I Contracted Myself

【1049】Unlimited beads

Level 279 is a unique level in the eyes of practitioners.

This level is called the ‘Wall of Transcendence’, ‘Eternal Chasm’ and ‘Abyss of Despair’ by many people.

Because it has been too long since a practitioner broke through this level, countless practitioners have reached level 279, and although their strength is still improving, their level has never changed since then.

One thousand years, ten thousand years, one era of universe destruction, countless eras of universe destruction.

From great ambition to despair, even numbness and madness, countless practitioners have proved time and again that level 279 is the wall of transcendence, and there is no way forward after reaching it.

At this time, after reaching this realm, Wuming can feel his own surging power, and at the same time, the power of countless conceptual levels forms a huge vortex in his body. Each power has its own unique color. There is no need to think or feel. You will naturally know what each color represents.

"Extreme black..."

Wuming suddenly understood the path taken by the King of Darkness.

He has all colors, while the Dark King has only black. He has all the strengths and no weaknesses. The Dark King can break all laws with one force and is domineering.

There is really no impurity at all.

Wuming smiled faintly and returned to the Golden Square.

The moment Wuming appeared, the surrounding trialists were all struck by lightning and froze in place. Then after a few seconds, everyone reacted and moved away from Wuming one by one.

Wuming had just broken through, and his breath was not completely stable. A slight leak of the power of level 279 was enough to make the trialists present fearful and even make people feel endless despair.

This is the suppression of the life level, just like the tiger and the rabbit, the dragon and the ordinary snake, there is a big difference.

The Golden Square suddenly became extremely quiet, and the atmosphere was very depressing. Everyone was thinking about how to survive the next level, and what to do if they met Wuming.

At this time, bills fell from the sky, and rows of safes appeared under the statue.

Wuming reached out and grabbed a bill with a line of numbers on it. He glanced at the numbers, then looked at the safe with a password, and immediately understood how to play.

Obviously, the numbers on the bill are the password of a safe. After getting the bill, you must find the corresponding safe within a limited time.

If you don't find the corresponding safe, then when the time is up, the trialist will not get the reward.

Many trialists also reacted, and they cursed in their hearts, but they still decisively began to look for the safe corresponding to the bill in their hands.

Wuming walked to a safe and entered the numbers of his bill into it. With a click, the safe opened automatically.


All the trialists around were speechless. Is this cheating? Is it really that simple?

Everyone then entered the numbers, but the safe was not moved at all. Obviously, their passwords did not match the safe.

Wuming took out the things in the safe at this time. He looked at the beads and showed a puzzled look.

"Infinite beads?"

"Every time you accumulate enough energy, you can grant a certain ability unlimited potential?"

"‏‎‏‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‏‎‎‎ even break its original limits?"

Wuming was speechless. Most of his abilities had unlimited potential, and he didn't need this kind of prop at all.

Besides, if he really wanted to upgrade his abilities, he only needed to complete the tasks of the various systems he installed and get miracle energy. The upgrade was much better than the infinite beads.

What's the use of this thing for him?

It's tasteless to eat and a pity to throw it away. It's useless!

Wuming thought about it and put the beads away. He had a feeling that this bead might have other uses.

If you become rich, don't forget each other?


"The seventh level, good things don't work, bad things don't work. Please keep your mind and eliminate all negative thoughts. After one year, the survivors will pass the level directly."

Wuming opened his eyes and frowned slightly after the light screen appeared. Although this level did not say what would happen if negative thoughts were generated, the previous 'good things don't work, bad things don't work' actually explained everything.

Once there are negative thoughts in the mind, then the negative thoughts will turn into reality.

For example, if someone is worried about the meteorite falling and the destruction of the world, then there will definitely be a meteorite falling and the world will definitely be destroyed.

The question is how many people are there in this level?

Wuming is now on a high mountain, surrounded by the desolate Gobi Desert. He can see the situation within a radius of hundreds of miles at a glance. There is no one else here except him.


Suddenly, Monet swooped down from the sky, and his hands turned into sharp blood blades and attacked.

"I didn't expect it, I'm still alive!" Monet shouted wildly.

Wuming instantly avoided the attack of the blood blade, floated sideways to Monet's side, slapped Monet's head with a slap, and kept his mind tight, no longer thinking about it.

He was just worried that other trialists might drag him down, and a Monet appeared in the next second...

There can be no negative thoughts or even emotions in this level.

Otherwise, these negative thoughts and emotions will immediately turn into a crisis.

Wuming simply sat cross-legged on the ground, and his mind entered a state of no thoughts.

Now it depends on whether the other trial-takers can keep their minds focused. It is useless if only he keeps his mind focused. Only when everyone keeps their minds focused can they pass this level safely.

At this time, on the other side of the planet, on a desolate island, a man was trying his best to calm his heart.

He trembled after seeing the rules, always feeling that someone wanted to harm him. He knew very well that this was definitely an illusion. The problem was that the moment the thought came up, the feeling of danger became more and more real, making him shudder.

"Steady, don't be afraid, everything is fake, as long as I don't panic, there will be absolutely no problem!" The man gritted his teeth and kept thinking in his heart.

Suddenly, his eyes widened, and he saw Wuming exuding a terrifying breath and coming on the sea.

"This is not real, you are not the real Wuming!!!" The man broke his defense and shouted hysterically.

In fact, he was indeed afraid of Wuming. The moment Wuming appeared in the Golden Square, the breath like the abyss made him think he was going to die.

And this fear was activated as soon as it came to this level.

"Don't come over!!!"

The man watched Wuming getting closer and closer, and finally let out a desperate wail.

After a moment, the man was easily killed by Wuming, and then Wuming continued to walk in the next direction.

Obviously, the monsters and disasters created by everyone in this level not only affect themselves, but also affect every trial-taker. Even if the creator is dead, these negative monsters will not disappear.

In the north of the island, on an ice island, a woman simply entered a dormant state. As long as she fell asleep, she would naturally not have negative thoughts.

But just as she entered a deep sleep, suddenly a terrible murderous intent came from a distance. She shuddered and her eyes opened immediately.

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