I Contracted Myself

【1055】All things return to one

Since reaching level 279, Wuming can use Wuming eight times from four times. Each Wuming Shell with the same ability can also use Wuming eight times.

At this time, the number of Wuming's Wuming Shells has exceeded three million.

Assuming that there are three million Wuming Shells, it is equivalent to using Wuming 24 million times.

Although in this process, the giant Wuming will increase in strength because Wuming guesses the origin text wrong again and again, as long as Wuming guesses it right once, the battle will end directly.

However, as the fighting time lengthens, the variables will continue to increase.

No one knows what the giant Wuming is capable of, and what will happen if the attack fails for a long time, so Wuming himself still holds the idea of ​​​​shooting as soon as possible.

Seven Dreams of Floating Life!!!

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‎ Countless layers of illusions opened up, but it was useless to the giant Wuming, because the giant Wuming had no self at all, and he didn't seem to see the world with his eyes.

One knife!

The space was split in half, and the sharp sickle easily turned the layers of dreams into powder.

In the dark universe, countless golden lights cut through the space like rain, quickly bombarding the huge Wuming, and each golden light carried a word.

But as the words were guessed wrong again and again, the breath of the huge Wuming became more terrifying.

He held the sickle and suddenly stepped back. The sickle gently swung forward, and the space shattered like glass. Countless shattered spaces formed a wave that swept towards Wuming and the planet behind Wuming.

Facing the big waves composed of space debris, Wuming could dodge but could not dodge. Once he dodged, the planet behind him would be swept into the wave of space debris and would be shattered in an instant. It is estimated that few of the trialists inside could survive.

Space debris is very dangerous, but for Wuming's level, it is just a chance of glass shards. What is really scary is the power of the huge Wuming hidden in the space debris.

This is like a strong wind blowing glass shards. Glass shards are terrible, but the wind blowing glass shards is even more terrible.

Wuming opened his hands, and countless black lines gushed out from his palms. These black lines looked like thin black air alone, but when gathered together, they looked like thousands of dragons galloping.

"Dark Devouring Gate!"

Wuming shouted, and the dense black gates opened.

This is one of the abilities of the Dark Gate Dragon, opening a door to the Land of Destruction and transmitting all attacks to the Land of Destruction. In an instant, the wave formed by space debris collided with countless black gates, and then a large number of space debris were swallowed by the black gates, and many of the lines that made up the black gates began to collapse.

The huge Wuming's power was extremely powerful, and the power of breaking all laws was used to the fullest.

This sickle contains enough power to destroy the world countless times, but this power is all concentrated together. Except for the space affected during the movement, it almost did not cause any damage to the outside world.

Most of the outside audience may not have seen how terrible this sickle is. Only those strong people above level 250 can feel the creepy knife.

They all thought at the same time: "The nameless door can't be blocked!"

In fact, it's not just the Dark Devouring Gate that can't be blocked. At this time, Xiaoxi has begun to overload. It needs too much power to coordinate. Too many nameless shells are activated at the same time. Each one requires precise calculation, which is a huge burden for it.

Wuming also knows that he can't let Xiaoxi replace him, so he closes his eyes and coordinates all the nameless shells in an instant.

In an instant, the black door tens of thousands of kilometers ahead collapsed, and a knife light instantly broke through countless spaces and slashed, followed by countless flowers blooming. From the side of the planet, the outer space of the planet was covered by a sea of ​​flowers in the blink of an eye. The colorful flowers slowly rotated, and each flower showed terrible defense.

"One flower, one world. Each flower contains a huge space, enough to wear out this knife!"

"Wuming has also started to get serious."

"Thinking back then, we thought Wuming was just a casual person, no matter how strong he was, he could hardly affect the overall situation. Who knew that in the blink of an eye, so many years have passed, we have not made much progress, but Wuming has already..."

"Sister, what do you think?"

"Use your eyes to see."

The great god Panxi and the four Tianzun watched the live broadcast, feeling a lot of emotion in their hearts.

Yeqin, who was sitting quietly on the side, looked calm, but her heart was not calm. Although she and Wuming had a little friendship, they were destined to be people from two different worlds.

Sometimes, the more you think and the more you care, the more you suffer.

It's a pity that the past is gone.

Everything has passed. Whether it's regret or nostalgia, Wuming is destined to be an existence they need to look up to.

At this time, in the picture, countless golden light feathers were spread behind Wuming. These light feathers continued to emit, and after leaving the light feathers, they turned into golden barrages that covered the sky and attacked the huge Wuming from different angles.

Wuming, at this time, does not need Wuming's control, but Xiaoxi's control, it will continuously shoot different root characters to the huge Wuming.

Because this process is too fast and too much, from a visual perspective, it looks like a pair of light feathers have grown behind Wuming.

The following battle can only be described as dazzling and overwhelming. Practitioners with poor eyesight cannot see the battle scene at all, but can only see countless golden lights, countless flowers and surging, surging darkness constantly colliding.

Time seems to have frozen, and their speed cannot be calculated using the smallest time unit on earth.

Hand of Titan!

Tangled in gold!

Universal Door!

The flower of fantasy!

Seven Dreams of Floating Life - Reality!

Biological force field - fully open!

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏The sword of telekinesis!

Mist Dragon's Biting Fist!

Wuming seemed to have countless arms, each arm exerting different powers. The halo emitted by the attack condensed into a corona around him.

On the other side, the huge Wuming is extremely pure. He just uses absolute power to sweep all kinds of powers that Wuming exerts. Often, all methods are destroyed with one scythe.

It can be said that this huge nameless route does look very much like the Lord of Darkness!

Wuming enjoyed it, and countless inspirations burst out in his mind. As expected, only an evenly matched opponent can inspire a person's fighting spirit to the greatest extent, so that he can break through in the battle and transform from the battle.

His countless arm phantoms overlapped and he smiled: "Then can you block this move?"

Black thread, golden thread, white thread, green thread...

Countless lines formed a fist. With a fierce wave of Wuming's arm, the fist immediately swept towards the huge Wuming. The reaction of the huge Wuming was simple. It waved the sickle in its hand vigorously.


The fist and the sickle collided together, and the universe finally couldn't bear the slight aftermath of the battle between the two.

In an instant, the universe was split into two, the whole thing cracked.

Wuming and Huge Wuming fell into the void at the same time, and then collided violently in the void. The ripples of power spread out, like a drop of water falling into ink.

Suddenly, everything disappeared, leaving only nameless fists and sickles fighting wildly. The ripples continued to spread and began to affect everything.

Wuming finally let go of all scruples and could strike freely.

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