Night falls.

Wuming found that not only did his strength improve, but he also became more and more energetic.

Not only was he not sleepy when he was in charge of driving, but he had the urge to look up to the sky and scream, while Tang Wentian and Monica both fell asleep.

"At night, these viruses seem to be more active, and I am also affected."

Wuming held the steering wheel, paying attention to the situation around the road and feeling the changes in his body.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏So far, he has not felt any discomfort. Instead, there is a feeling of fullness throughout his body, just like when the muscles are congested after doing push-ups continuously. That feeling.

However, through the changes in his body, he can be sure of one thing. Night is very dangerous, and zombies are likely to have the same enhancement.

He became stronger, and so did the zombies.


Suddenly, a strange cry came from the distant woods.

Wuming glanced at it, and saw a flash of lightning flashing through the woods, countless trees burning, and at the same time, roaring sounds were transmitted along with vibrations.

There are two zombies fighting.

"At night, zombies are no longer allies, but become competitors?" Wuming thought to himself.

The one just now should be a zombie wolf, and the opponent is a humanoid zombie. I am not sure if it is a human. After all, zombies such as orangutans and monkeys can also be humanoid.

But it has nothing to do with them.

In the blink of an eye, the car was far away from the battlefield, and only the purple flash that appeared in the distance from time to time could be seen through the rearview mirror.


A zombie suddenly rushed out of an abandoned van nearby, and was then hit by a nameless car and flew out.

Wuming withdrew his gaze and continued to concentrate on driving.

Under the pale moonlight, the dark car drove at high speed and drifted away.

A few hours later, Tang Wentian suddenly sat upright with a start, and then realized that he was in the car.

He glanced at his watch and said, "Master Wuming, I'm sorry, I fell asleep."

"It's okay, I just can't sleep." Wuming smiled.

Tang Wentian looked at Wuming at this time and said in surprise: "Master Wuming, your face!"

"Well, the virus is still spreading, but there is no harm for the time being. On the contrary, I feel more energetic." Wuming said with a smile.

Tang Wentian said nervously: "But who knows whether the virus will suddenly come back. How about you take a rest and I'll drive."

"It's okay. It's your turn when I get sleepy. It's only around three o'clock now, so you can sleep a little longer." Wuming refused.

He didn't really feel sleepy. Instead, he was very energetic and felt like he had endless strength all over his body.

Tang Wentian hesitated and said, "Then if you feel uncomfortable, remember to tell me."

Wuming smiled and nodded in agreement: "Okay!"

After half an hour‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏.

Wuming suddenly tilted his head and the car immediately lost control. Fortunately, Tang Wentian didn't really fall asleep, he was just closing his eyes to rest.

He immediately opened his eyes, stepped on the brakes, and jerked the steering wheel at the same time to prevent the car from hitting the big tree on the side of the road. Then he looked at Wuming and called: "Master Wuming? Master Wuming... Sir?"

"What's wrong with Mr. Wuming?" Monica woke up immediately and asked.

Tang Wentian said worriedly: "I don't know, but we must leave here as soon as possible and clear the customs as soon as possible. No matter what happens, as long as we clear the customs, everything will be fine."

After saying that, he got out of the car and switched seats with Wuming, and drove on.

Wuming's coma was too sudden. Neither Wuming himself nor the audience watching the live broadcast expected this situation.

It can be said that now is the most dangerous time. As long as Tang Wentian and Monica have a little bad intentions, Wuming will definitely die.

This is the level of the Shenzang Trial. No one can be held accountable if they die. After all, everyone is essentially in a competitive relationship.

The dark night finally passed. Tang Wentian slowly stopped the car and said, "We're out of gas. Let's change cars."

After saying that, he got out of the car and walked around to the passenger seat, opened the door, picked up Wuming on his back, and walked forward.

"Tang Wentian, what do you think is the chance of Mr. Wuming becoming a zombie?" Monica walked aside with a bow and arrow, glanced at the unconscious Wuming, and said lightly.

Tang Wentian shook his head and said, "I don't know, but as long as Mr. Wuming still has a glimmer of hope, I will definitely not give up. What about you?"


Monica hesitated and did not answer directly.

Wuming was too strong, so it was very dangerous. Once he turned into a zombie, he might be more terrifying than the old man's zombie. She and Tang Wentian would definitely die when the time came. After all, there was no other Wuming standing in front of them at that time.

She wants to live.

Tang Wentian smiled at this time and said: "It doesn't matter. Even if we act separately, I will take Master Wuming to survive. You don't need to be burdened."

Wu Ming has saved his life, and he will not give up Wu Ming even if he risks his life. Monica is different from him in that he does not intend to kidnap her morally.

"Until Master Wuming shows no signs of mutation, I will act with you." Monica was silent for a moment and then said.

She wanted to live, so she didn't want to die meaninglessly, but if Wuming could be saved, she didn't mind helping.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‎‏The two walked along the road for about an hour and a half, and finally found a relatively good car, and then drove on.


Monica looked at Wuming in the passenger seat, frowned, and said: "Mr. Wuming's fingernails..."

"Don't worry, it's just getting longer, it's okay." Tang Wentian's forehead was slightly sweaty, and he gritted his teeth and smiled reluctantly.

The fingernails of the zombies in this world are a bit like zombies, especially long and sharp, and can easily cut through people's skin.

Hans underestimated the fingernails of zombies at the beginning, so he was hit.

Monica looked at Wuming's fingernails, and she was very afraid. She pursed her lips and gritted her teeth and said: "Stop the car, let's go separately."

"Well, this is also good." Tang Wentian slightly tightened the steering wheel and nodded in agreement.

The car slowly stopped, and Monica got out. Tang Wentian took a last look at Monica, then drove on. Monica stood there and watched the car gradually go away, and finally started to move.

"This woman is really heartless. Lord Wuming obviously saved her, and now Lord Wuming is in trouble, and she gave up just like that."

"This is already very good. Some scumbags are even more ruthless. I'm so glad she didn't finish him off."

"Lord Wuming won't die at this level."

"The probability of dying is actually quite high. Now it depends on whether Old Tang is reliable."

"Old Tang is a real man, he must hold on."

Many viewers felt different when they saw Monica get out of the car, and sent barrages to communicate with other viewers.

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