I Contracted Myself

【1048】King of Beasts

Golden Square.

Wuming appeared silently.

The black runway was the last level, and the finish line was not far from the black runway.

Wuming was not the first, but not the last either. Many trialists stopped in front of the yellow runway and hesitated, so there was actually a lot of spare time, enough for him to run the black runway again.

"Why don't you believe me?"

Wuming sighed deeply, and then sorted out his emotions and prepared to face the next level.

After a while, after all the trialists arrived, a ding-dong sound rang out, and a group of puppets appeared from a small door, beating gongs and drums and slowly passing through the trialists.

A puppet sitting on a float began to distribute candy, and a large amount of candy was waved out of its hands, so everyone began to grab the candy.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎Wuming picked up the candy that rolled down to his feet, opened the sugar coating and put the candy into his mouth, and the sweetness immediately spread in his mouth.

He is very good at regulating his emotions. Now that things have come to this, he can't give up, let alone be depressed.

After all, he is the one who wants to become the 'master'.


"Level 6, the law of the jungle, kill the opponent, get everything from the opponent, before the king of beasts kills you, please become the king of beasts!"

Wuming opened his eyes and he had come to the sixth level.

The dark universe was all around him. He was standing on a meteorite. After reading the rules, he said to himself: "The key to this level is to find all the trialists as soon as possible and kill them!"

Delay will only make other trialists stronger faster. If a trialist kills another trialist to complete his own ability and thus has enough power to threaten him, then it will be a big deal.

This level obviously has only one winner, and the rest will become the experience value of that winner!

The universe is very large, and it seems to have detection capabilities such as shielding mental scanning and divine mind scanning. All trialists must search for each other and kill each other in the vast universe.

As the rules of this level say, only by killing as many other trialists as possible and making yourself stronger can you avoid being hunted by the strongest trialist.

Before the lion kills you, the only way is to turn yourself into a lion.

Hundreds of light years away, Susan opened her eyes.

After understanding the rules, she immediately disguised herself as a stone, and then released a large number of nanorobots to let these robots find prey.

If you encounter a too strong existence, then avoid it, and if you encounter a suitable prey, then take action.

In the vast universe, there is enough space for everyone to hide. This is destined to be a long hunt. She has enough patience and ability and believes that she has a chance to survive to the end.

Suddenly, a door appeared not far from her. Her pupils shrank slightly, and she immediately used the breath-holding technique to make herself more like a rock.

But the next moment, a person walked out of the door.

"Two choices, one is to surrender, and the other is to die!" Wuming looked at Susan and said bluntly.

Susan was shocked. The other party found her! ! !



‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‏‎‎‏‏Maybe he was trying to trick her!!!

Can't move, can't show any flaws, maybe the nanorobots were discovered.

Susan kept herself in a state of holding her breath, and then she heard Wuming say: "It seems that you have made a choice, what a pity."



The light of the golden sun instantly covered the entire meteorite, and Susan was instantly reduced to ashes.

Wuming felt that Susan's strength was pretty good. Level 200 was considered a master in the heavens and the worlds, but it was a pity that she met him.



"Run away, run away quickly, or you will die!"

Monet was chasing a trialist with a crazy look on his face. The other party met him and was instantly cut off an arm by him. Now he was running away in fear.

He was particularly depressed in the previous level, so he had to let go of himself in this level and let all his depressed mood release.

"In this level, the so-called king of beasts must be me, and you are all my prey!" Monet caught up with the trialist in an instant, and his blood turned into a knife to cut the other's waist.

Although the trialist ran away, he did not collapse mentally. Realizing that he could not escape, he simply gritted his teeth and growled: "Trash, do you think you can kill me!"

As he spoke, his face turned red, and finally his abdomen began to swell rapidly and exploded.

Monet flew out of the fire, his body rotated and deformed. After feeling the increase in strength, he immediately laughed heartily, not caring about the fact that he was injured by the explosion.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw a door appear.

This is a door made up of countless black lines, like a door drawn by a child with a sloppy brush. These lines are constantly changing, making this door look very unreal.

"Pretending to be a god..." Monet sneered and immediately rushed to the door.

When Wuming walked out of the door, he saw Monet's hands slashing like knives. The Seven Dreams of Floating Life opened up, and Monet suddenly turned and cut the distant planet in half with one knife.

"It's true... good people don't live long, and evil will last for thousands of years." Wuming sighed and stepped forward to twist off Monet's head.

After killing Monet, Wumian returned to the door and continued to look for the next prey.

His killing efficiency is very high. He can kill a trialist almost every few seconds or minutes. No ability or props can stop his killing.

There was even a trialist who got a sure-kill prop, but couldn't hit Wuming at all. Instead, Wuming took the prop away and killed him instantly.

If everyone knew that Wuming was strong before, but didn't have a good concept of how strong he was, now all viewers can feel Wuming's fear through the live broadcast.

There is no escape from heaven or earth.

Once locked, death is certain. There is no room for resistance at all.

"It's so scary. Killing people is as easy as taking something out of a bag. I remember Kuros is also a strong man in the realm of the Great God. Why can Wuming kill him in one encounter?"

"Actually, after seeing the rules of this level, I guessed it would be like this. Lord Wuming is in this level, how can others survive?"

"Fortunately, I was not selected by Lord Wuming for the Shenzang Trial together with Lord Wuming, otherwise it would feel... too desperate."

"I think Lord Wuming is actually feeling bad now. Lao Tang is a real man. He actually has props but doesn't use them. In the end, he decided to pass the level by himself. It's really a pity."

"So the trialists in this level are miserable, really miserable."

This level can be said to be the most desperate level for other trialists. As the audience saw, Wuming was like a robot, ruthlessly harvesting the lives of all the contestants.

At first, he would politely give choices, but later he simply stopped asking, so as not to give them time to prepare.

In just one week, all the trialists hiding in various parts of the universe were declared dead. At this moment, Wuming also collected the experience points of all the dead and raised his level to level 279.

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