I Contracted Myself

【1054】The Last Fear

Under Wuming's careful arrangement, in the next ten months, Taoist Mosquito was always in a state of panic, and he would have bad thoughts in his mind almost every few minutes.

However, Taoist Mosquito himself became numb first. After all, these bad thoughts did not come true on himself. He did not realize that those thoughts were bad thoughts and was completely immersed in fear.

All the false Wuming produced by Taoist Mosquito's negative thoughts were captured by Wuming one by one. As Wuming stacked more and more shells of all things, one or two false Wuming could no longer affect reality. As soon as they appeared, they would be controlled by Wuming.

But the lack of movement was even more terrifying, so that Taoist Mosquito was always at the critical point of being mentally tense but not breaking the string.

In just ten months, Taoist Mosquito had become emaciated, emaciated, and skinny. The pressure on the spiritual level not only made his soul stressed, but also reflected on his body.

Many viewers doubted whether Taoist Mosquito could survive the last month.

At this time, Taoist Mosquito was hiding in an underground relic, which should be an ancient tomb. He hid in one of the tombs, and his body would shake violently from time to time.

It was not that he wanted to shake, but Wuming's divine consciousness would always sweep over from time to time.

Fortunately, he had practiced a breath-holding technique. Relying on this breath-holding technique, Wuming never discovered his existence. Maybe in Wuming's scan, he was just a corpse in the tomb.

"Come out, Taoist Mosquito, I found you." Wuming's voice suddenly sounded.

Taoist Mosquito knew very well that Wuming had not discovered him at all. Wuming had said this countless times. Although he was worried that Wuming would suddenly appear every time, there was no movement every time.

Obviously, this was just a threat, not to be feared.

He didn't know that in fact, every time he was afraid, a fake Wuming would be born. Wuming got what he wanted, so he would naturally not continue to force him.

Moreover, after the formation of the cycle, Wuming no longer paid attention to this matter. His attention had long been transferred to games and animations. The executor for these ten months was Xiaoxi.

"There is still one month left. By the way, if someone is worried that this month will be extended indefinitely, will it come true?" Wuming threw the comic on the ground and suddenly muttered to himself.

The audience outside was shocked when they heard Wuming talking to himself, but then they felt that this idea would not come true. After all, this level would be too difficult.

Although this level is difficult now, at least after the death of several trialists who could not control their inner hearts, this level is actually very safe.

Except for Wuming who was bold enough to use this level to swipe the Shell of All Laws, other trialists practiced, slept, and made themselves idiots, using various means to avoid negative thoughts.

Even Mosquito Taoist was actually quite law-abiding.

In addition to not realizing that his negative thoughts would give birth to a fake Wuming, he spent most of his time running the Breath Containment Technique with all his strength, so naturally he had no chance to think wildly.

In another month, this level will end, and most trialists should be able to survive.

Of course, all this is premised on the fact that Wuming and Taoist Mosquito don't cause any accidents.

For the next week, Wuming was obedient and brushed the fake Wuming. Every time a fake Wuming appeared, Xiaoxi only needed to think about it and two golden lights appeared at the same time. The fake Wuming turned into a Wuming shell in the blink of an eye and was covered on the outside of the old Wuming shell, layer by layer, and now there are countless layers.

The ability of each Wuming shell is exactly the same as Wuming, so when all Wuming shells use the same ability in unison, with concerted efforts, the same ability will become extremely terrifying.

In short, these Wuming shells can attack together!

A few days later, Wuming was eating melon seeds, drinking Coke, and watching the downloaded TV series. Suddenly, he felt something was wrong. He looked outside and found that Taoist Mosquito didn't create fake Wuming anymore.

"What's wrong?"

In Wuming's thought, the Wuming shell immediately entered the underground tomb.

In the underground tomb, Taoist Mosquito had already died leaning against the wall. Not only was he skinny, but his soul was also shattered and scattered.

"He's dead."

Wuming said with some regret.

He had already told Xiaoxi to take it easy, but the problem was that Xiaoxi couldn't openly scan Taoist Mosquito's physical condition, so even if he took it easy, it would be difficult to guarantee Taoist Mosquito's life safety.

Although he was dead, he was dead, and Wuming felt sorry only because there were still two weeks left.

But just when he felt sorry, he suddenly felt something was wrong. A terrifying breath appeared outside the planet, and he immediately looked up at the sky.

The next second, Wuming entered a door, and when he came out again, he was already in outer space.

In the dark universe, an unimaginably huge Wuming was smashing countless stars, black holes, and planets, approaching their planet.

"The last negative emotion of Taoist Mosquito before he died?"

Wuming saw this huge Wuming and immediately realized that this was probably the masterpiece of Taoist Mosquito.

Because even if a normal person has negative emotions, they are not so outrageous. Only when Taoist Mosquito is dying and he is still afraid of something in a trance, can such a huge and incredible existence appear.

This huge Wuming has even surpassed Wuming's own power. It is the embodiment of Taoist Mosquito's fear for so many months!

The giant Wuming wore a black cape and held a death sickle. After approaching the planet, he immediately swung the sickle violently, as if he wanted to cut the planet in half.

‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Wuming naturally did not allow this to happen.

With a thought, countless fantasy flowers bloomed, and the rotating fantasy flowers collided with the sickle, and suddenly the strong space fluctuations distorted the surrounding time and space.

On this side of the planet, countless fantasy flowers absorbed the fluctuations caused by the space distortion, but the other directions were instantly vibrated, and countless meteorites and planets were distorted into strange shapes.

After missing the first shot, the giant Wuming looked at the nameless shell, and his eyes instantly shot out two lasers.

Although these two lasers were not big for the giant Wuming, they were already exaggeratedly large for the nameless shell. Even the light cannon was not as thick as these two lasers.

Wuming stretched out his hand, and the dense black lines immediately formed a circular door. The laser fell into the door, and in the blink of an eye it was shot out from another direction, directly hitting the giant Wuming who was attacking.

However, the giant Wuming obviously had a strong defense. He was not injured by the laser attack, but just interrupted the laser attack.

At the moment when its attack was interrupted, two golden lights followed it like a shadow, one in front and one behind it. It was too big to avoid such an attack.

The two golden lights sank into its body, and the giant Wuming swung the sickle again to cut Wuming.

"Different words?"

"What did Taoist Mosquito think of in the end?"

Wuming saw that Wuming did not control the giant Wuming, and he couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Since the giant Wuming still appeared in his image, it must be related to him, but this word is a bit difficult to guess, and the good news is...

He has countless opportunities to try!

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